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Status Replies posted by web_designer

  1. web designer comes again... hi trappers...hi forums...hi friends...missed you all...glade being here again...:)

  2. Waiting for some mod to approve my topic. :)

  3. web designer comes again... hi trappers...hi forums...hi friends...missed you all...glade being here again...:)

  4. web designer comes again... hi trappers...hi forums...hi friends...missed you all...glade being here again...:)

  5. web designer comes again... hi trappers...hi forums...hi friends...missed you all...glade being here again...:)

  6. the time is coming soon. beware :)

  7. A in physics yay!!!

  8. the time is coming soon. beware :)

  9. As if im a disease...im a rotten fruit......an outdated costume...an old newspaper....a false theory ....a lost soul...It feels terrible sometimes.

  10. wooho! 777 posts! and 900 posts in my profile.

  11. वो जब ये कहते हैं तुझ से ख़ता ज़रूर हुई... मैं बे-क़सूर भी कह दूँ कि हाँ ज़रूर हुई

  12. hmmm....decisions are made...and need luck now...even i don't believe in luck... :D...but i believe in prayers...so pray for me friends...

  13. hmmm....decisions are made...and need luck now...even i don't believe in luck... :D...but i believe in prayers...so pray for me friends...

  14. hmmm....decisions are made...and need luck now...even i don't believe in luck... :D...but i believe in prayers...so pray for me friends...

  15. be back tuesday/wednesday... but who cares i'm the only one online

  16. Thinking day and night..how long this thinking last?..till thoughts are fade..till mind is drained..reasons fly away..and solution never pass me by..new decisions…new beginnings..new life..with new hopes and new disappointments..where all those take me?…I am out of time..and I have no clue..to find my way..

  17. pretending to use the force to open automatic doors

  18. Thinking day and night..how long this thinking last?..till thoughts are fade..till mind is drained..reasons fly away..and solution never pass me by..new decisions…new beginnings..new life..with new hopes and new disappointments..where all those take me?…I am out of time..and I have no clue..to find my way..

  19. guess who's got his contact lenses...

  20. i almost ate all my slim jims! what am i gonna do now!

  21. Turned Out Sign-Spinner Job Wasn't What I Was Looking For After All, but Alas I Have Another Interview With Donnelly Communications @ 1:00p.pm Tomorrow.

  22. i am out of speach..can't find the words.. a million though in my head..holding my pen..but all I write is scratches..nothing come out of me..i am lost in my own world..

  23. Realize the importance of freedom....lucky people have it.....freedom to lead their life on owns will

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