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About hfbvm

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  1. The best thing with it is it doesnt have the extra things ike vuze and limewire which make them heavy to run and also space consuming. It doesnt have many extra things which help it to be the best and fast torrent downloader.I love it.
  2. As it is a webdesign area I would like to say that the website is too attractive and the build is too nice. ALthough its not valid XHTML but still its very finely done website. Nice css job too. Can you please give me the template via Rapidshare or its original download link. 10/10 i would say
  3. I am here to claim that michael jackson was a viking.I am from the sons and sons of the vikings and according to our history it is clearly said that we will have to great dancers. One will get lost and another will die normally. Both will suffer from a rare disease. Both of them will have great flexiblity just like us they will give the world something that would become rare.When people will become their fans they will make them vikings too.I am here today to claim that both MJ and Presley are Vikings.RIP to both of them as they couldnt make ppl vikings too.But i will accomplish their mission.
  4. I use e-bay to sell things It;s quite easy .Get a pic of the item list it in.Give a min time of 15 days to bid. You will get the real price in a day or two. Go to the super market . get that item from whichever place it is in discount. Send it over after you recieve payment via paypal. Its easy money.
  5. it is not the problem of the database its the problem of the system you are using. Maybe you are not having hebrew istalled in it. I usually get some boxes in the place of the languages which i donot have installed. Try installing the language pack again.
  6. Google is frequently robbing people of their money. All a person has to do Is go to your enemies website and click ten to twenty times on his google adsese ads And his account will be terminated. I earned 89$ when my account got suspended and it was done in by my friend who tried to get more income by it. Google didnt listen to any of my Plea and didnt return the account. SO i recommend to use Bidvertiser and Ad-brite.
  7. I have reaad about this on many forums. And many of them are saying that this will load before Windows XP to load what will be required during the running of XP to provide maximum Speed. It will be Open source ( which means free). The best thing is that it will speed up the comps and you can get rid of that registry editors and system boosters. I cant wait to integrate it with my TinyXP. Hoping to see its release soon.
  8. Wired Lan usually has a greater speed and stability although it got some disadvantages too like a wire is required.More over You can use both wired and non together To get the maximum portability. The biggest Dis advantage to Wireless is that it can be hacked very easily and then other people would get free net on your expense. . The biggest thing is Wired and the cost of wire team up together to get the total cost of wireless for the first month. Later onwards Usage of Wored is cheaper then Wireless.
  9. so why didnt you close the topic \i think he was really sick :gas:
  10. i can teach you i am an expert in HTML ask and i will help.
  11. The great thing in online education is that it really saves your time.You can schedule your day so, that you have enough time for studying, working and for some personal relations and activities.Bad thing is that you do not communicate with other students. I don't mean making friends with them - friendship is great, butyou come to college not for that, i guess. I mean that communicating with other people that study the same things that you do can be very useful for the process. The only thing I know a bout online education is that it's easy to slip up. I have taken an online education course at my school. I don't have experience with online universities and things like taht but I did take a class online. It was strictly on the web and no meeting in classrooms was necessary. The teacher would talk to us through a website and a course blog. He would post reading assignments and discussion topics and let us respond and have us make at least 2 comments a week on that blog. I enjoyed it because I didn't have to wake up for a class. It stunk because I would forget to log on sometimes.We also had to keep a blog of our own.....post definitions and term ideas on a Wikipedia type page. It was fun overall but I learned how easy it is to skip out of doing work. Luckily I made up a bunch of the work and didn't have to worry about a bad grade.
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