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Everything posted by infamousflame

  1. I've never really used it, google does me since I never really look up pictures or videos. Google's the best for text searching if you ask me.
  2. I don't use Gamemaker myself, purely because I don't make games. I do know some people that use it though, and one person can make this really good game. Some people I know use Darkbasic instead.
  3. Thanks for the info. When you say uncompressed images, are you talking about BMPs? If not, what formats are uncompressed?
  4. I need staff to create and maintain my website and to moderate my forum. I also would like the community to grow through the forum.I am going to create a website based on a template or from scratch using HTML, PHP and JavaScript when applicable. I would like it very much if I could get some help with this.I will be hopefully offering free stuff, such as: Free SMF Forum Hosting, Free Imagehosting and Free Script Hosting. I would also like a page about me and my current projects. This may include SSIs to the current forum profile if someone can figure them out for me.I would love it if the community at IFF could grow and I would like primarily members and if there are new members joining, I would like some more moderation staff.If you would like more information or would like to help, please either post here or email me.Thanks in advance for any help! :PP.S. Ideas for free things I could provide or ways to achieve anything above etc. would be much appreciated.
  5. Hey Ashley, I hope you have a great time here. Are you intending to take advantage of the free webhosting offer available here?
  6. Is it just me that hears a sound when you mouse over the links? It reminds me of Railroad Tycoon 3 a bit. I find it a bit annoying, but that's maybe just me.Otherwise, good job!
  7. Cool. Glad that helped.
  8. Well, currently, we have to copy all the content over three dirs, this just is not necessary, so we should try and stop it.
  9. I'm not wasting time and haven't been speaking to Adam, well, I have but not before I started posting this and this was not his question. That defeats the whole point of my question the way you suggested though. The point is I am trying to reduce our workload, and connec came up with an idea that he can do it just through CSS and HTML, which i know are the same things, but you know what I mean.
  10. I would definitely recommend Game Maker to anyone wanting a drag and drop interface for easily making simple games. It prodcues excellent 2D games and has some very limited 3D capabilities (actually it's not the software, it's how the sprites work.)
  11. Oops, sorry people. I did search but I couldn't find it. And okay, no problem about not switching, and I agree with Trek, alphonse, have you seen the SMF 1.1 Beta 3 Public admin panel? It's much more organised and is simpler than the older versions.
  12. This is mainly a question to the admins, but if members post it might attract their attention and encourage them consider it.Do we have to use IPB? What would be wrong with using a different forum system? I would suggest SMF, and you could run it on a test basis and there is a converter for it, so all the posts and members etc. would be kept.I'd be happy to help with the conversion process, so if the admins want any help, please PM or email me.Thanks for considering this.
  13. Is it just me or should this thread be moved to Comments and Feedback Sub-Forum? Just pointing it out.
  14. I'm more into rock, but the alternative radio station on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has some not bad songs.
  15. GTA San Andreas is currently out on PS2, XBox and PC. I got this amazing game for Christmas 2004 and I fell in love with it! It's the best GTA game so far and it comes with a whole host of new features such as: Drivable trains. You can get girlfriends. You can cut your hair. You can get tattoos. You can buy and change your clothes. Valet side mission. Jumbo jet. New vehicles, including a new multi-seater plane and helicopter. Two-player free-roam mode, with the second player able to be either a girlfriend or one of a variety of characters. Rockstar Games (makers of San Andreas).
  16. Mass is makeable and destroyable I think, take childbirth and the death of a person. That would add and remove mass. Remember, mass is the amount of "stuff" inside someone and is technically measured in grams and weight in Newtons.Energy can never be created or destroyed, it can only have it's form changed.
  17. Lol, okay, can someone give me a definitive list of safe image extensions that can't be loaded with some destructive code or something, and a reasonable size limit, bearing mind I'd be giving about 75MB to the whole service if neccessary?
  18. Thanks a lot for the info guys , my friend who also works on the site says he knows how to do it now. I think it's because he's been learning javascript through a WebMonkey course. Anyways, if he can't manage it, I'll come back and ask for some more help.
  19. This might be a bit late, since your already hosted and all, but hey! If you have any problems, just PM a staff member or me, or post in the appropriate forum. See ya, enjoy your stay!
  20. It's certainly large enough, with 70+ members. It's funny, you have loads of posts, but there never seems to be people posting, lol. Well, there are, but it just seems that there are not for some reason. Anyways, it seems a good community, not very much admin presence, in that the admin team don't go about posting and highlighting the fact that they are admins. Do you have any moderation staff? The forum seems to be quite "free". Mind you, that's probably why you have such a large and popular forum. I'm not trying to be rude, it's just I find it a little intimidating, whereas Xisto is very clean and it feels comforting.Hope this constructive criticism helps!
  21. I use CSS, purely because I have never tried any others. I like CSS that is a seperate document because you can link many pages to it without having to put the same CSS in the header of every page. It can also be used in conjunction with PHP, which I tend to use on my sites.
  22. I work on a website, and on this there are three different colour schemes. These are currently selected by clicking on the desired colour in a flash shockwave object on a page.This requires that there are three large directories on the server, blue, pink and orange. Each one contains a coloured copy of the website. The things in each directory are: HTML pages, a css giving it it's colour and flash buttons that were coloured the three different colours when they were made.As you can imagine, this is a nightmare to update, as it requires that each page is copied to three different directories. I would be very keen to have things set up so that when the pages are updated, every colour updates at the same time. I understand that I would need to still have three different sets of buttons and these would still need to be in their right places on the server. However, these are already created and so should not need to be changed.I was wondering if applying one of three different CSSs to the site depending on which colour scheme the user wanted to see. I thought this may be accomplished using links to apply the CSS but I don't know if that's possible.Thanks in advance for any replies, :PInfamous.
  23. I learned it through picking it up a bit at a time. I watched other people doing it on and off and I am part of a team of people developing a website, so I got some experience through that. I do not now it completely though. Especially not divs and tables.
  24. I don't think there's any difference between the speed of losing hosting credits at plan 2. It's about one a day on both plans.
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