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Everything posted by Kubi

  1. I personaly haven't done it, but my sister works for the school district as a computer intern. And ofcourse she gets her one G4 laptop(I'm' sooo jealous). And her laptop connects to the fastest wireless connection. So my sister can connect to my neighbors internet if it's faster then her own. (the school provides her with internet but it's really slow) So she's not really doing it illegally, just...uhm, legaly?
  2. ^^Click for larger Image! I'm a neat freak, I have 14 folders. You should see what's inside them! LOL. Files(incase you can't see) Downloads, Documents, School, Games, bots, Mapping Tools, Img Editors. Meh, there mores. My theme is Zippo btw. If you want it just PM me and I'll give you the link to the site where you can grab it.
  3. Hello, Ryoma, I'd be willing to exchange banners with you. My Info; Clan VDTP Genre: Gaming I have an 81x33 button ready, along with the code. I have quite a few members on my website, so your banner will be see quite a bit. If you want your button to be displade on more then one page of my site you'll have to do the same for me. (If you want 5 pages, you gatta give me 5 pages). Contact me; AIM - SomeMage Email - cowgoesmoo123@gmail.com Contact me on my site too if you wish! Please note I won't be able to update the scripts till the 16ths. THANKS!
  4. Hiding icons are easy, it's not really a trick either.Right click your desktop > Arrange Icons By > Hide Desktop Icons.All it does it make your folders/files/icons invisible. All you gatta do is;Right click your desktop > Arrange Icons By > Show Desktop Icons(or Hide again) to undo that.
  5. If you took it off a site(even your own)! You MUST put it in quotes. Even if you wrote it on your site and wanted to post it here, you must quote it.
  6. Hey guys! I'm the leader of Clan VDTP. We basically play all B.net games on USWEST. DiabloII Starcraft StarcraftBW WCIII We're located in OP VeL. We're looking for active WCIII people to help us make a clan channel. You'll recieve a free email if you join (yourname@clan-vdtp.org). And if you're active enough and post activly on our forums you'll be made a moderator. Currently we have about 12-15 members and growing fast. But to expand more we need this "Clan" channel. We have about 6 people to make the channel so far, but we still need more! Our site is; clan-vdtp.org (hosted by Xisto ofcourse) Please help us out! You can reach me by PM, email(email located on our site) posting on our forums, or coming to our channel; OP VeL, and looking for KuBi@uswest. Thanks for your time!
  7. THat looks really good man. Good job. I like the colors they go really well with your banner and everthing else. I see for the banner you used some pics that were on your sigs . Also, I see you have an Affiliates page, once your site is up I'd be happy to exchange with you
  8. Ok petgraveyard. You're really being hostile twards us. "Lose are real words look them up". No duh they're real words, we all know that. Now, when you say it just makes us type slower....ok that's not true. I can Type "Laugh Out Loud"...faster then I can type "lol". And if something doesn't belong in a curtain catagorie, don't put it there. People don't talk like "Lol the character in dis book iz". They just don't. And as you say, it "degrades" our intelligence, when something is put in quotes out of speech, it's exagerrating the word so it stands out more. Here's what really p*ssed me off about what you said; Now, it doesn't save space? Laugh Out Loud. 14 Characters including spaces. Lol. 3 Characters, no spaces. Everyone knows what "LOL" means. My mom knows what it means, my dad. And say we'd just start using this in real life? Nahh, thats just stupid. We know how to talk in real life, we aren't going to walk up to someone and say "LOL, did you see marty the other day? That was so rofl!". No one is ganna do that. With all due respect, I think you should treat others opinions well. Seeing as how what you're saying isn't all true. You need to treat the other members with R-E-S-P-E-C-T. We respect the fact you don't like the word "Lol", please respect the fact that we use it and we won't stop. Thanks..
  9. "pwn" means "Own" you know like,"Ohhh you just got pwnt"Translation:"Ohhh you just got ownedBut please remember;Abbreviations like, "Lol" "omg" "rolf" those, are not leetspeak.LeetSpeak is numbers and a few symbols combined the look like words such as, 0mG y0u|2'3|3 t|2ipp|/\/g..."Omg You're Tripping". That is leet speak, or as people refer to it as 1337 Speak. Haxorz is another computer language...uhm, lets just say if you don't know it, you can't even read it the slightest.Those abbreviations are...erm, I guess "slang".
  10. No...it's does "inferiate" me. What's wrong with "lol"? It's not meant to be cool. Could you imaging typing out "Laugh Out Load" every time you wanna say it? No, it doesn't "degrade" your intelligence. It's just an easier way of saying something. Now, I understand if you don't know HOW to use it, it'll make you look stupid. I think you're just surrounded by people who use it in the wrong way. I use it a lot, "pwn" "lol" "1337", doesn't mean I'm stupid. I'm actually quite SMART.(as you can tell by the way I type, maybe)I don't think it makes ANYONE wanna scream(except you) because everyone uses it. It's something that makes our lifes easier. People who don't type as fast, or hate typing use it.And you know, it's not just "youngsters". I have seen a 42 year old say that. A LOT. And he's actually quite smart. I'm pretty sure most of the mods here use it, and maybe the admin, but that doesn't degrade there intelligence(seeing as how they run this place).No. Doesn't inferiate me. I think a lot of people could agree with that.Oh, and btw, leetspeak isn't "lol". leetSpeak is stuff like;0|-|, yv0 g0t pvv/\/3d |0s3|2s.Soo ya.
  11. Well, not entierly pointless but, I find it useless. They should worry more about other things then "Friends" button and a "channel" button. I mean, they're messing up peoples games, and they don't care! All they're worried about are the lazies. And people who don't know the command learn from other people. If you don't know how so many people would be willing to teach you. It's just a matter of asking. The channel and friend button is just another step you have to take to get to what you want.
  12. No. They will not fix it. Please read this section of my post. A blizzard rep, said UMS triggering was "irrelivelt. Blizzard will not "hopefully" update this soon. This has been going on since there FIRST patch. Blizzard doesn't care about UMS becuz they're not making the maps! When you say "it will get fixed soon" is...can't think of the word. "Soon" has past "some day" has past. "NEVER" is what we're looking at. Thanks for your opinion, but this has been going on for YEARS, and they keep making stupid updates that ruin some maps. The last MAJOR update was a couple months ago. This is what they changed; Added a "Friends" button to see your friends list. ???? Why? Are people complaining that typing /f l is to hard? Added a "Channel" button that works basically like diablo. Again, were people complaining that typing /join <channel> was to hard? Or even /j <channel>. I Mean, CMON! Sadly they will never fix the AI scripts becuz they don't care about it. They think it's not there problem.
  13. Hmm, thats really interesting. When I play Sc I see ? Blizzard Entertaintment 1994-1998" and I'm like....WOW! SC isn't copyrighted anymore? Lets steal it! Thanks for clearing that up for me/us . Oh, and, it's still valid till after 50 year old the authors death. So, if I copyright my site, die, and 50 years later someone can steal whatever they want off of it without it being illegal, as long as someone else doesn't claim responsibility? Wow, that's interesting.
  14. SO TRUE! Exepct! What's a map makers worst nightmare really? Non-Working AI scripts that are needed or some stupid map hack? I don't see hacks as much of a threat. Unless it's a show-all hack and then it pretty much spoils the RPG. Hacks are mostly for melee though. If they're so worried about hacks(and typos) they should just make an anti-hack system. I mean CMON! These guys developed WoW, Diablo II, Diablo II LoD, Starcraft, more.. But they can't make a simple anti-hack system? I mean, they SAY they're cutting down on hacks in diablo. But people still use Map hacks, and never get banned/warned. My friends actually use baal bots and MF bots, they never get banned/warned. There anti-hack system is FEAR! But you can't run a game offa fear, people will learn it's just a gimick and hack anyways.
  15. Ok, I'm putting this in vent becuz I'm more angry then talking about the game*lol*. Ok, as a map maker for StarCraft BW, I know how hard it is to make a good successful, popular(and words missing?) map. But I believe that Blizzard isn't helping this, they just make it harder for us. Now before I start venting, I'd like people to agree/disagree with me on this statement. (my own words) "Without UMS Map would Starcraft even exist? More people play UMS maps then Melee, there are hundreds of GOOD UMS maps that people play consantaly. But melee maps are all the same, fast possible, temple, all blizzard made maps. I see more UMS then melee. People would get bored of melee maps becuz it's all the same. You play, you win, you play, you lose. Over and over!" Now, myself, I have made about 5 maps...Semi-Popular, and still more coming. A lot of people make RpG(Role Play Games) and A lot of RpG's require computer AI(Artificial Inteligence, seriously, it's like playing with a cockroach). During about 1.10 AI scripts were used mainly for making computers act like they do in melee maps, exepct more advanced, and faster acting. Once 1.11 came out AI scripts never worked properly. Wanna know why? They're outdated! When you go to a blizzard support channel, they will NOT help you with UMS troubles(triggering). One of the old ones actually told me that UMS Maps were irrelivent. Why would they say this? Without UMS maps I believe starcraft wouldn't exist! Lets do the math. 1 Game can hold max 6 players *IF* they're 2 computers, which most UMS maps hold 6 players. You can usually see 2-3 of the same map in the game list. So, full house, 6 players. That's six players in ONE UMS map. With over 2 of the same one, over 18.(sorry if this confuzes you). So 18 people playing the same UMS game. There are over 10k people playing games at one time(you see this once you login) 10k people playing games, most being UMS. Just imaging if there were no UMS maps. 3/4 of those people would be channel grounded. Why Channel Grounded? I have a lot of friends online, now most of them are 10..11..12 years old. You really expect a 10 year old to develop a strategic strike against his opponent(about 5 years older then him) that will work? It's not being mean to the youngers, but it's sometimes a fact. A lot of 10 year olds can make good stratagies, but most can't... SO for the people who aren't good at melee, wouldn't play at all since there are no UMS maps. What are UMS maps? Use Map Settings, is what it stands for. It's basically a person who is skilled with triggers(actions) that like to make these maps, what they do it combine triggers in combos and make a reaction. Example: Condition: Player 1 brings exactaly 1 <any unit> to location <spawn> Player 1 has accumalated exactaly <10> minerals. Action: Create <1> <marine> for player 1 at location <1> Subtract <10> minerals from player 1. <Preserve> That's a basic buy trigger. The people who make maps need to add HUNDREDS of triggers, locations into one map to work. If you've ever played a well balanced madness game, with buying power, it's VERY difficult. Back to my vent. After all you've seen, you see that the people who've made UMS maps that have become popular work really hard deserve credit, but Blizzard just throws this fact away like it never existed. They never update UMS scripts, so AI never works properly anymore. Say you want an opponent to make a full fledged base, they'll make one unit. Attack. Lose. And never build anything anymore. Doesn't sound right does it? This may sound harsh, but Blizzard doesn't care about UMS, starcraft(wow) as much as they do other games. This may suprise you! YOU'RE KIDDING ME RIGHT?! That patch messed up hundreds of UMS maps, replays(replays get cut to 2 minutes once a patch comes out) for a stupid TYPO? What is blizzard thinking?!?! *That quote was taken directly from there site* Well, I've wrtten enough here, so in conclusion, I belive without UMS maps, starcraft wouldn't exist. Blizzard needs to pay more attention to scripts that we work so hard to put to gether, then some stupid type that it almost unoticable. Thanks for listening and reading down this far. I appretiate your attention. I'm sorry if anyway this confused you aswell. Please post comments/conserns/questions. I've been playing sc for 4 years, I've been through the worst, so I can answer all questions!
  16. So lets see if I can get this all right. You've got....(from left to right) Microsoft money, 2 Fire FOx programs, paint....Photoshop, Runescape?!?!(why rs?!?!) Internet explorer(Why one of these when you have FF?) That green thing looks like LimeWire(pwnt?) An MSN chat box another IE site(again, why?). Holy shnickies ANOTHER FF site. Winzip(Unzipping something I see?) I can't tell what that icon is, looks like a mapping tool? Another IE site and ANOTHER paint. Man, you do have too much open. I may have been able to name that stuff but WHAT in the world are you doing with them? Jeese.. Oh, can't forget the Taskbar, Msn, 2 java platforms, Syntac Security? Sound and winzip. Man, you do have a lot open. Close those IE sites and group all your FF's. What do you do anyways? And why do you play runescape? LOL, I quit that a while ago. K, buffalo asked me to make another post so I don't get warned. EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see your second post where you said what all programs you had open so I posted it. I wasn't spamming, just didn't read all the way through
  17. Never said I uninstalled. I've still been playing SC for a long time now(hence why it's the best game, never gets old) I lead Clan FoR, General in Clan sK. Warrant officer in IA. It's all in my first post hereUMS Maps:Marine MadnessArbiter MadnessVirus RpGLevel Up Bound ~Lava Edition~(not released)New Cannon D
  18. Hm. Not sure I remember that name, were you ever in any clan I lead? I made UMS maps, you should come play with me once you reinstal the game. I've made a few that are pretty fun.(2 madness and 1 rpg) the other 4 I'm still working on *LOL*.
  19. I'm to young to even know what a cassette is.(even though I'm 15, haha, and I do know what one is)But the first cd I bought....omg, this is so embarasing(arron carter) AHHH. Omg, I was like 10 years old...and now it's like, ewwwwwwwwwwww. So lets not count that one k? First *real* CD I ever bought was Rob Zombie.Now adays I listen to even better bands.PennywiseRise Against(not rise against machines)Alexisonfire(OMG!)The Offspring(Wee!)Little bit o nickelback and AC/DC here and there.Still listen to Rob Zombie!I throw my Aron Carter CD onto the ground and shattered it after this book store took all my others but didn't want Aron Carter CD.(losers)
  20. Aww, cmon give me a hint! I like to meet up with old friends. I promise I won't play with you too long! Ya, Blizzard never updates the graphics for SC. And that's kinda a good thing. Could you imaging if they kept changeing? It'd be chaos! But they just updated last night(now I need no sc hashes! ) Dunno what the update did though, anyone know what that last update did?
  21. It's probably nagging you becuz it's got some little box and lines there. I think it looks awsome. Just add a border and it'll be great.
  22. Those are pretty sad occastions. I don't know if you would call this "A near death experience" but it was pretty serious.When I was about 5, I had a sister a year older then me. Her and I liked to run around the house(even though we weren't aloud) playing. We decided to play Ball tag. She had the ball and I was running down the hall away from her. She throw the ball and hit my legs, I tripped in the living room and hit my head on our BRICK fireplace. I cracked my skull open, straight through. I was still awake with my eyes open and all bloody. I had blood running down my face everywhere. Got to the hospital and they stiched me up without even giving me novicane.(prolly becuz of my age, ionno). I had 16 stiches in my head. I still have the scar, it's a giant lump on my forehead.
  23. Well, I'd have to say Starcraft Bw. As a dedicated Clan Leader I've been on b.net for about 4 years. 3 Of which I spent in a clan. I went from Clan IA(an extremely hard clan to move up in ranks) as Warrant officer to another clan that I can't really remember, spent about a month there, went to clan sK(Silent-Knights) and resigned as a 1*General after about a year serving. My last stop would be Clan FoR(Clan FoRSaKeN), and started as a 2*General becuz of my huge rep I had gathered by then. I spent about 2 years here and resigned and Co-Commander due to so many personal issues popping up.(please remember all this time in clans were spend on SC, just a little of diablo). Afterwards I created my own clan, we have our own website, forums, and a lot of members. Now I play Diablo II mostly. But I spend a lot of time on SC, creating UMS maps. So I'm going on my 4-5th year of b.net. Not to brag but I've gained quite a rep . Sure you didn't wanna hear all that but I thought it was quite interesting. My aliases *were* CoW-LoVeR[sK](in sK) CoW-LoVeR]FoR[(in FoR) and now KuBi(in my own clan). If you've ever heard of me give me a hollar .
  24. That's disgusting....calling a soldier who died to help there country a "f*g" and that he's goes to hell. What the hell is that crap? That's just completly stupid.. I may be looking at the pics wrong, but that's a US soldier isn't it? I mean, it's got the flag on the casket...that's just digusting.. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Moderated a word.
  25. Actually, I have just the thing for you! snlildude wrote this tutorial a while ago. It's extremely simple, just edit the email "To" fields so it's sent to your email and not his(lol). You can edit the message that the people see once they click "Sumbit" other that that, you shouldn't need to edit anything else. Hope that helps.
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