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Status Replies posted by web_designer

  1. I was my own valentine...did shopping and bought roses lol lol :P:P :P

  2. Play season. Death season

  3. hey trappers, or sutras or whatever... :D let's all sing to bani...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU....it is his special today...so who is gonna join me???

  4. Hello, I live in Finland. I live in an igloo and my pet is a polar bear. Every morning I wrestle other polar bears and ski to school.

  5. so I got the ticket and the best seats for Yanni`s concert in April!!! Orchestra seats close to the stage right in the Middle Isle and in the Middle Row too and for a cheap price :D btw nope I am not selling the tickets ;) I can`t wait for the concert!

  6. hey trappers, or sutras or whatever... :D let's all sing to bani...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU....it is his special today...so who is gonna join me???

  7. hey trappers, or sutras or whatever... :D let's all sing to bani...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU....it is his special today...so who is gonna join me???

    1. web_designer


      sheeeeeeeeeeeesh anwiii...leave this young man alone...be gentle and bring him a new drum... :)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. Tomorrow is day 7 of 9 of shooting!!! And the documentary is almost coming together!!!! Looking great and intriguing so far :D

  9. hey trappers, or sutras or whatever... :D let's all sing to bani...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU....it is his special today...so who is gonna join me???

  10. I'm back. Just sayin'. ;)

  11. Play season. Death season

  12. i stucked in the last lesson of asp.net :( and can't find a clue...so literally i am going nuts... GOD i hate that......

  13. *BLEEP* it, I'm going to install OSX on my PC. I can no longer resist.

  14. i like snow....but not THIS much! i walked outside in it earlier...2 hours later, i looked out the window and couldn't even see my footprints, when it stops snowing i thnk my dog and i will go play in it though :)

    1. web_designer


      oh what a lose i wanted to see your dog swimming in snow...it could be a cool picture...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

    1. web_designer


      well thanks for the back link..and seems you did a lot from yesterday now your left tab's link is working...keep on going i know you can make a great website...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  15. really bad weather today and a huge snow storm causes college to be closed today and all classes to be cancelled!!

  16. Ok so now I am officially suffering from what is called the `Blackberry Thumb injury`` which is cause by PDA`s, PSP`s and most commonly blackberry. Maybe I should sue Blackberry for my injury :D I`ve had my hand in a brace for few days and it is still not getting any better :( Has anyone had that experience and can share how to cure this other than stop using my Blackberry? :(

  17. i like snow....but not THIS much! i walked outside in it earlier...2 hours later, i looked out the window and couldn't even see my footprints, when it stops snowing i thnk my dog and i will go play in it though :)

    1. web_designer



      i am only a few states away from you and we have a sunny day today... :)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. Weird but true..... This year we will experience 4 unusual dates.... 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 ..... NOW go figure this out.... take the last 2 digits of the year you were born plus the age you will be this year and it WILL EQUAL TO 111. This is just too weird but it works.

  19. Weird but true..... This year we will experience 4 unusual dates.... 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 ..... NOW go figure this out.... take the last 2 digits of the year you were born plus the age you will be this year and it WILL EQUAL TO 111. This is just too weird but it works.

    1. web_designer


      i tried it...and it worked??!!!

      oh god, it is so weird and scary!!!


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  20. Un chasseur sachant chasser chasse sans son chien!

  21. Add Life to Your Days... Instead of Days to Your Life... :) :)

    1. web_designer


      anwiii he means make your full of good things is better than live all your days the same way... focus anwiii :)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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