Thanks for posting this, I never would have known about this otherwise. I think its would be a great idea if intel and apple combined. Maybe they might actually make something that has a lot less holes in it. Though many people can debate about that, I think its a good idea and it would bring back some competition. Hey, maybe some prices might even drop for us poor folk
I mainly use dreamweaver but occasionally I will use notepad for basic html stuff. I like using dreamweaver the most because when I don't do coding everyday, I tend to forget some things. Also, dreamweaver makes the code easy to look at, especially when you have php files that are 100+ lines.
I taught myself it just by looking at random sites source. Its really not that difficult to learn. You just have to take the time to learn it. I think I used my old clan site for learning most of it but any site works.
That is correct, but your only stuck with them until you reformat your hdd. Though, once you reformat you will have to re-download service pack 2, and all of the patches.
Even though I don't have xp, I would say your best choice would be to keep them on there so you don't run into problems.
I would have to agree. I see a lot of web host companys using redhat which I think is one of the better os's for webhost but I don't think its free. But it depends on what exactly your looking for. If this host is going to be more of a private host, you really don't need to much security since there won't be much traffic/random people visiting.