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Everything posted by Milovoriel

  1. so England won the test match yesterday .... big deal! ... not only did it dominate Channel 4's programming for 7 hours but it actually overran and so Lost was cancelled .... this drives me nuts! .... when they change the scheduled programmes because the damn sport overruns .... and don't even get me started on the borefest that is CRICKET .... a group of men milling about a field for 7 hours .... be still my beating heart .... if it's not the Grand Prix, it's football or Rugby or flippin' horseracing or athletics .... the list is endless .... if you don't have cable or satellite TV then this is what dominates terrestial TV at the weekends .... I'm lucky, I have cable but I really feel for those people who don't and hate sport ....
  2. I just wondered how you all like to start your day? .... I have my own little idiosyncratic routine .... first, getting up .... a monumental task .... there is no sound worse than the sound of an alarm clock! .... it makes you're heart sink and chills the blood .... so, roll out of bed, then make bed, tidy house, have shower, but on make up, do hair .... but then comes the joy of my morning .... a half hour for breakfast, (usually cereal and a mega mug of strong tea .... bliss!), and watch either "Friends", "Everybody loves Raymond" or some other American comedy show on Channel 4 .... and while the commercials are on, I flip over to BBC1 and read the news headlines on teletext, then back for the rest of the show, iron clothes and out the door to face another hell of a day! .... if I sleep in and don't have time for this early morning ritual, I am literally hell personified .... a class A nightmare for the day! ....
  3. many things that I can't post for fear of being booted off this forum for good! .... but "forum friendly" names I've been referred to in the past, usually in my working environment, range from fairy princess to dragon !....
  4. Many kids are out of control these days .... but I don't blame them, I blame the parents .... kids only display behaviour that's learned or tolerated .... parent's need to give themselves a flippin' shake and start disciplining their kids from an early age .... teach them respect .... unfortunately, many kids seem to have no boundaries and that makes them insecure and badly behaved .... I'm not a big fan of children .... except for my own of course, but he knew from an early age, I was in charge and I think it made him far more secure in himself .... of course then you hit teenage years and all that goes out the window and then kids challenge you on everything .... but that's a healthy part of development .... also a bloody nightmare! ....
  5. Without doubt, The Simpsons .... best satire on tv .... favourite characters .... Patti & Selma, Ralph Wigam and the helicopter traffic guy (can't remember his name) ....
  6. I think the end of the world will be some kind of major natural disaster .... maybe a large meteor knocking earth of it's axis or by being swallowed up by a black hole? .... the end of civilisation is another question .... we could all be wiped out by some viral epidemic , leaving cockroaches and Cher to inherit the earth .... now that's a comforting thought!
  7. I enjoy working on my website, watching/reviewing movies, listening to music and reading .... but there are never enough hours in the day to pursue all my interests .... that's life I suppose
  8. Why have I been "blessed" with a completely irrational fear of spiders .... it's ridiculous .... I've had two horrible incidents over the past couple of days .... two monstrous spiders in my home .... so begins the lunacy that is my arachnophobia .... palpatations, hyperventilating, vomitting and on occasion, fainting .... I'm sick of it .... having to phone people late at night to come and kill the offending "beast" .... a "beast" that I could fit in the palm of my hand .... oh, god the thought of it! .... so, what to do? .... I've put off going for help with this problem for years, because I believe that desensitisation to phobias means confronting them head on .... and I couldn't bear the thought of that .... but I've had enough, so I'm gonna try and get some help .... be a bit "pro-active" .... I'm not venting about spiders .... I'm venting about phobias .... they're a pain in the *bottom* .... and totally wierd .... I know people who are phobic about cotton wool .... I mean, what the hell's that all about ?
  9. Oh god, how very depressing .... reading astra and rejected's posts has really made my heart sink .... I can't think of anything else to say .... what a sad world!
  10. I think most users have a love/hate relationship with their computers .... when mine stuffs up I feel so helpless, because I know so little about computers .... so I have to rely on other peoples knowledge base to rectify the problem, which is quite frustrating.
  11. It's rational to have to stay married to a man who abuses you for the rest of your life, because the bible says so .... what are you talking about? .... so the woman in question couldn't move on with her life, find a partner who deserves her and remarry? .... that's rational? .... what a skewed notion that is! .... and noone's asking you to give up whatever it is that "God" gives you Josh, I'm just suggesting that you try thinking for yourself ....
  12. Sleep is a luxury .... I get as many hours as I can, but never enough .... especially if I'm working .... shift work is the nemesis of sleep .... I believe you're supposed to get about 8 hours if possible .... but I rarely hit that target .... maybe 5-6 if I'm lucky .... I rarely feel refreshed when I get up in the morning ....
  13. Used to drink more when I was younger .... I like a good quality vodka .... but as I'm ageing, I'm drinking less and less .... rather have a nice cup of tea these days .... may have a glass of wine with my meal, but mainly drink water .... it's good for rehydrating my tired skin .... alcohol just dehydrates you .... and makes you act like a bit of an *bottom*! Cheers!
  14. I've lived a good bit longer than most people on this forum, so I've a few more memories to choose from, but due to my imminent decent into senility, my memory is rapidly slipping away .... the one that immediately springs to mind is when my son won "volunteer of the year" award for his services to a local volunteering organisation .... I've never been so proud .... another happy experience is when I was on a long car journey, in winter and at night .... through the country side which was covered with a thick layer of snow .... there was a full moon and the fields and hills were clearly visible .... everything had a sparkle to it and I'm a sucker for sparkles .... I had a combo of Coldplay and Sinatra on my sound system and I'm telling you it was just a fantastic journey and I hope I never forget it .... bit corny but there we are ....
  15. laws are formed by moral codes not religious ideology .... the law states that murder is illegal because morally it is abhorrent .... not because religion tells us its abhorrent. Atheists are able to differentiate what is moral and immoral without any religious indoctrination .... otherwise we'd all be running amok, breaking the law and spending most of our time behind bars .... as for the question of the legality of abortion, I've already posted in this thread re-same ....
  16. why would you want to keep a weapon? .... although, thinking about it I have a burglar alarm system .... but that's not a weapon, it's more a"warning" .... even if I did have a so called "weapon", when it came down to confronting anyone with it, I'd probably not be able to use it .... I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to confrontation ....
  17. Girls aren't evil .... they're complicated and emotional .... and guys hate complicated and emotional .... because guys are simple .... breathe in/breathe out, eat , drink, have sex, sleep .... I'd hate to be a guy .... where's the thinking?, the emotion?, the sparkly purses and shoes?, .... guys are only good for one thing .... and most of them aren't even any good at that! .... cheerie ....
  18. I luved the Chronicles of Narnia as a child .... read and re-read them many times, they were a comforter through hard times .... but then I grew up and graduated to Tolkien .... and now I'm a veritable addict .... for me he is the ultimate fantasy fiction writer .... JK Rowling is pants! .... her meteoric success has me completely baffled and .... irritated! .... p.s the so called "biblical message" in the Narnia stories went right over my head as a child .... I enjoyed them purely because they were a "fantasy" .... a form of escapism .... so in that respect ..... yeah, kinda like "christianity" .... Cheerie .... ~M~ mmm .... Aragorn .... tasty!
  19. Josh pal .... I'm getting the feeling that you quite enjoy stirring things up a bit and I respect that .... that said, I think you think way too much .... for example ..... lighten up will ya .... seriously .... if this is what abstinence does to you .... oh, and if you think a woman should stay with a man who beats her 'cause your God only accepts fornication as a reason to divorce, then I despair of you .... I really do .... put your Bible down (preferably in the trash) and start thinking for yourself .... you know, rationally! Cheerie .... ~M~ p.s Why have you shortened your user name?
  20. No it isn't .... well, not the fun I have anyway .... and you can have plenty of fun without acquiring an STD .... I'm certainly not advocating unsafe sex .... that would be ridiculous! Cheerie .... ~M~
  21. I'm gonna be a bit of a girl here and say my hair straighteners .... the sea air really frizzes my mop which is totally unacceptable, even on a deserted island .... I mean a woman has to maintain her standards, even in the face of adversity .... Cheerie .... ~M~
  22. so that's a definite re-moving all my files then? .... that's gonna be a bit of a pain .... I'll think about it some more and get back to Opaque when I've made a decision .... good to know I can still post on the forum and get support when I need it though, even if I move to Xisto - Web Hosting .... cheerie .... ~M~
  23. Tattoos are all well and good when you're young .... but when you're in your 80's in a nursing home and someone is having to clean you up when you've gone weewees and they pull down your unmentionables and there is a whopping tattoo on your cellulitic, saggy backside .... well it ain't gonna be pretty folks! ....
  24. people have the wierdest fetishes! .... but, as someone earlier posted, why the hell did the students allow him to do it ? .... and what happened to this guy .... was he fired?
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