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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. ok i understand you and i will try doing the best i can, taking things step by step and cross my fingers. but i won't lie i am kind of taking big steps thank you a lot for your reply and your advices, i will keep in mind and add them to my plan.
  2. thank you a lot anwiii, if you rambled here as you said, but i found every word useful enough to think what i should do and from where to start. i will try focus more, and do research more and put a plan of my goals. hope i can see good results soon , thank you again.
  3. typical reply from you anwiii, but have a lot of facts. i took what you said as a love drama for two people like each other and don't know what to do since you said you liked her either. and anwiii give the reality of life these days, girls stalking and acting freak. so you are the one who can tell if she courted you in a normal way or she is acting psycho. however, you should tell us how you treat her, deal with her, are you interfering of her life in a way or another or just do nothing at all and she do all these things for you. now if you get more confused than before maybe you should take the short way as anwiii said before and ask her why she is doing all these things for you, but from this moment there is no way back, she may ask you why you are accepting all these things. from this step you will end up any kind of friendship between you and maybe if things not getting well between you, you will get a lot of problems since you work together. so watch your steps and think carefully and always remember love and friendship never can't be together.
  4. like i will eat anything after a wooden match was in it i prefer seeing the white smoke. in fact that's how i make egg, boil the oil, put on the egg wait until the edges being crispy and make sure that all the egg is well cooked, put some salt and sometimes i add lemon or celery to it. and eat.
  5. REALLY, now you make me smile. it is so beautiful to feel that your hard working paying back for you, in fact the most thing i wait after posting an article is the comments, sometimes i even want to show the spam glade you find it useful, and feel free to ask me anything you want.
  6. you only have to sign up in this site http://www.xmarks.com/ download the addon according to your browser, there are addons for internet explorer,firefox,chorm...ect reset your browser to take effect, from tools tab you should see that the addon is has been added, and configure it by click on "synchronize now" this way it will make a copy in xmarks account with all the pages that bookmarked them. and start asking people who know you to add the addon and bookmark you. or cross fingers and hope a lot of your reader will do that.
  7. well, long long story, but i like it. anyway, i really think in two options which are same as your friends said:- first she likes you, but she is confused and don't know how to deal with it maybe she don't want to loose your friendship in case you don't feel the same and she is trying to push you to ask her out first. or at least she likes you but she is so a wariness to be in a relationship again or she is trying to think deeply before she take this step. - the second option is that she only see you as a close friend or as a brother but she is that kind of people who is over reacting, even pick you up and washing your dishes is kind of things who a girlfriend do not your friend but who knows, maybe this way she thinks that you are close enough to do these things for you and to give you the feeling that you are close friends even after these few months. some times when women feels lonely and need a friend they acting in a way that men see it strange to them.now, the important part here is how can you know if she likes you or not? you can know that by taking a simple steps foreword and see her reaction from that you can know how she looks at you as a friend or more. for example try to call her back from time to time but you should have a good reason and see if she will be happy and continue talking for hours that means she waited you to do the same as she always did, taking chances to talk to you. or try to buy her something simple and cute and see her reaction or either give her flowers but not red flowers, white or pink will be good but also there should be a reason for that like after one of your fights. after all relationships are a complicated thing, but i always think you should follow what you feel not what you see. sometimes people act in a confusing way because they themselves don't know what to do? therefore, it is only you who can tell what she really thinks of you.
  8. Para cezası nice to hear that there are more members here, no matter if you reply me here or not. the most important is to read your posts and contribution in forum so we can still sharing information and opinions.
  9. hahaha this photo is more uglier than the one i found, COMMON my avatar is much more better. and i have no problem with sun and moon, sun is nice and moon is cool. i have a problem with this collection: TATTO, SUN,MOON and ANWIII oh my god tattos is good idea for a period of time, but when you begin to hate it, this is the horrible thing. you don't have a choice either bear it for the rest of your life or ruin your skin and remove it.
  10. welcome roger112 in Xisto community, if you are a geek as you said, don't worry we are all geeks here we are a very helpful and supportive community. we are helping each other and sharing knowledge and information.start by reading the rules of the forum in the main page, don't forget to register in xisto in the same e-mail you use in the forum. and then start posting good quality posts, after a few posts you will earn your mycents so that you can get your free hosting and free domain name. good luck.
  11. i was just kidding anwiii, in fact i love penguin, if someone offer me a trip to North Pole i will go even that's mean i will freeze up till death just to see the sweet little penguins well no i don't, i google it and my avatar not for a girl in 6 years old " the old one was but for a girl in 14 years old" but this one for a girl have 18 or 20 years old and her name kobato, one of my favorite anime. and why you are so upset is something wrong with your avatar!!! in fact i don't think people's names belongs to their photos at all, simply because photos are objects with no soul at all, but you can know a lot by talking to them and now you can see if their names are related to them or not. you have a tatto!!! you are really full of surprises, i am looking what others will say about that
  12. walking on the beach is the perfect way to relax, i try it myself. i lived for a period of my life near the beach, and i experienced that feeling of peace. sea has its unique charm that effect on people in positive way, when you walk on the beach sand , and hear the sound of sea waves, it is just like a soft melody or it's like a giant orchestra plays just for you. especially in dawn or sunset. nothing compare to that feeling silence it forced you to relax if you want it or not. therefore, doctors advise persons who have psychological disorder or suffered from stress and depression to live near the beach or rural areas at least for a couple of weeks .
  13. well, this is a huge meaning for a name of person, it is really give you the sense of a leader. i think in this forum it is suitable for you, because you are one of the moderator who leads and advise everyone. also you are famous here and i am sure you are famous among your friends, as you said before you are loyal and supportive person so that's absolutely would make you famous and bright to them. btw: this name doesn't fit the squint penguin in your avatar
  14. OH REALLY, let's do some math here. i counted the number of all the members that posted here, and it is 17 posts. and counted the number of my posts here and it is with this post 10, more then half of the posts here is mine. and that prove one fact, i am talking to myself but i am satisfied with your replies here because that means all of you people are interesting in this forum. and that's the point i want to reach from the begining, thank you.
  15. great name and seems it is suitable for you in a way or another, maybe that is why your avatar is looks like a sun? i always think that every name no matter how it is common, it has a certain relation to its holder, for example your name can fits many people but each time reflects a different character. your name "the sun" can fits a person who acts in a warm and nice way, or fits a person who is funny, shiny and smiley, or fits a person who is deep, silent and serious. same name but different peoples and fit them all.
  16. good idea soviet rathe, maybe the best i heard to improve these forum till now. hope you good luck.but unfortunately. it won't work for me, since in turkey people don't speak English. so they can't understand a word from anything i say or write good luck
  17. very fit to you anwiii, good for who pick your name, they knew what you will be in the future. the godfather of Xisto
  18. yeah, i was disappointed not because a lot of people replied to my topic but there isn't anyone to reply and this is really a disaster for the forum. and for us of course, since lately things here are so boring. i hope it getting well so soon.
  19. i submit a ticket about a month ago, put it under critical category and received an answer the second day. i highly recommend you to submit another one and make sure to put it under critical category, and wait. hope your problem will be fixed soon.by the way, good work both of you guys (you and sky), great to be friends again. i am happy for you
  20. hi trappers,i have an idea, let's say it's kind of a game. i think it's interesting, i hope you do. the idea is what your name means. maybe, some think it is boring but i don't. because we are from different countries, different cultures and absolutely our names are in different languages but at the same time, we all can translate it to English. and here i am not talking about the nick names in the forum but your real name, you don't have to tell us what your real name is but only the meaning of it. believe it or not, i know people don't even know what their names mean, because there is really a complicated names in this world. and sometimes names have a story behind them. anyway, here is what you should do and remember to be honest and don't fake a name - what is the meaning of your name? (just the meaning you don't have to tell us your real name).- do you like your name or you think it is not suitable for you? if not what do you want your name to be?- who chose your name? about me, my name means beauty or charm and yes i like it. even i knew that they thought of naming me something related to dawn or mornings, thanks god they didn't. and my father is the one who chose my name.
  21. WOW, you are really have a good reasons for not being active here. in fact, if i was you i would took another week resting from that horrible week and not even open the net at all. you are really so busy. just thinking you did all these activities in one week adding your 300 text messages thanks god it finally finished.
  22. well ayom88, you are a member now, so why you are posting in guest forums. please read the rules of the forum before posting and post under the right category to get all the help you need. also be more detailed so we can help for example you want the function in which language?and you want both the algorithm and the function for Btree?
  23. welcome to Xisto community, we are always happy to get more new members. after reading the rules of the forum in the main page, take a look on the sections here and start posting good quality topics that fit your interest, also you can share us your opinion by replying others topics. this way you will earn your mycent to buy hosting or domain name, learning and sharing knowledge and have fun. good luck.
  24. targeting good keywords is very essential to force search engines catch your posts and get more traffic. even it looks something easy to be done, but in fact it's not. i tried to read a bit about search engine. especially google, but it seems nobody knows how google's algorithm works. after all it depends on good quality topics that people may search for, updating website regularly, and targeting good keywords. at least, this is what i know till now. recently, i noticed something strange happening in my blog. about a month ago i began writing a tutorial on wordpress theme, i found a specific lesson get most of the traffic. and that doesn't make sense at all since i am writing a tutorial that means all the information are related to each other, not an individual topic. so i figured out that the secret is in keywords i use for that lesson, and i tried to use the same schema for the other posts but till now no change.to be more precise, i got 36 comments and 133 visitor on that lesson where the other lessons together i got 19 comments and visitors differ from one to another. anyway, i added keywords to all lessons this way:add the general keywords for the tutorial like: "wordpress theme", "tutorial"...ect plus precise keywords that relate to each lesson for example lesson one about the index.php so i added the keyword "index", another lesson talking about sidebar.php so i added the keyword "sidebar"..and so on. by the way i am using "all in one seo plugin" for wordpress so i add these keywords in plugin form.now what do you think? am i on the right way or not? yesterday i made a few researches and found "google adwords keyword tool", i wonder if this is a good tool or not. if anyone of you used it before please tell me.
  25. in this topic i forgot to talk about a funny type of jealousy, babies jealousy it is really so funny to see a baby jealous from his mother because he or mostly she loves her dady a lot. or a baby who is mostly he jealous from his dady because he loves his mother. the fun thing here that parents should deal with that nicely and understanding, they shouldn't punish him/her because generally he/she only 2 or 3 years old, so they don't understand what is going on. they only follow their feelings. this kind of jealousy begin to appear from 1-5 years in children behavior, sometimes maybe more depending on many reasons, but it should ends by 5-6 years, when the child starts to separate from his parents, go to school and have friends or it will consider as disorder actions. but still this kind of jealousy is so fun as i think and brings a lot of entertainment for parents .
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