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mayank last won the day on February 17 2019

mayank had the most liked content!


About mayank

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  • Birthday 09/04/1984

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    New Delhi, India
  • Interests
    working on my website, making friends, cricket.

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  1. WordPress all the way! 2 reasons, well I would say 3 1. It's simpler to use. 2. It's been getting the best CMS award since last 2 yrs. [it's just not a blogging engine] 3. I've personally used it for more than 4 yrs. now... so I know what I mean There is hardly anything that you can't accomplish in WordPress and the amount of plugins & themes that are available for WordPress can put any other CMS to shame.
  2. My experience has been very different from what most of the people have to say. I actually managed to get my site indexed in 24hrs only I launched a new site, wrote a viral article, submitted it to digg and other places and the site was indexed with in 24 hrs I shared my experience as a blog post, altough that site (tipsosaurus) has been merged in reviewsaurus, it still isn't that difficult to get your site indexed by google in 24 hrs.
  3. Well Akismet & math plugin are fantastic way to reduce the commment spam, however, i personally prefer to use Akismet & Bad behavior plugin. These two plugins keep most of the comment spam out and I only get to check like 5 - 10 comments in moderation, which isn't as bad considering that Akismet shows these stats - &
  4. I'm a WordPress fan! Reason - It's the best!! It can be extended to a level that'll fulfill your requirement. WordPress has extensions where, it'll hhave that download counter script, use bbPress or buddypress for features like forum or other facebook like social networking features. WordPress+BuddyPress can be used to literally make a Facebook clone.... so will you still have doubts over it power? The concern raised by Iniyila that you may be running out of bandwidth and all is true, however you can relax till the time your site gets popular....
  5. well, I don't think it'll be wise for me to leak any more information. he he...I'd want to feel special everyday till the time you all get to access the features. but i can assure you that it'll be something that you all would like. Moreover, I would suggest that it'll be nice if you could point out certain features that you all are looking for and i'm sure good ones will surely see daylight.
  6. Yea, web servers, wordpress are some of the topics that can keep me hooked up for days! and if at all you happen to be in India then one should give a visit to him. well, the kind of features that I saw will surely take time.. but all the moderators, members will go nuts after experiencing the speed and new features. yeah... the office is awesome! the projector and nice 5.1 speaker system was an added bonus. regarding the fattie .. well we both try and teach each other sommething or the other
  7. first of all, hello to everyone. I'm Mayank and i've been a member of Xisto (now Xisto) since long however, its been looong time since I was active on the forums. Anyway, the urge to share my experience that i recently experienced made me look back to the community. I was fortunate enough to spend a week with OpaQue, the no.1 member of the forum .. not only i got to learn a lot about webservers and their optimization, i was able to share certain moments that will always help me in the life..i don't know what else to write here... may be OpaQue will kill me for leaking the information.... but guys...expect some awesome features in the forums pretty soon
  8. thanks guys, this will surely help a lot!actually the prize money isn't coming to me either. My designer's dad is not well and is in hospital and I've decided that the prize money will go to him in this bad time for him. Please any help is appreciated..
  9. :) Four shocks for making it for the consecutive 4th year! S_M! your contribution to Xisto has been amazing..after thousands of posts (i'm sure word count will easily cross 1 million) you still remain as one of my fav member of trap (will not name others, S-M has full right to be the show stealer). OpaQue is lucky to have one such member.You are just too good buddy...keep it up!
  10. Google Analytics seems to be good, However, lately I realized that it was not able provide the correct information at all! It happed that one day my personal website was down and I'd linked to one of my friends blog but still it showed on his analytics that he was getting traffic from my website.How could it be possible...when I'd closed the site on my own and was updating the site...how could he get the traffic from my website. Later on, I switched to http://www.haveamint.com/ which seems to be providing much more accurate information. With the help of plugins, we can get good information. However, it doesnt have that detailed information, which analytics is able to provide, but atleast it is providing the correct info.
  11. he he, Jim! you summed up all the post in one single line. I guess that really is saving the time and energy and I am really bad at that when I want to explain things, I just write too much or speak too much...maybe making the things boring. Anyway, it seems that most of the people agree to me on this part that these traffic generation programs of no use at all. So, do we discuss the good traffic generation techniques in next post or would you like to mention anything about these traffic generation programs???
  12. It's not working for all the countries yet! I can certainly say about India at least. I guess Google is coming out with free sign up only in those countries where they speculate that not many people will run towards the sign ups, so that they can easily take care of the load which they'll be getting after they open the registration!
  13. Well, do you really think that the traffic generation will work ? Free traffic generation program may generate traffic for you however, that traffic is of no use at all. Because people actually visit other sites just for the reason to earn points..so that other members of same program can visit their websites and like this the loop goes on and on...people visit each others site without reading anything and thus that visit is of no use at all! so, do you think that this kind of traffic is of any use to you and joining these traffic generation programs will help you ? I will discuss the tips which actually helps generates the traffic in the next post, but meanwhile you can think over this and don't forget to post your thoughts on this!
  14. He he, that's really funny. I'm sure that boy or girl must have been running after the girl or boy from long time
  15. Hello everyone, Can please someone get the screenshots of the process of installing certificate in Apple Safari. here's what you can do to help me : 1. Open http://www.onetel.co.uk/ on safari 2. You'll get the security certificate error and that's where you've to take the screenshots of installing the certificate in safari. (Note this website is completely safe, in case you get any phishing filter alerts, you can ignore them. Onetel is an Internet service provider in UK and I work for them.) Please take down the screenshots of each and every step. I'll be grateful to you.
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