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Everything posted by user681

  1. jezz..dude you don't have to attack him like that. so what if he needs mycents? It's not really necessary to bring it out here and bash him with it + there is a DATING ADVICE forum for a reason! they want you to post!! and aren't you yourself desperate for mycents as well?? we're all here for mycents!! and seriously there is nothing wrong befriending someone whos 5 years younger than you. when he turns 25 the girl would be 20. anything wrong with that ?? No! not at all
  2. Just look at their website; I don't know..you tell me, does it look like a scam site?? seriously..jus look at it and you'd know
  3. is it possible to get ONLY the domain?? because I'm using x10 as my hosting..
  4. How much was it and how long does it last before you need to renew it?
  5. There is no such thing as the best company that makes SLR.It all comes to personal prefernence. Most people I know uses Nikon but personally I use canon for my own personal reasons..(i found the canon to be easier to hold) what really matters is the lens; it doesn't matter how good your SLR is if your lens is crap. so yeah..thats my 2 cents
  6. I'm sure the problem is on your end..perhaps your designing the website with IE in mind??? if so then you should really consider developing the site using the web standard and for Firefox..if it works with firefox then most likely it'll work with safari and google chrome..maybe opera too. and screw IE6 and 7
  7. I only think there is a possibility because the Mayans predicted it and have got everything right that they predicted, but to be honest everyone makes a mistake every now and then. I personally think the Mayans got lazy and foresaw the fact that they wouldn't last that long so stopped production of there calender
  8. I think humanity is just dumb in general. the world we live in? full of idiots..like you and mewe're all stupid in our own way
  9. wow is that for real?? that is VERY discouraging... I get less than 10 visitors perday...averagely speaking I get like 3 visitors but thats probably because my site is more of a blog..
  10. IE is horrible for developing..especially IE6. IE shoud just go and die in a hole..any other browser > IE
  11. you can see my website here at http://www.edgeset.elementfx.com/and as you can see the top navigation bar only displays categories that are being used in my blog posts.. now I want to change it so that the top-navigation bar displays pages instead..but I don't know what to change inside the header.php file.. the code to header.php is here <div id="header"> <div id="blog-logo" class="clearfix"> <h1 id="blog-title"><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>"><? bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1> <h2 id="blog-description"><? bloginfo('description'); ?></h2> </div> <ul id="menu" class="sf-menu clearfix"> <li class="cat_item<?php if(is_home()) echo ' pagenav'; ?>"><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>">Home</a></li> <?php wp_list_categories('title_li=&sort_column=menu_order'); ?> </ul> <div id="rss"> <a href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>">Subscribe to RSS Feed</a> </div> I'd appreciate it very much if someone could explain to me what is needed to change in order for the top-nav bar to display pages instead of active categories. thanks in advance
  12. That is really interesting lol... would you mind posting the source??
  13. wow lol..what's a fifteen year old guy doing on this forum!? I was just on omegle hoping to meet some new people and no i have not..I've done sexual stuff with girls but ugh..no sex yet
  14. well he lives in this town like 3 hours above Sydney lol but yeah he said pretty much everyone in his town have gotten laid at around 15ish lol you're younger than 15? I never said they don't go to secondary school I mean POST secondary school like colleges/universities
  15. this is totally a spam message...dude if anyone wants to see the lyric to that song they'd GOOGLE it NOT come on Xisto to try and find iti hope you get banned
  16. Change the way the forum looks. change all the forums so that it is easier to navigate.currently there are waaay too many categories and sub forums. it all makes it confusing and extremely hard and tiring to navigate through.I'd also delete all the inactive users because..well they're inactive! they serve no purpose here
  17. Photoshop CS3 ftw!! and that brushes link is really useful man thanks
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