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Everything posted by Kubi

  1. Wow, this is pretty cool, so basically you can change all those options(most) and it'll change the way it looks. That's awsome, always wondering how they made it. I'm guessing making it actually WORK requires a TON more work huh? That would be pretty awsome if you could make that a working MP3 player.
  2. Hmm, looks nice. But the picture(knuckles?) is transparent, I don't like the transparency too much. Uhm, lets see, the text doesn't go so great with the bg, and it looks kinda off centered with the smaller/bigger text thingy. (sorry, don't know what it's called).Good job for the rest!
  3. Kubi

    Need Free Ftp Client

    The only one I've heard of here is WS_FTP. I used to use that a while ago, but I didn't like how it had the 30 evaluation time, and I didn't wanna buy it. So I just switched to FireFTP. It's a FTP client that works *INSIDE* your firefox browser. It's so easy to use too. You can download it by going into your extensions tab on your FF browser. And best of all, it's free! No trial period or anything.
  4. Well, whether or not we think they'll make it back safely, we should even discuss it in this manner. If you don't think they'll make it back, don't bother posting. We're here to support the astronauts and not "hope' they'll come back, to make "sure" they come back. Whether or not you think they're coming back or not, just give them best wishes.(and they will come back, as buffalo said, it's the safest mission yet).And actually I read that --(oh, uhm, this is kinda graphic) some small *fragments* of there bodies were found(and I talking about the same one?). But again, as buffalo said, if you try jumping through the atmosphere you'll burn and die almost instantly.
  5. Why would someone want to put alllll there personal info on a website? You know there are a lot of sick people out there just waiting for you to give out some info on where you live. I understand the point of a blog but it's just meaningless. Only sick perverted lunatics really want to know what you had for breakfast, I mean I could care less. I think Blogs are just a waste of time and endangering people.
  6. Kubi

    Image Clocks

    I believe an Image clock like that is probably 2 images, then the clock is formated in PHP. You can seach around google for one if you wish, I couldn't fix one in the format you wanted.Search: Search for "Image Clock PHP" in google, a few good things came up.
  7. I'm 15 years old. Meh, seeing how old you are I now feel young. I mind how I type, I don't like offending people with horrible grammar, word useage and such. Plus I'm a computer nerd so it's kinda how I type. Even on AIM, I always use grammar.
  8. Well, I'm just ganna stay with my PC and Xbox. Xbox has a lot of good games and I don't feel like paying for another system. I heard PS3 was supposed to go from about 600$ - 1000$. 1k...That's outragous, no way I would ever spend that much on a console. Plus I like my games on the PC.
  9. Sig 1 - Looks nice, the text is a little wierd. I don't really understnd the "-85 str" and that other thing.4/5Sig 2 - I like the BG, the text is really nice too.5/5Good job!
  10. Hmm, this is pretty interesting. I just downloaded/installed it on my firefox. It looks pretty nice too. I haven't really used it yet(no need to so far) but I like how it shows you the page you're going to if you type it in the seach bar.
  11. Hate isn't "required" I think it's just a part of everyones lifes. I believe hate is only a sin if you're hating things for the wrong reason. "I hate my boss because he's got no hair". Uhm, that's just a bad reason to hate someone. Happiness can't only be measured by success, it's if you love what you're successful AT! If you have a job, you absolutely HATE, but are successful with it, you're not happy. You're just working for the money and not exactaly the experience. If people didn't hate eachother so much, we might actually be able to get a long. People hating eachother isn't nessisary, it's more of something we just do.Meh, just my opinion. Take it one way or the other.
  12. I do belive(as a lot of people here) that religion hasn't been updated in a while. But I don't think much should be changed, if anything at all. If religion was changed, there would bound to be SOME conflicts. As in the Declaration of Indepentence, there was so much contriversy in that, because it wasn't very clear. If religion is changed, the same thing *might* happen. I do agree, though, that women should be aloud to preach in church services. I don't see why they can't in the first place. Little things like this should be changed, not a lot though.
  13. No need to really have "Hosted By:" in there. If you put the button in a "special" place on your site, and give it a descript, people will know what it is. I just think it should be a tad more colorful and it'll be perfect!
  14. Kubi

    Kezzie o_o

    Welcome Kezzie! I've already had a long chat with you in the shoutbox so there isn't much to cover! I hope you have fun here and, remember the most important rule! Don't spam! Here's some linkage to help you out here(I should start my own linkage club huh?) FAQ View Hosting credits (scroll down a tad) Request hosting! (10+ credits required) TOS Hope this helps Make sure you read the TOS. And once you have your ahosting application accepted, go to Proccess(activate hosting accnt) to active your hosting account. Welcome and have fun!
  15. Hmm, I haven't scanned my computer for months. Ad-Ware and Viruses. So I scanned it just the other day. Here's what I found.29 Ad-Ware (after months of not scanning? Wow)And3 Trojans(clickers and downloaders)All were deleted, nothing happened. It's because I don't use stupid programs on my computer that I know will give me viruses *cough*kazaa*cough*.
  16. The thumbnails come from Imageshack.us. You get an image hosted and then it'll give you a bunch of codes to display the picture. Copy/paste the one that says "Thumbnail".
  17. Ok, my friend and I desided to start an elements series for starcraft. Basically what we'll be doing is telling you how to make difficult triggers in Starcraft Map editor. These triggers can be very complex if you don't know what you're doing so we're making these as clear as possible. You'll require; A map editor(of your choice) , and an intermiadite knowlegde of map making. All the Starcraft trigger tutorials were either written by me or my friend "Toaster". All these tutorials will be written on my forums FIRST and then quoted here. So lets get started shall we? We're starting with RPG elements, meaning triggers you need for RPGs placed in the simplest way possible. So basically this is telling you how to make entering and leaving towns look more professional. If you had done this differently the trigger would mess up and the message will never stop appearing on the screen. Hope this helped with your RPG This tutorial was written by Toaster on Clan VDTP's Forums!
  18. Doesn't anyone like anime? OHh man, I love anime. Here's some of my favorite shows in order.1) FullMetal Alchemist2) Ghost in the shell3) Samori(erm spelling?) Champloon4) Inuyasha5) Family guy6) FuturamaI'm probably missing a few but these are my favorite.
  19. AHH! snlildude, your desktop is a MESS. Clean it up a bit gee wiz.No, but seriously, you have the cleanest desktop ever! Lol. You should first put a bg on that desktop. Looks soo, soo, bland.
  20. Very nice. It could use a bit more color though I use the big banner on the top of the page for my site. I might use this for my affiliates place(even though Xisto is on my site about 4 times!)
  21. I'm pretty sure this would be semi-easy to prevent the particles from escaping the bomb. Just put a sealed box and it and pack it air tight. Atleast that's how I think it'd be undetectable. It's a pretty good system, but what about people who are sesitive to this kinda thing? Like older people, wouldn't it scare them and cause problems. (Seizure, heart attack). The bursts of air seem kinda sudden. It's a good system for now though.
  22. Hmm..I think that's pretty pathetic. What are they trying to gain by that? In my opiniion it wouldn't lessen crime, it would cauase more due to angry(and most likely borde) people. Video games are a way of releaving stress, I believe. In games you can kill kill kill, and get rid of the urge to do it in real life. I think death rates in greece will rise because of bordom. Lol, joking with that one, but it's pretty outragoues to ban games.
  23. Kubi


    Welcome to Xisto! I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here. And if you don't spam it'll be even more enjoyable! Here are some useful links I suggest reading to help you out! FAQ Veiw Hosting Credits(scroll down a tad) Hosting Request(10+credits required!) And finaly the most important! TOS Have fun . Welcome.
  24. Uhm, I think toys are noisy so kids can "Interact" with them. It's not a really good idea, because if a kid doesn't like the noise but loves the toy, watcha ganna do? I think toys shouldn't be so noisey, a little sound is fine...a lot of sound is bad. Down with sound! Down with sound!
  25. Ohhh my gosh...I wasn't almost 3 years on that stupid game. At first it was fun and I was to extactict about it, then I bought members, got really good at everything, and got bored fast. Basically they kept updated the servers and they got slower. Everyone who was a long time member, and worked so hard lost a lot once they started adding new areas, items, quests. I completed all the quests, then 10 more came out and it was just..bleh. After a while I quite, got so boring. Sold my items to a friend for 15 bucks, lol. RS isn't even worth it. (never talked about it at school)
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