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Everything posted by truefusion

  1. I'm sure you get banned more than one way besides just your IP address.
  2. I like them. But there seems to be some going on with the 2nd (green) one, around the text. That seems a bit odd looking.
  3. Not bad. But, since you're going with a vectorized look, JPGs isnt the good way to go for the images. Since it's all just plain colors, GIFs would have been the better way of doing it.
  4. I'ma have to go with snlildude's on this one also. The colors are better fitted for Mario. I also like the blending better in this one. The style kinda better fits mario, also.S_M, the text kinda looks a bit out of place.0:3 SnLilD.
  5. Think of borders as like a frame to a picture. Most paintings just dont stand out without the use of a frame. Of course, there are some acceptions o_o.
  6. Yes, Internet Explorer 7 will have PNG support.
  7. S_M: Nice choice of text and position for the text. Colors are ok, but it could use some different ones. Nice choice of render. I, too, see where you were going with the motion blur, but it could have been better blended in. Like, not having it go too far in, more on the edges of the render.Nguyen/SnlilD: Nice choice of text and position. Nice choice of colors. Nice choice of render, although could have been better blended on the sides of the hair. Loving the style used. Good job.Blue0016: Ok choice in color. Nice choice of text, but that outer glow effect (?) makes the text seem blurry, which the background is pretty sharp. Nice choice in render, but the head of link is brighter than his body. Makes it a bit unbalanced.Mayank: Ok choice in renders. Nice choice in text, but "the gimp" and "mayank" is just a bit plain when compared to the "ryu" one. The squares, nice placement, but it could have been better used. For example, on the render that shows out more (the one on the right), you could have blended that render with like a motion blur, and inside the squares make it seem like there is no motion blur, get what i mean? Frozen: I know the "story" behind this one, about the render trying to break out and all, but those black sides just kills it for me. Would have been nice if grunge was used to make it seem like he's stuck inbetween 2 formations of rocks. Besides that, nice coloration.Sprite: Nice contrast. Nice style. Just, the text. Could have been more creatively blended with the screen. And it's a bit off in alignment with the screen. The bottom edge of the text matches the bottom edge of the screen, but the top edge doesnt align with the top edge of the screen.Overall, ima go with SnlilDude.
  8. Yea, i brightened the background a bit cause it was a bit pale, and i wanted it to make it "interact" with the render. Like, as if the shine on the clothes and hair was because of the background. Glad you guys like it.
  9. Do i get better everytime or what? Decided to give warp text a try. Had to change the render's hair color to match the background more, and added some highlights. I also had to change the eye color; green eyes didnt match. Also modified the clothes' color a bit. Hope you guys like it. Please comment.
  10. Wow, those are some nice sigs. Makes me wanna go into photoshop and start making some. I Like: Sternum, Sick Osiris, Plague, Nitroz, Lurk, Killer, Ionide, Edicon, Demonic Spartan, Chemical, and Broken. My favorite one would have to be: Killer.
  11. When requesting for a sig, please fill out the fields provided here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ That way we'd know of what you want on the sig, and so we wont have to ask. Asking having us ask is just delaying us from forfilling your request, and i dont think you'd want that .
  12. This tournament has gone for far too long, just give it to biscuitrat.
  13. I dont understand, if people got banned for doing something that these programs allow you to do, then it must be a form of hack. And: Saying this and allowing the download to continue is a bit off to me... Notice from cmatcmextra: Removed links from quote. There's not much point removing it from post #1 otherwise
  14. You're right, now that you mentioned i did see something similar on the safari page. http://www.apple.com/safari/
  15. I'm curious to where you've found this duplicate of the logo.
  16. This can be done easier with php. <?$quote = array("quote1","quote2","quote3","quote4","quote5");$rand = array_rand($quote, 1);echo "$quote[$rand]";?>
  17. I think i know what the problem is. I looked up file_put_contents, and it said it's only for php5+, and i dont think Xisto has that version installed. I think Xisto has v4.3.x. That's why you've been getting errors. You'll have to do it the old fashion way, with fopen, fwrite, and fclose.
  18. The thing about the feet, if you look at the original picture, there's supposed to be hair there. So i just did a little blending. Took a while to blend that in to my liking. As for fruity/monochromatic (LOL, fruity...), i just left it like that. Wasnt really into blending the render much, color-wise.Thanks for the comments.
  19. Yea, it does that.. Just wait a while, it'll come back. I dont know why that happens.
  20. I tested out the abstract brush set i'm working on, again. So far, it has 16 brushes in it. Just giving you a little something of what to expect before it's released. I might release it when it has like 30 brushes or so.
  21. Control Panel > Accessibility Options > Uncheck what you dont want.
  22. I was expecting this to be one of them "make your own grunge" tutorials. But this is just another sig tutorial, grunge style. Only thing i see beneficial is the scanlines part of the tutorial. And glad you mentioned what brush you used.
  23. Not finished yet, but i was planning on having it done before the starter pack comes out. Either way, i'll be sure to let you guys know. I've also been working on a fractal brush set. Hoping to release both at the same time. xD.
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