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Everything posted by filmdesire

  1. I completely agree! Also you can google 'META TAGS' and be sure to keep the html tags precise, these will help search engine tracking and optimise your site for top results which is one of the biggest factors in bringing traffic to ones site. Further to this topic, I think spamming is a good way of bringing traffic to your site, but then again you don't want to mislead your audience by lets say typing up 'click here to see Jennifer Tilly naked!' - instead go for a general description and a friendly message. You need to be able to phrase your information appropriately and correctly - good English and grammar is pretty much all you need! Be sure to use GoogleAdsense if you have a decent budget! And affiliate with similar sites to possibly create a friendly network. Good Luck!
  2. Dammit! It's going to happen all over again!The race for 2010 - Jesus! Office 2007 is just about enough I think, to be fair i've taken a look at what's new, and it seems like everything 'that's new', is pretty much 'NOT-NEW'...I don't know what the fuss is about, it probably loads faster, great, hmm after that I fail to realise how 'artistic-effects' to visually represent your work could do more than lets say the Adobe software.Microsoft can only go so far, and I think after word-processing - presentation design - spreadsheet and database - notes and organisation/mail - there is really nothing more to focus on.Fine it looks neater too, but I'd say wait on it like you probably did with 07. It's better to be safe than sorry since it is a BETA version. A years worth of testing their software for free might seem like a fair deal coming from 'microsoft' but always think about the pros and cons - Pros - you get a unique experience, and a years worth of free LEGAL microsoft application which will possibly replace your original installation of any previous version OR run along side taking more space or less than the one before. CONS - You are a mule, you work for free, they need to hire people who can test their own software and measure its market.But hey I guess I can see why people would download it, it's not a bad idea, it's just worth pointing out that people shouldn't jump the gun and fall for an opportunity which at first poses to be beneficial for their own behalf, and not the big MULTI-BILLION dollar corp like MS.
  3. After posting a topic, I usually get this thing at the top which allows me to add tags to the topic post. I was thinking, is this what search engines will use to index the topic?Or is this simply to index the TAG CLOUD? Is it ether?
  4. I agree with the fact that it should at least go to trial, but as the phone call suggests it sounds like she was left with little choice. The man was supposedly posing a threat to her, ALSO in regards to Anwii - She didn't know him, and she only knew that he might have been drunk because she could see him - the intruder was behaving unusually. Regards to GUN rights, i think that CANADA loves guns just as much as Americans probably do, the only difference maybe their mentality regards to defence and shooting for sport. After-al I personally think everyone sane with a spotless criminal record should have a right to owning arms - but you have to have a responsible community to maintain that balance, which Canada may be more advanced in.
  5. Donna, aged 57 - found herself as a victim of a break-in at her home in Oklahoma on December 9 2009. She did what any other sane citizen of the USA would do, and dialed 911 before clutching to her shotgun just-in-case! The man used a 'chair' and 'patio' table in attempt to break through her door, whilst Donna watched and insisted to the operator that she is reluctant to shoot, In the 911 call, the operator can be heard confirming to Donna, that she is able to use her shotgun to protect her property, and has the appropriate means to fulfill her rights if the man (Billy Riley, 53) broke in to her home, posing as a threat. Donna can be heard in the call claiming her intruder could be drunk; After ten agonising minutes, the man broke in. That's when Donna Jackson made a decision, put her phone down with the operator still on the other end, and shot dead Billy Riley. The Local District claims that Donna will face no charges, as the operator confirmed her decision to defend her home. It is clear from the sound of her voice, that she did not intend on killing the intruder, but was left with very little choice. For more information or to hear the phone call - visit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ What are your comments? Do you agree with US Arms/Gun Control Law(s)? Are you a member of the NRA?
  6. Hmm... Maybe it's not such a good idea after all? I was just thinking, like a drop-down iframe or something of the sorts which will open up a video. I don't know but maybe limiting the amount of videos per page (?) if that's possible, and also if you were to maybe implement this to say that only the member who posts the topic is able to submit this video for review/news report (makes discussion more interesting..) Just a thought thanks for the info!
  7. Wow didn't know that. Basically, if it's stolen, along with laptops, mobiles, jewellery and many other valuable items, there is a very low chance of recovery. As someone said, you will have to regrettably forget the fact that it is GONE! However,don't be fooled by the police and insurance company suspecting anything. As long as your witness/or other testimony makes sense, you should keep your ground to the very end. Grab a piece of paper, talk to a lawyer, find one for free, if you cannot afford one. Look through the terms of the policy, find holes, find holes in your story, fix them, see what you can do to make this issue turn on your opponent, complain against the Police officer/commissioner or detective for negligence or fast judgement. The more you fight your ground, the more your defence becomes stronger. Make sure you have things in writing, never make a court statement without writing, write it down and make a speech when you testify. You cannot afford to mumble information in a 'irregular' speech so revise!! Be precise in any statement and close those holes. The bottom line is, little defence but just assumptions gets the opposition no where. The court rules on evidence and witness testimony. If they lack that, then you shouldn't worry too much other than getting a general of the above! GOOD LUCK!
  8. One of the most honest introductions yet :PWell first of all welcome. I know you'll find lots of great chat groups, topics of interests, and lots of myCENTS to get your hosting!Secondly, I wish you all the best in whatever you want to expertise in - as I see you have a wide range of interests! If you need any help, just email me - or pm
  9. Well you've said you haven't tried to offend anyone but the truth of the matter is you probably have... any how maybe you would like to know what the definition of an engineer really is? According to the Oxford Dictionary (this concerns you): I believe noun 2 would accurately categorise your garbage man and some hotel management staff as engineers. Why? Because they 'maintain or control' aspects in the role they facilitate. Garbage Men and Women* (let me correct you there*) can be referred to an engineer depending on their level of qualification. It seems to me that you become narrow minded when you say ... Yet you assume that they are not qualified with a high level qualification at environmental studies? Take my advice, and I'm not trying to offend you, but manage your right to freedom of speech for simple human kindness and the respect of those who occupy the corners of society making sure we have a happy, easier life. In this case, a comfortable, clean and healthy overnight stay...
  10. Hi Acacia... and what do you mean by 'Again'?You've been here before?
  11. It's odd, I got an email saying I should not sign off my post and use the signature for that. I'm still new so still learning, Im glad they emailed me before tainting my account If you don't quote I suppose that means you are passing it off as your own. I just wonder how they moderate all those posts, probably run it through that software they have at college to check if you're not guilty of plagiarism. Good luck, and don't be put off! It should go away with time, and if you're really agitated, apologise after a long time of contemplating what you did hehe
  12. filmdesire

    Gay Marriage

    Personally, and politically - I thin same-sex marriages are NOT a great idea to legalise. Furthermore, I think marriage almost grants the permission to bear a child, hence adoption or other methods come to mind. To explain, personally I think it is biologically incompatible, and those who have that 'love' guilt on their conscience, ask yourself, have you been watching too much romantic comedy - or Sarah Jessica Parker? Because the truth of the matter is, today divorce rates are rocketing, with so many marriages failing, its obvious that so called 'love' which's existent comes to question as the definition is utterly confusing - isn't what most couples look for today. It is financial stability and so on, maybe its evolution, people becoming more intelligent, people developing the ability to step out of their shell and slap themselves on their face and think ' what the hell am I doing ?' And so same sex marriages cannot have the same personal attributes as would a heterosexual couple, furthermore children in adopted families of parents who are gay often suffer a lot of abuse in this intolerant world, many of them may feel a direct absence of motherhood or fatherhood. For some it may even shape their thought on behaviour, because who's to say all Gays are nice people? We all have that notion of the married gay couple and child, a happy family, more functional than the norm, but it can seriously damage the norms of society, causing societal breakdown and moral panic - however diabolical that sounds, it is true! Politically, giving the same rights as you would a married heterosexual couple, to the gay community would case breakdown in the political welfare system. People claiming marriage related benefits from the government for their gay marriage would reflect terribly on a government (however bad that sounds, it's true!!!). Neither Obama or Clinton - when asked about same-sex marriage replied to insinuate that they are 100% behind the thought of same sex marriage. They said they support it, but do not believe in the notion of homosexuality. Why do you think that is? Because believe it or not the USA still follows the laws of 'In God We Trust' or whomever God is right now in the USA. I think - personally, own to their own. If you want to marry someone from the same sex, you are treated equally by me. What you believe is what you believe, and after all, my favourite comedienne once said 'I believe Gays should get married, why should straight people only suffer divorce!' - and so with those words I think its obvious that it all depends on people, and their intentions. But I'm afraid in a government which is very secretive of its true political views, and a community which thinks it is just too distasteful to offer adoption to gay couples.
  13. I was thinking, I want to post video tutorials and interesting videos that I have uploaded at youtube. I was thinking, I know you can insert a link to a youtube channel or video url, but can you embed a video as you would in facebook, or a blog? Can you do that, and if you can is it allowed..If it isn't available, can it be implemented, and if so is it a good idea?Just a thought for improvement maybe... I know im just a newbie, but hey - an idea's an idea!
  14. I like the simplicity of your layout. The Font choice is ideal, the ads are structured to one side. Doesn't take long to load. I'd say it was too plain, too much white space, which can act as a disadvantage at times. You seem to have a fairly basic blog going on there, and for that it is great but if you want to improve, try reading books and guides on css and html - not too much though, once you get stuck in you'll advance. Although blogspot is great, I find there is more flexibility with wordpress, but that's just a preference. Good luck and keep on going!
  15. Hi Nolan,An inspirational introduction I know you will find endless topics of interest to contribute to due to your experiences and hobbies. I personally wasn't much of a forum person, in fact the only forum i've contributed to is Xisto - and I really like it here.Hosting a site for no cost, and contributing to a fairly huge community. There is a lot of satisfaction to be earned there.Best of Luck
  16. Well to begin with - I switched to Googlemail, and realistically have never found a better mailing service!It is fast, efficient, lots of plugins that become available, a top-notch service, HUGE SPACE so you never have to delete mail for a decade or two (BAD HABIT THOUGH!) - To sum all that up, to be quite frank - GOOGLE is a highly reputable market, and having it next to your email is next to having your own email client name. Google offers an even better service by integrating all its services including shopping/news/search. Many Blog Software Packages have now realised the potential of merging with googles services, think youtube for an example, or Blogspot, where you can literaly login with your googlemail account.I was sceptical and first signed up to it WAY back before it was off limits - restricted to invitations only. Now that I look back, i'm glad I got in there first! The same thing happened with the MP3 - standalone free service 'spotify' which is now restricted to invitations and paid subscriptions!Don't let doubt get in the way of trying things out!
  17. Personally I'd say Avast anti-virus personal edition, it is free for a year after which you pay (or obtain an illegitimate license key).It is a great, easy to work, fast running anti-virus with no disruption at all unless it is updating after which it will just let you know that it has updated.It has caught viruses EVERYTIME and even has a website system whereby which it will block out known-to-be dangerous or suspicious sites.HOWEVER as someone said in this post earlier, it is an anti-viral, not a antispyware nor is a firewall. For those I recommend purchasing or obtaining however you like - Spyware Doctor (as it was my best experience) & a general firewall software IF you are very high maintencne OR at high risk, i.e. corporate (in which case you may be obligated to purchase a more specialist license).For personal use there are a wide range of options available now - more than ever before, so choose wisely.Note, if you have SP2/3 - which NOW is standard for XP/VISTA/ AND ALL NEW WiNDOWS 7 - an excellent firewall service is provided as included with the package.Good luck
  18. Yay it's working! Sorry for the annoyance!! Thank you very much for the support, and resolving my issue! Regards
  19. Ive submitted a ticket, hopefully should get something back by tomorrow, thanks for the replies! EDIT: YEP - IP address has been banned, i came up with this idea because if I browse thru it thru a proxy anonymous - i can see the empty index file!! i.e. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ THanks
  20. I changed the cpanel password after logging in! After I changed the nameservers it worked - or seemed to, I was able to access Cpanel - but I changed the default password to suit my memory. After that I created a mysql database and user for wordpress. After that my ftp client couldnt log me in, before I realised it was because it was using my old password. I changed the password to reflect the new one I made, and it didnt work! Was it because the ftp client put in the incorrect password, triggered to block my ip? My nameservers dont seem to work now, I cant even see a page at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This is what it says in the email : Control Panel URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Once your domain has propogated, you may also use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ None of them work for me I tried the old password again, it just doesnt work. It comes up with a broken link error... does this happen to you? I need to start soon, and I havent got a reply from support... Did I do something wrong here??? EDIT : I JUST TRIED http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - and the FRONT END WORKS! Does this mean my IP is blocked???
  21. Yeah I totally agree with you there!!! I mean I didn't want to make it out there because it might offend someone but who knows what kind of experimentation he was carrying out in his room, It will probably brush away like all the other stories, its horrible though, apparently he sustained horrendous injuries to his jaws...
  22. Disagree... Because Youtube and Facebook owners had very little money to their name compared to what they have now. It will cost money, but is easily afforded with graduates today. Training and finding professionals is your only cost.
  23. Anwii is right.If you're the creative type and find rapidshare isn't working for you, go ahead and find another service. I love rapidshare but I KNOW its getting tighter on its regulations by the day, so I don't use it often!But if you want something specific, sometimes you have to do it yourself... so why dont you put some money together and start your own rapidshare Or try that list of other services!Good thing is, uploaders are more and more familiar with Rapidshares restrictions, and so they are double-uploading files on several servers to ensure you have alternatives...
  24. You said it! Although many social networks are general, the facebook script allows integration with applications which has endless possibilities! Recently facebook boasted 250 MILLION users worldwide. That is a HUGE amount of people, and a fairly big fraction in the internet world! What you have to do is think of something new, be ready to spend money, you cant do it yourself even though you think you can. A business model is essential, something facebook didn't intend to do to begin with! So get there fast, draw a mindmap - scrap it and start again! When you think of something unique, new and not on the market, all you have to do is write down the idea, post it to yourself to self-copyright it. In the USA I dont know how it'd work, I think you may have to pay a small fee to register the idea. You need to know programmers more intelligent than you are (face the facts - if you're doing this as a hobby, you're probably not up to a professional standard) - seek professionalism in web design and graphic design. TIP: To evade fees seek STUDENTS & GRADUATES who are looking for a real idea! Often you will realise people behind facebook, twitter, spotify, grooveshark, and many other services are VERY YOUNG - and VERY NEW to the industry, why? Because they are students/graduates or small time workers trying to make it big. YOUTUBE FOR EXAMPLE! Steve Chen FOR INSTANCE: WIKI ... A student in early employment... eventually meeting up with other small employees JAWED KARIM and CHAD HURLEY (JAWED who was a Graduate student, Stanford University working for paypal, HURLEY who was a small time graphics designer for PAYPALS LOGO) The saying goes, its not what you know, its WHO you know. That's utter bullhockey! IT IS WHAT YOU KNOW. BUT WHO YOU KNOW TAKES YOUR IDEA THAT EXTRA MILE, AND COOPERATION / WELL INTEGRATED TEAM WORK - no matter how small the group is (i.e. youtube only had THREE MEMBERS to begin with) is ESSENTIAL Good Luck! And dont pull yourself down by putting writing that you'd be happy with just '10,000' members, pitch HUGE and you'll end up pitching that baseball near that bigger goal!
  25. I hope that's not an old fashioned way of referring to the components of the computer? If it is a printer cartridge, or any other form of cartridge - be sure to ALWAYS read the manual as some one above me said. It is very important as installing an incorrect cartridge, or forcing an inaccurate installation can lead to catastrophic results - and most cover plans wont technically cover you for not paying attention to the manual - or installing something incorrect without consulting the company or policy insurer!
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