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Everything posted by xJedix

  1. I think that researchers and scientist will eventually figure out how to do things like this... But my hope that is that it will only be used for good purposes, like curing cancer, diseases, etc.... But one never knows until they get there.I think the future of like war-fare and the things you guys are talking about with enhanced humans would be overcomed by technology with robots. I personally think that they are going to go more into robots and drones, something along the lines of the movie stealth. I think that is more of a reality.Just my opinions, you can agree with me or not agree, it doesn't matter to me :\ Just stating my opinionsxJedix
  2. That's awsome that they are making a messenger. If its as good as everything else they make, it will most likely be better then all of the other messaging services. Though the only annoying thing is that is just one more messaging system thats out there. It would be nice if all of them combined into one but that would never happen. btw, your link is broken :\ Like most people said, Gmail would probably be better off just keeping it invite only. Though they could really just make it public now if they wanted to because basically anyone can get an invite since their are so many members and so many invites :\ I, myself still have like 50 invites. xJedix
  3. I have no clue what you guys are talking about slow loading.... I have crappy dsl and it loaded in less than a second. The only reason I can think of that there would be such a variety of load times is when you visit it and how much load the server has at the time. Because like on my site, there are times it loads fast and no problems what so ever, but there are times it takes forever to load which is mainly a problem with the server having to much of a load. So I would be saying the site is bad just because it loads slow for you.Personally, I like the banner a lot. Nice little flash work with the moto, but if I were you I would make it a little more creative then just a fade in/out.On the navigation on the left, You really need to change the link colors from the normal text. It is hard to tell which are links and which are categories. I would just darken the categorys' names a bit so there more of a contrast between them.Your site is probably pretty knew from the look of things but you really need to get a lot more content on it. For example, there is nothing in the download section. The journal module isn't activated and the forum link doesn't work.Well, theres still a lot of work to be done on your site. You have a very good start. Good luck and have fun :)xJedix
  4. firefox is way better than ie. First way to tell, is that firefox has plugins(Extentions). Any program that allows plugins usually is a very good program. Second, You can change the theme!! Its awsome how you are able to custamize firefox so that it looks the way you want it to.I also find that I have a lot less errors using firefox and everything in general loads faster. Another nice thing is that Firefox has it's own built in pop-up blocker. And you can also download an addition plugin that makes it even better.Overall, Firefox pwns IE. Theres almost no reason why ie is better than firefox besides maybe personal preference.The one and only thing I dislike about firefox is that the scrollbar's color doesn't change when you do javascript or css files.xJedix
  5. Its actually kind of easy to get points, most of the sign-ups.... don't require you to totally complete it to get the credits. One that I was doing, didn't like the address i put in, so I just skipped it but turned out I still got the credit -_-I think it will be easy to get the points and worthwhile since I don't got a credit card to get a domain :\Just one question though, does anyone know how many points you get for referrals?xJedix
  6. Thanks man, that site has a lot of useful information about anything you would want to know about dvd's. I sort of found what I wanted and can piece together the rest. So thanks for all of your guys' help. If you want to know which guide helped me.... go here: http://www.videohelp.com/guides?guideiselect=6%3b30 Thanks again, xJedix
  7. I could totally be off, but I think he means by Microsoft as their newest windows, which is Vista. By x Windows System, I think he means all of the other windows, i.e. 95, 98, 2000, xp, etc..Thats what I get from it but correct me if I am wrong.One question though, How do you get vista? Is the beta free to try?xJedix
  8. Yes, I would like to be able to play the dvd on my dvd player. Unfortunitly, my dvd player is sort of old so it can't play divx dvd's.I have not tried roxio, but I have tried nero recode 2 but it needs to vts files. I am not sure how i would compress vts.I have also tried dvd shrink. I was almost able to fit 2 dvds on it, but not quite.Any help, suggestions, or advice is appreciated.Thanks, xJedix
  9. Hey guys, I got a question about burning dvd's. I have searched google for tutorials or guides but none that I found helped me out. So, I'm hoping you guys might be able to help me out.I got some dvd's that I own that have a lot of scratches on them. I was wondering if their was a way to put 2-3 movies on one dvd. Is this possible? I heard some people talking about it and saying they have done it but so far I haven't found anything that would allow me to do this.And no, this is not illegal... As long as I own the dvd, I can make as many copies of em as I wanted to. So no spamming about that :\Thanks, xJedix
  10. It depends on how much access to the computer you get when you are on the computer. If you can get to the run prompt.... type msconfig and see if there is any backdoors/keyloggers on it, if there is don't use it. But it depends on how much access you get.Also, if I were you... I would delete all cookies that are saved once you are done. Sometimes, they save information you would not want someone else to get.Other than that, you really don't know. I don't like using public computers and don't have a reason to do so... So I don't.
  11. Starcraft used to be my favorite b.net game. I played it for like 3 years. It's is awsome that so many people still play the game, even though its like 6-7 years old.Like a year ago my friend got me to get war3 tft.... I like the game just a little more than starcraft. I don't like playing the normal games that much, mainly because I don't really have the time to get good. But the custom games are awsome. The map edit has so many features and things that can be configured that I could see the game lasting a long time. Probably as long as starcraft.But I still like both games, and I still play both.
  12. In my opinion, alien ware are good computers but they charge you for the name. You can get the same specs for cheaper. I would go with dell over alien ware any day just because they are cheaper and they still have great computers. But if your looking to use this computer mainly for gaming, and you have the money.... Then I would suggest Alienware.I would have to disagree with you truefusion.... Macs arn't always better, and like you said.... Its mainly about what you are going to use it for. I personally don't like macs cause not all games are for macs and its harder to do programming.
  13. xJedix

    Monitor Question

    Depending on when it is in the year...... during the summer, my computer is on around 10-14 hours per day..... During school, its on about 6-7 hours. But I have my monitor turn off after the computer is idle for 20 minutes and Im not using all of the time so it would reduce the amount its on a fair amount.
  14. xJedix

    Monitor Question

    I believe you might be right. Though I am going to say what I found out. I first connected my monitor up to my sister's computer and it was all fine but on the 1024x768 setting, I was barely able to see any fuzzyness. It was nothing compared to what happens on my computer. I did switch the monitor cables and to me I didn't notice a difference. Though I found it interesting that my extra monitor cable had one pin missing on both ends and it didn't make any difference that I could tell. I did notice one different thing then what I said on my first post. I was going through the different size settings on my computer and noticed that it was only the 1024x768 setting that is blurry. The smaller settings are fine now which makes me wonder whats going on. If anyone has some more comments on whats going on, I would greatly appreciate it. Though I do think it is pointing to my monitor going bad :'( Thanks, xJedix
  15. xJedix

    Monitor Question

    Rofl guys, how did you get to where I bought it a month ago from this? "About a month ago I noticed that the middle of my screen was kind of blurry." Cause I didn't, its 4 years old with no warrenty. :'("I am not sure but probably you have place something that has magnet near your monitor, and you have placed it too close. Speakers have magnets on them. but again I am not sure."I'm definitly sure I have never brought a magnet next to my monitor..... I'm not that dumb and also, my speakers are more than a foot away from my monitor so I doubt its that."If it is a TFT (flat screen) monitor then you could have damaged it by applying pressure to that area. If you have a CRT (large box-shaped thing) monitor then you may have bought a magnet near to the monitor or there could be interference on your monitor cable. Try plugging the monitor into a different PC and see if that helps. We can then work out whether it is the PC or the monitor."I believe its a CRT from what you said in your description. It's definitly not flat screen and I don't think they had those back 4 years ago. I will try hooking it up to my sisters computer and see if I have the same problem. I will reply again once I find out. I also have another monitor cable for my monitor... Don't ask me why, cause its a long story... but I'll try that too.Thanks guys for the help so far
  16. I personally like pc and pc games better though it is quite close when coming to which is better. It kind of depends on what your looking for. Pc's are great more basically everything and lots of games that you have to micro manage units etc.... Game consoles are purely gaming, at least they used to be. Some now, especially modded xboxes can have music, movies , etc... on it and do that stuff too.Though I rather get a pc because if I ever wanted to play those games, I can just get a emulator and download the game at least for the olderish game systems including xbox and ps2.... You can even get a adapter to hook up a xbox/ps2/n64/whatever to your computer and use it as a controller. I see pcs better overall.
  17. xJedix

    Monitor Question

    Alright, I got a Gateway EV700 monitor that came with my gateway computer. About a month ago I noticed that the middle of my screen was kind of blurry. It was difficult to read anything in that spot. And then the spot where it was blurry got larger to where it was a big spot in the middle. I tried changing all kinds of settings on the monitor, in the control panel, and in the hardware settings for it. Nothing seemed to help it.The only thing so far that I have noticed that gets rid of it is by changing the screen size to a higher setting. Like i was using 1024x768 and I changed it up to 1152x864 and its fine.... But Im wondering if anyone knows whats going on thats making my monitor do this? Like if I set it to 1152x864 or lower, it has a very blurry spot in the middle but the rest of the screen sizes are fine.Any help would be greatly appreciated. Right now its not a real hindurance since I can just put it up to a higher setting but I would like to figure this out incase it goes to the other ones to and theres always a blurry spot.Thanks guys, xJedix
  18. I rarely use my e-mail. I rather talk to them in person or on aim. Even though I rarely use e-mail, I do have a couple different e-mail accounts.I got a yahoo account which I usually only use for signing up for things so I don't get lots of spam at my other personal ones. Since yahoo doesn't count bulk e-mail as part of your quota, I am using 0% of my quota though there are a few e-mails in my inbox.I also have a gmail account which is mainly for personal use and contacting friends. I'm using about 5% of my 2+ gigs of space. The only reason its that much is because I have sent acouple of large projects using it.It is very true that the e-mail providers are competing for who gives the most space. The only reason I can see that they are able to do this is because not many of their users actually use much more than 20% of their quota.
  19. Im kind of guessing from the error since I don't know that much about sql.... but if your error message is correct, the "DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1" part is incorrect.Reasons for being incorrect. One possible reason is that the server doesn't have "latin1" charset. Another could be that the line of code is incorrect.My suggestion would be to try taking out the "CHARSET = latin1" part and see if it works. Otherwise you could just manually create the table through mysqladmin.Hope it helps
  20. Okay, I will see if it is fixed in a week which is pretty soon. I activated and added my site on Monday, the 11th. Thanks for the suggestion of using statcounter but I rather just use the stat tools that are provided once they start working.Also, thanks for the fast reply. I must say, this free hosting service is the best I have ever seen. Great support and fast replys to questions. Thanks guys
  21. I did a search of the forum and found a couple other users that were also having stats errors when trying to look at them. But all of them said their awstats worked fine, it was just the other two that did not. For some reason all three of my web stats do not work. For Analog, there are no months listed to click to view stats of. For awstats, i get this error: Error: Couldn't open config file "awstats.sf.trap17.com.conf" nor "awstats.conf" after searching in path ".,/home/xjedix/tmp/awstats/,/etc/opt/awstats,/etc/awstats,/etc,/usr/local/etc/awstats": No such file or directory- Did you use the correct URL ?Example: http://localhost/awstats/awstats.pl?config=mysiteExample: Did you create your config file 'awstats.sf.trap17.com.conf' ?If not, you can run "./../../tools/awstats_configure.pl" from command line, or create it manually.Check config file, permissions and AWStats documentation (in 'docs' directory). and for Webalizer, I get this error: Webalizer stats have not yet been generated! Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, xJedix
  22. I personally don't like smokers though I know people that do. Smoke smells so bad and is really bad for the smoker and the people around him that breathe. I think its fine if poeple want to kill themselfs by smoking but they shouldn't indanger other peoples health/lifes by smoking.Its kind of funny though. Im from Minnesota and in my city they have a smoking ban in public restaurants. So people that smoke have to go outside to smoke which is perfectly fine with me. It keeps the restaurants and bars cleaner and then when I go there, I don't come home smelling of crap. I think its awsome that the government did this. Though most smokers hate the government now but oh well.
  23. I don't know anything about this error but a simple google search solves the problem very easily. Here are a couple links that you should read and will help a bunch http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/817197 and heres the google search link so you can find more pages about this: https://www.google.com/search?q=error+PAGE_:en-US:official This is not a software problem as you will find in reading those links. It is mainly about hardware problems. Just wanted to clear that up Notice from snlildude87: Posts merged
  24. xJedix


    I too have been having this problem lately. Though mine isn't taking 10 minutes to load. Mine has been taking about 2-3 minutes to load. I find it wierd though because I would check the server status and the current load and cpu was very low. So, I don't know. I know that its not my internet though, because everything else loads fast, including traps forums.
  25. rofl, that is just simply the most pathetic law ever created though dexter said it was lifted.Im going to be sure never to move to grece :\ Just incase they decide to have some for fun and go banning computers in general. If they did that, people definitly would leave.... And I wouldn't blame em
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