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Everything posted by infamousflame

  1. Hey, welcome to Xisto, enjoy your stay and feel free to ask me any questions you have!
  2. On behalf of all Xisto members, I'd like to welcome you to asta and wish you a pleasant stay. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me if you don't want to post in forums or ask the staff.
  3. Spliter, just to let you know, "know" is how you spell the knowledge version of the word. just pointing it out. Welcome Sam, I hope you enjoy your time at Xisto. Please post a link to your site here when you get it if you wish and also, there's a directory of sites at: [Link].
  4. Yeah, szupie's right, it would be a much easier format for meetings, but, well I'm not staff , but that would obviously only apply if you had meetings.Jipman and Dooga, if you're still having trouble, try using a different port, like, I dunno :6668?
  5. As someone living in the UK, I have been taken by complete surpise and am shocked by these horrific attacks. I sincerely hope that the security services catch whoever committed this atrocity and bring them to justice. I would ask everyone to pray or hope for the safety of everyone in London and in the rest of the world as they cope through this difficult time.
  6. Well it's not thanks very much! What I said about the Bravehosting thing was accurate.
  7. I'd say it would be a good idea to learn php for whatever reason, because it is a very powerful language. I would recommend: [url=http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ as a place to learn it.
  8. This is a really nice template, congratulations! I would agree with SunBlind about the lighting effects being harsh, but I would say it applies to the whole page, I'm not sre what sunblind meant. The metal chain/worm things are over the top in my opinion, I don't really like them at all, but I can see that some of them would add texture and contrast to the rest of the template, because they are sort of, harsher, than the bubbly curves and boxes. I would certainly cut down the number of them though. I would agree that a touch of other colour wouldn't go amiss. A sort of mid-dark blue might look nice. I don't think there's anything wrong with the banner at the top. Hope these constructive criticisms help! infamous.
  9. lol, what group/rank do you have to be to administrate reputation?
  10. I use Norton Internet Security 2003ish (not entirely sure). It comprises a firewall and an antivirus program and combined they are excellent. The firewall stops unauthorised access and you can ensure that anything you downloaded is virus free using anti-virus.
  11. I vote Gmail. it's a heck of a lot of space and it's got a really cool interface. i recently switched back to gmail after signing up to hotmail, but hotmail's so old-fashioned looking. It's got a really "linky" interface, it's like how gmail would look on the "basic HTML" mode. So, gmail for me!
  12. Lol, actually it was not really a violation of their TOS at all. I was accused of stealing content from someone's forum, and that person is a friend of the administrator of Brave Hosting. So, I was suspended.
  13. This last post was accurate, sorta. i was using Xisto as a redirect to other servers. I was unaware that I was still using asta space for that javscript thing. Anyways, I am movng back to asta now, so no worries hopefully.
  14. Hey, My site is at: http://if.bravehosting.net/ and I want to know what people think of it. I am aware that some of it is not fully functional, but please give me some constructive feedback. Thankyou! Infamous.
  15. I think there must be aliens in the universe. I believe this because I think it highly unlikely that we are the only things that live in the entire universe. I do not believe in a God, I believe in the theory that it was chance that saw us ending up where and how we are; with a planet suitable for sustaining us. It has been demonstrated that it is possible that the things vital to life could just have gathered together by accident and life somehow started.
  16. Hey again,I checked just now and the site doesn't appear to be up. If you want any help with it, I'd be glad to lend you a hand, email me at infamousflame23@gmail.com. Also, don't install phpBB if you can help it, install SMF 1.0.5. I'd be glad to help with any aspect of the site, but I am especially good at SMF Administration. So just give me a buzz if you want any help. :PInfamous.
  17. Do you want to get hosted with Xisto? (This forum thing) Or do you want to get hosted with someone else?If Xisto:You need a hosting account, see the documentation around Xisto (try Xisto front page (http://forums.xisto.com/).If other hosting provider:Look on their contact page if they have one. Get in contact with the most appropriate person listed there. If there is no contact page, then I don't know what you should do.If you are still having problems after following these instructions; post here giving more details and we will try to help you.
  18. Good point, are you really ever gonna use 99 email accounts or databases???
  19. This topic shouldn't be here I don't think, shouldn't a moderator move it into the Software category? Thanks to the mod that does this.
  20. yes, Xisto does seem very unreliable , but then, it's true that it offers a lot of great features that no other free hots does .
  21. Anyone wanting an invite, please email me at: "infamousflame23@gmail.com" (i forgot the origina "inflame@gmail.com" pword ).
  22. Okay, here's a clue runefantasy, if you want something in life, just change the variables to suit your aim. Oh and by the way, you want to read the news, it's really interesting. ;Dlol, I am in the middle of solving this, it's hard!
  23. i love the new look, it's modern and I just disliked the old theme, although Simple Machines Forum is the software i use, maybe we could convince the admins to use that instead? hint hint admins, lol .
  24. not a message, it's actually the forum description I think. You know how on the hosting requests forum, you put a big red message explaining about the brute force attacks? That's still there even though the brute force attacks were ages ago.
  25. Hey all, i was just wondering, does Xisto seem to take forever to update for you? for instance, you know the brute force attacks that rendered hosting applications on hold for a time, well, the message about that is still on the board. is it just me, or was that attack a good while ago? Infamous
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