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Everything posted by jamjamnorman

  1. Photoshop CS 2,3,4It is a lot better than GIMP and other free applications.I have used GIMP quite a lot, and it's terrible.
  2. I would use PHP for some thing like that. But saying that, I am probably the last person you'd want to ask about web programming though, i prefer applications.
  3. i got a cool gaming computer CPU Speed: 10 GHz Memory: 8 GB Hard drive: 750 GB CD / DVD: CD + DVD writer Monitor: LCD Monitor
  4. I got:FileZilla FTP ClientFireFoxLogMeInVLC Media PlayerWinRARcounter strikeoff roadmx vs atvgimp
  5. i think you should get window 7 becouse it has a lot more feature and becouse it is a lot better.
  6. Counter strike:source is definately better than cs 1.6
  7. Really it comes down to the basic three principles since the start of the internet. Use a firewall, latest updates, and the latest av.Thats really all I can say.
  8. I agree. my phone isn't anything special so i don't need it all the time
  9. GRID is one of the best IMHO. Need for Speed has become too artificial so it is not as much about the racing and more about the tuning of the car
  10. My favourite is Google Chrome. I have had no problems with this ever since I've had it installed, unlike Firefox which didn't load after about a week of use.
  11. Hello Group.CollectionI just thought I would say, attempting to speak English is a lot better than typing LOOLZ WHASSUP MA HOMEY G!!!1!!!!1!!!!! I AM A 1337 HAXXORZ!!!!!!111!111!!Trust me, you see enough of those around on any forum.
  12. C++ is the ONLY professional game programming language. The main reason is the speed and flexibility. C++ is derived from C, which isquite a low level language compared to the others being mentioned here. However, C++ is (IMO) quite a steep learning curve. I started with VB (im not proud of that) but it was easy to pick up and once you have learnt your first language it becomes exponentually(sp?) easier to learn each language after that. I usually use C#, but that is because with C# I can use XNA Game Studio to make games for my Xbox 360. There is also the fact I am not entirely confident in my programming expertise in C++ although I'm getting there And if you are going to complain "I'm 15", I'm 13 and everything I've learnt has come from trial and error. Because who reads help files?
  13. I use Silverstripe. I find it really easy to modify the template. It also has a very good tutorial for bbeginner users(and believe me, i needed it )
  14. I tryed affiliates once. That didn't work the way i wantedAll I will say is be wary of ANY online money making program. Most are scams designed to rip you off.
  15. I would usually agree with this, but then you hear about things lke the great firewall of china, where the chinese government blocks sites against it's beliefs. That being said, it should not be used for some 13 yr olds trying to look at porn on the schools network. That is a big no-no. Javascript is used to change a proxy's address from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to something like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/= this particular example is using base 64 encoding(http://www.motobit.com/util/base64-decoder-encoder.asp) but there are many others like rot13, which is a simple ceasar shift 13 places Edit:Spelling
  16. if you use the google engine on a comercial site you need ads, which isn't the best. for example this site.
  17. lot easier to understand though and for example, if you have http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ if you take off the 02/03/ you'll be able to see all the ones from 2005. But yeah, mod_rewrite does tend to screw up SEO
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