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Everything posted by filmdesire

  1. You have to remember that it's not about saving ink, because that's virtually incalculable. It's about quality and if the printer is in working order in order to consume the ink efficiently. If I was to direct you to an ink cartridge, I'd say my best experience was with an EPSON - which took four cartridges costing on average 3-4? each near late 2000's. However it was quite pricey before that.That printer did lose its quality too soon! And I could only just about use it for printing text documents - mind you it was the epson stylus c66 photo edition. I know use the Canon MP480 - the cartridges are four times as prices (totalling 30-40? B&W + C) - The speed is AWESOME, INK CONSUMPTION IS HIGHER THAN THE C66 but it is generally good, as the quality is better!I recommend you do some extensive research - not on the brand, but models and how well they perform and the cartridge cost too! Sometimes the cartridge may cost less -but consume faster, and sometimes it may be that the cartridge may cost more but consume slower due to its mechanism. Lastly, buy a printer which is specific to your needs. Photo printers consume more, 3-in-1's consume more, general printers for text / images are ideally more appropriate- cheaper and affordable when you need to replace it...
  2. I haven't browsed through the entire thing, but straight away I can notice that the text 'Flash Clocks for Websites...' on the header doesn't look too appealing. Maybe you should try a bold-arial font and use photoshop to space it and position it properly (Bottom-Right?).I really like the way the colour schemes work together, and the layout in its simplistic form. Keep up the good work
  3. Thanks - I definitely need to gain weight and this comment really helped. I dont drink at age 18 and am pretty healthy but im underweight due to my height of 6ft3... I too disagree with the previous post - drinking can damage your liver and cause serious long term health and physical effects on your body.
  4. Reincarnation in the way that you die, become soil, and contribute to regrowth of new life? Or Reincarnation in the way that you die, and are reborn on this earth as a living entity without memory of your previous birth or birth-parents? I think that after death, people die, and there is nothing of them left but their conscience - maybe in the form of energy or form, or memories in others - that's how you live on. But to physically induce a rebirth after death is an odd theory for me to consider... (I don't intend to offend anyone whose religion or cultural beliefs insist of the theory of reincarnation and so I apologise in case that is the case!)
  5. LOL - It's basically flavoured water vapour... its an old asian technique - flavoured tobacco is anyway, but the mechanism would just allow flavoured steam to pass through the lungs - even though its harmless, the nicotine contained in the vapour can be addictive. A nicotine free cigarette wouldnt be so bad I mean it will look cool, they come in really smart designs...
  6. And define 'ghosts' for me please?
  7. Agreed! Personal experiences are always subjected to opinion and elaboration. Using science to prove white noise, EMF etc is far more objective than to subject it to personal experience. Even though personal experiences can be as REAL and TRUE as hell, you are the only person to experience, therefore cannot prove it to another. I do have an open mind, but it is important to be subjective. I know of UFOs but I keep an open mind as to the cause of it. I don't like jumping to the conclusion that it is an alien entering our world. It's why I gave the example of Annelise Michel, because it was an extraordinary happening which baffles many experts in the field of science and psychology. Anyway, I better read my horoscope hehe
  8. I think there's a lot of truth in what you say, but I have to admit, cost is a bigger factor today. Similar to our chicken farms, our chocolate, even the odd wealthy persons sable coat, cost does matter :/ Smokers will pay less to satisfy their cravings...
  9. Sounds like he might have known what it was, but may have been experimenting, as someone said, he is a chemistry student and should have known better, just like many fantasists who try out weird things to experiment...Not to say it wasn't an accident, but it is possble he knew exactly what it was.. On the other hand someone put it there? Im sure citric acid has a distinctive taste compared to what he had, maybe someone knew of his habit, put it there... :/ Further to that, we're forgetting it could be a manufacturer thing too :|
  10. The term 'Ghost' is often used generally to cover a wide range of real life experiences. This is a common thing to do, and I think its not entirely safe to do that because it can keep people from logical thinking.. Often 'ghostly' apparitions can be obscure lights, behavioural side effects, and most often than not, it is just your mind visualising the situation in a different way. For example, an optical illusion featuring two separate images (ie. old woman / young woman) within the same imagery can cause the mind to pick the most apparent. Similarly, one can interpret in a unique way... I remember when I would look at the pillows opposite me in the dark, or my desktop pc - and I could make out very scary stuff, faces or animals - this was due to childhood fear. And so 'ghosts' can simply mean apparitions. BUT on many occasions particles are caught in cameras and camcorders, flickering, wild seance activity, or quite simply cctv footage capturing ghostly phenomenon. Either way there still may be reasonable explanations, i.e. dust particles, fakes, bad lighting... one must always be practical and sceptical. Even someone like me (a very sceptical person when it comes to paranormal activity) seizes to explain certain occurrences, especially white noise. I have even had a personal experience I'd rather not share, but regardless of that - ive kept my interest in many key historical events which surprised and shocked the world. Exorcisms are the best evidence so far that prove that paranormal activity, ghosts, and the spirit world may exist. When science and psychology are unable to explain cases such as - Anneliese Michel - the german catholic teen who died from a failure of the church practising unhealthy exorcisms. Aside from her death, her behaviour was unexplainable! Unbelievable strength, she spoke almost fluent hebrew during her so called possession, and at one point claims that the spirit of Hitler, Lucifer, Cain, Judas and others had taken over her! She became worse, unable to eat, communicate during her episodes, and displayed behaviour such as eating insects, urinating inconsiderably - and licking it off the floor. Barking like a dog, eating the head of a dead bird, and other incredibly disturbing behaviour. Her behaviour prior to age 16 is not clear, however her first diagnosis of supposed possession was at age 16/17 when she refused to walk across a certain image of Jesus, and refused to drink holy water - the woman who diagnosed her claimed she smelled bad. The film Exorcist was released around the time these events occurred, and so many believed this influenced Annelise's behaviour, aside from suffering from convulsions before hand. Jennifer Carpenter plays the role of Annelise in the film 'Exorcism of Emily Rose' - Annelise's mother has since refused to watch the film and maintains no interest. Annelise's case has become widely known, and her priests were prosecuted for not referring her to psychological institutions, resulting in her malnutrition. This is the only REAL case I have come across so far that I feel accurately captures the possibilities of the supernatural or paranormal... Annelise Michel Sources : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anneliese_Michel http://www.chasingthefrog.com/reelfaces/emilyrose.php
  11. Yeah I think you're right... The price is too high to make it an ideal solution to quiting! A fellow class mate of mine says he has one and that it is great to eliminate the craving factor BUT the vapour 'DRIES' your throat ... But I've heard so does ordinary cigarettes when you haven't had water for time.
  12. I thought I'd share this soundtrack - its from the film Drag me to Hell. Christopher Young has a huge history in film, but I wonder how many people make this his best work, more than GhostRider? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. I managed to achieve as one of the UK's top ten students in IT Advanced in Central England at the age of 16. I then represented my institution in a major multimillion ? deal to merge with several other colleges to form one of the largest institutions in the UK for 16-19 year old.I'm 18, studying Film Production and Technology, And i've never worked in my entire LIFE (I sure hope this is going somewhere :@)
  14. Once! And it was SUPER BORING and SUPER QUIET. And mind you, going home wasn't an option as I'd be sent right back to school again, so I hanged about in the park like a loser. Never did that again, stay in school, make some noise, let your tutor know what you're made of, that's what I did, and still do from this day on!
  15. Are you sure this is in the right section? It is under 'technology' - at least as I see it. Anyway, that poll is restricted to a limited amount of musical genres, possibly two I can identify with. See my signature to find out one of the 'REAL' best singers to ever walk the planet with over 1200 songs... Ź_Ź
  16. Im sure people can live without food, longer than they can live without water. About 3/4 of the brain is made up of water, and 3/4 of the human body, in many different areas, including blood itself which contains water!Not drinking for two whole days as someone said - is pretty much fatal as far as I can think. Try fasting, either religiously or as apart of a healthy diet, exclude water from your allowance and find out how a few hours can seriously affect your health momentarily. However it is proven to improve your bodies defences in the long term...Anyhow, going off topic! Without water for two days id say was enough to put a young teenager in to deep sleep and eventually death. For adults - again depending on height, age and mass, up to three days - maybe 4 or 5 at the VERY MOST, but I bet on 2-3 days...Just to round up, water is essential, and appreciating it is just as essential as it is for your body. We dont think much when we drink it, but ever few seconds someone across the world dies due to a lack of water, or often clean water. Water is a rarity in some places, a problem which my geography tutor once said, takes just a fraction of the worlds riches - to eradicate the problem all together...
  17. filmdesire


    Hey Bruce, I joined yesterday, and I've been having fun sharing ideas and discussing topics! Wasn't much of a forum person before this! I know you're going to find something you'd enjoy! Good luck and be careful to read all the forum rules (even those that are specific to each section!) - Jay.
  18. Tried it! It's still going on! It's a very interesting marketing tool, they only have a limited amount of products on their wishlist, you're kinda making them more money than they are losing to you, because they know what's probably the best seller for xmas! Thanks for sharing!
  19. Eeek! That sounds as embarrassing as it gets.I have embarrassing experiences, but I think Im going to be a son of a gun and tell someone elses since its better!A friend whose name I wont mention, at college - lost a pack of condoms, or misplaced it. Me and another class mate found it and started to play with it, not knowing it was his. Before the whole class was in on it, we realised that a bag was next to the condoms and that it could mean that the condoms belong to whom ever the bag belonged to!After some investigation, he finally reluctantly took back the condoms (at least the ones that were still in the foil!) - he was unusually embarrassed, especially when his friend walked past and sniggered 'You dont need those' I think I was embarrassed for him
  20. This is really my first topic, and I think this is the best place to put it! I was browsing around and I came across a site which explores the use of a new device referred to as the Electronic-Cigarette: It claims to host coverage from several different news-organisations including the popular CNN and ABC news channels. It is supposedly safe, however can still get you addicted to nicotine, unless you are using a nicotine-free cartridge. It is quite expensive, however the price is falling... It does not contain products such as tobacco, and the metal cigarette itself is harmless/novelty and does not produce nicotine. It is simply a mechanism. Dangers highlighted in the video include the fact that it comes in many flavours. This provokes questions amongst parents as to whether it is misguiding to introduce a small range of fruity flavours as it is more marketable to children and non-smokers. My own research indicates that popular brands that currently market these devices are Gamucci, Milano and Nicocig - regardless of patents... So if you're a smoker and wish to quit, maybe do your own research and see what this device can offer. PLEASE share your thoughts on this product.
  21. Thanks for taking the time to take a look at what i've got . I really enjoy taking on board criticism, i'm still working on the site, mayeb I should work with it on my server meanwhile - But hey it's an old host so Im just working on it at the moment. Im going to take on board pretty much all of that, But i dont understand what you mean by the fact that the 'PAGES is slightly cut off' ? I will be putting up a logo soon, so watch out Appreciate your list! Thanks once again for taking the time! Regards, Jay
  22. YAY I see it! Wow that's pretty cool, I've only made 5 posts... I was wondering, I like to write reviews on films and articles on filmmaking. Is there anyway I can actually copy and paste MY OWN reviews on a movie topic? Will that be cheating, because it is my work, therefore it isn't copyright? Just a thought, because I'd like to share my views with other film-enthusiasts! Thanks for all your replies!!! This is a huge forum, and i've already found plenty of interesting topics I'd like to get involved with!
  23. WOw that is pretty cool! Never heard of that site before, will test it out soon, to see if it works EDIT: I tested it with an screenshot of times new roman font, here are the results http://www.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/results?ch[0]=A&wtfserver=node4.ric.mf&id=0003622f4b03531e00021c9f00000be8&glyphcount=1&imageid=16597927 Genius!
  24. Thanks Anwii!! I sure will! Can't wait to get started, Will be sure to pm you first on any issues I come across Have a nice day, Jay EDIT: Oh and btw, I did use the same email address, that is all I have to do right?
  25. Greetings everyone, and a good morning to UK Members , I myself had no sleep puzzling over the host at x10hosting.com. They were offering great services with slow severs and three-a-day downtime, mysql failures AND with ftp issues. I am still with them, but will be switching as soon as I make enough mycents! I'm a film student and enthusiast in the UK, starting to write reviews - so I needed a site to create online journals, and practise my web-design skills... So far, I haven't even got something that says MYcents on my profile, so Im a bit concerned, I signed up at the billing site too. Just waiting... Do check out what I'm working on, mind the div in the top left corner (it's experimental) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (It may be down depending on my damn host Ź_Ź)
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