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Everything posted by ORene

  1. I found a link to this site when I opened the old version of the ninja RPG. It was kind of fate because the game is now on Core 2 and the link was in Core 1... Core 1 has only like 10 users now so i was really lucky, also i found the server of core 1 by mistake when i typed the site wrong.Then I saw the free hosting thing and wanted to try it out, when I read all the stuff I instantly fell in love with the hosting service, and here you have me contributing so Xisto can stay up helping users like me who want their websites
  2. If God blessed you with the ability to get enough money to have two wives and give them a good life, its because God wants you to do it. If he gives you the ability to be rich, its because He wants you to be rich. Why? Because God knows you can make good use of that money and help people. The same applies for three or even four wives... They are not objects, they are the only ones who can give birth... therefore they are equal or better. The duty of the husband is to gather everything what is necessary so that the woman can have children so they live for it. However in the western cultures we use woman's sexuality as a marketing 'object', the sexual background is present in 9/10 of the ads you watch on TV.. so who threats woman like an object? maybe it is us who are wrong?
  3. It's simple, blacks are superior physically. I am not black, but I consider them to be superior to other races in many aspects... Why choose a white(or asian or w/e) when a black can do things way better? Its just common sense, and I'm not being racist, just pointing out the obvious that we try to hide under the pretext of equalityBlacks are superior physically and therefore can be better firefighters
  4. Can work Kill? In the following post I will talk about the effects of mental stress caused by working too much. In other words, I will explain why and under what conditions work can kill. I'll include some fragments of the reading I used. Anything in excess is bad. It has been proved that work in excess can kill. Studies reveal that people, who work 11 hours or more, are more likely to have a heart attack than people who work from 7 to 9 hours. Factors that can increase the chances of having a heart attack are mental stress, bad work conditions, anger and worrying too much. In many countries they have made studies about it and they have found out that there is a direct relation between work hours and heart diseases. This means that people are very affected by the stress they get at work, which can be more or can be less depending on the demands, his personal control and if he has social supports or not. What has been done in countries like Japan is that the enterprises, factories and such have improved work conditions a lot. Because good work conditions reduce stress. As a result, workers can labor longer and produce more. The anger is also a very important factor that damages your health. Therefore its vital to have good self control and dont stress out at work. . The solution is not to stop working, the solution is to eat right, do exercise, and avoid addictions. Have constant medical checks are also a good thing to do. Also having distractions and recreation times are vital to keep yourself healthy. There must be a balance between work and recreation. Now ill briefly give my opinion on the article. I agree with the article, because Ive personally seen work kill someone. An uncle of mine died due to work stress. I have seen myself how work sometimes puts people under so much pressure that they start to have health problems. I also think the conditions in work factories must be good so the workers dont harm their health and also be more productive. I found very interesting that studies have been made about it. It surprised me because I thought it was just a supposition that no one would pay attention to. Another thing that caught my attention was that Japanese work so much and have less stress. Proving that improved work conditions also improves production. Those aspects caught my attention because they are things that we have to take into consideration when having a lot of things to do, to take care of ourselves.
  5. The best things in life are free, Love and Friends :)Well without getting into those things... I know there are many of those sites that promise a lot of things and promise you will get a lot of money... if they were making such huge amounts of money, do you think they would share the secret? As for Xisto... they got a completely new concept about getting free hosting, lets see how it goes =)
  6. Wow wonderful, this is great. I must say it, Google can do anything! It looks very interesting and the images are so beautiful, I can't wait to see the real thing :)Seems like Google has all the good ideas...
  7. 1. Go to https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl2. Write "Trabajo Digno"(Decent Work)3. Instead of clicking the search button, click the I'm feeling lucky or "voy a tener suerte" button4. Enjoy! A brief translation of what it says You cannot find a decent work with a decent salary, the job you requested is not available in this moment. It can be because your country has economic problems or it needs to adjust the configuration of the economic policies.
  8. Oh My God! is this a screw up of Google or is it one of their jokes... Google is known for doing that kind of jokes but this time I think it really is screwing it up xDNice find, lots of free time huh?
  9. Oh cool this is just the kind of site i needed, its very nice 5/5I'll be using it from now on for my programming stuff, a nice way to learn and make things easier =)*bookmarks the site*
  10. I play this game too its really nice, can seem boring at the beginning because its browser based and all you do is train train train. However as you progress you begin to like it. Specially when you are able to raid and go to other villages and start owning all the people who are already annoyed by the slow recovery rate and how long it takes them to train.. then you just attack them and make them waste their hard earned money in hospital bills *evil laugh* I encourage everyone to try it =) By the way, this game is Chuck Norris approved
  11. You totally got owned, by the way I don't think theres a best way and if you work hard on it, have good ideas and a bit of luck you can make a successful website. Once people acknowledge your site and make it part of their daily surfing, then the money making takes part... either ads (Ad sense is a good option) or ask for donations to keep it a non lucrative website (this argument seems to attract people and encourage them to donate =3)
  12. Thanks for the information, most of the things you said were unknown to me... but if it is that easy to get traffic.. wouldn't everyone have successful sites and blogs?I mean.. not everything can be honey bunches, can it?
  13. You totally owned Google and their message at the recycle bin that says something like "who needs to delete when you got over X GB of storage?" Pretty impressive tho, i got nearly 3k mails and storage is like at 13% so i estimate you have at least 20k mails You might consider changing to Yahoo.. as it offers unlimited storage maybe you could try to own yahoo next? =3
  14. I recommend you to download Macromedia Dreamweaver and learn as you design your own site! It's very easy to make a site with it and it comes with a lot of handy tutorials. If you get stuck you can always Google it... Also you may want to download a ftp client.
  15. I'd like to see an epileptic watch that site but it is not the ugliest site, I've seen several uglier sites but most I'm not allowed to post the link or I'd get banned But yea that site is really ugly... *writes the site into a personal ugly site list*
  16. Oh My God, sponsored by Durex? Geez and what kind of games does the site have? sexual education maybe?May I ask whats the address of this site? Its unbelievable that they have a game site xD
  17. Gaming is indeed a waste of time, but at the same time it is productive.Its a waste of time because we could do more productive things during the time we spend in games.However there are certain area of the brain that can only be developed that way.I'm not saying they are good nor bad but ANYTHING IS BAD IF YOU OVERDO IT.
  18. Trap17 is "free" and you can put Ad sense in it, thats why most of the people are here I think. Since you actually earn your domain, then the company has no need to put ad's in the member's site. This is why Xisto is the best
  19. I used to use Google Ad sense in my old site, their pay rate is really good.However it's been about two years since then so I don't really know if they still pay that good...Also they are very professional when it comes to payments, you get it in no time at all.If you compare it to other sites that give you payments, Google Ad sense is by far the best.
  20. Hmmm is this real? It seems like it isn't but I guess I don't lose anything by trying.I doubt Windows can do that thought, reserve 20% of our bandwidth?However the names of the things you change and the numbers make it a weird coincidence...After I do it is there a way of knowing if my connection speed improved or if it is the same?
  21. Have you watched TV recently? The pirates strike back!Somali pirates kidnapped a Greek ship in the Aden Gulf. The ship had 22 people on board.They think it was an answer to the interventions of the French and American forces. However this out-of-time success didn't end nice. Five of the kidnappers were killed.According to Mwangura it was the 8th assault in 15 days.This only indicates that pirates are arising and getting more active and violent.I think that the death of those 5 pirates will only make them more violent :SThis kidnap happened few days after the rescue of the captain Richard Phillips who was kidnapped for 5 days :)Also, last Friday, the French army freed a kidnapped boat near Somalia, however the owner of the boat died along with two pirates.According to the news, these pirates are very dangerous and can easily take over a petrol ship and tourist boats. Now the best/worst part, the pirates currently hold about 18 boats kidnapped and about 300 people in these boats...Now the question, if they know these numbers, their location, what in the hell are they waiting to rescue those poor people?
  22. Very interesting and crazy idea.To be honest I think it's possible but I don't think it is a good option.I must say I thought I had heard it all until I read this topic.So.. Crazy or Possible?BOTH!
  23. Definitely Apple are best in my opinion.I would say HP are second best, specially for gaming and entertainment, videos, etc.But the Apple laptops simply rock. For school, theres nothing better than doing neat, smooth and pretty presentations with little work. So your homework is to make a video? Using your Apple you can too! and its way easier than with any Windows computer. But its not only easier but it looks more professional and gets you a higher note Post Data: this is not an advertisement xD
  24. Well this week I'm reading the 48 laws of power by Robert Greene and The eve of the thunderclap by Luis Spota... After those I might consider reading some Shakespeare... Romeo and Juliet...Also Piramo and Tisbe.No one really knows what I will find at the library
  25. Well, I'm not a lot into Sci-Fi but I'll still recommend you Alexandre Dumas (father), his books are very interesting and have an historical content.His novels are all fiction but what it's the best part its that he uses real historical issues and facts to make the story very realistic. May not be Sci-Fi but its a very good fiction author.I recommend you "The Count of Monte-Cristo" and "The Black Tulip"
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