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Alex Cicala

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Everything posted by Alex Cicala

  1. I have actually not used this application, as I do not use Gmail. May I add please read my last post as I said I haven't used it And also it seems to be ok because the application is freeware and it is still an active project. I don't see how it is against ToS because it's been out for a while, It would have probably been deleted by now. Anyway I'm not one those people that would know these things
  2. I'm not sure if that's against the law, I recommend contacting those businesses to tell them what your doing. One thing you could do on the site, just start of with a basic homepage, with some graphics then you can have some links leading to the list of businesses, and so on. This is all I can say, hope it helps
  3. Would I recommend a Microsoft Zune to people. It is faster, more reliable, and has great feature plus inbuilt radio. I know it's bigger than an ipod and may be slightly heavier but it's still great, and I think cheaper. Also the Zune Social is a great place to hand out. I never liked the Ipod's cause I bought one, it had hardware failure within 2 weeks. Then I bought a Nano and that basically froze, [software] And the shop couldn't fix it, they offered for it to be sent out. I said yes, when I got it back I sold it on Ebay and then bought a zune. I have had the Zune for nearly 2 years now, and it lasts.
  4. Ok, was looking around on Google. Found this shell application that allows you to store files in your Gmail account [7gb] Now I haven't tested it yet, because I don't need it. But it might help anyone out on the thread.
  5. I actually find that the new Burnout: Paradise, game is hell good fun.I can play it hours on end without getting bored, with the fun Showtime feature which allows you to Flip in the air at any given time [at a certain speed] and fly through the air and crash into Cars, Buses, signs etc. which then gives you Money as a score. My high score is $5.4 million, but there are probably people out there that can get higher for sure.I remember the older Burnout [revenge I think] people got scores reaching $58 million. But alot of the add on extras come at a price. The console version [ps3] asks for money if your want, add on packs, extra cars, maps, and stuff like that. So on top of the original $100 I payed, the extras can top to $250. Is that the price to pay for fun. Hopefully a customization tool for tracks and cars would be available in the future of this game. Also I want Criterion games to keep Paradise as a series, not just a one-off game.
  6. A word needs to have meaning, do you have a meaning for your word?I can make words but I need to put a meaning to them. If your word has no meaning whatsoever than there is no need for that word to exist and then we wouldn't be talking about your word. Ok, I'll make a word up, hmmmm. Chernobylism This is the study of the chemical meltdown in the Chernobyl accident. Thats what I say
  7. Alex Cicala


    Hi There, KingmYes that is true. The hosting at Xisto is Ad-Free.But make sure you follow all the rules of Xisto and follow the guides to set-up a hosting account. Read them carefully.And don't forget keep Xisto alive by contributing as much as you can to the forum.I would like to wish you good luck
  8. Woah really. You have got too be kidding me. This is one of my all time favourites, it comes before Ergo Proxy, Elfen Lied, and Neon Genesis. I can't believe that
  9. I'm actually using this too change the icon for my IPB but i has worked the same way, thanks for the extra help .I was sick of that blue symbol thing. I wanted more customization, now that I have my own domain and what not.
  10. Welcome from me too. B)oooooo, Japan. Sounds awesome, where did you move from?Anyway yes jlhaslip is right about content [may I add quality, and community value] rather than amount of posts.It's working out well for me. I have a basic hosting package [which is all I need] and now a domain which I bought yesterday. [still waiting for it to activate]Anyway I hope you enjoy being part of Xisto's community, contribute to your full extent [like me ] and hopefully you'll get a website going. Good luck
  11. When I first look at Xisto it remind me of half-life 2's City17. LOL.Just a name change would be good. On the other hand it would be unnecessary because of the fabulous/awesome service you guys offer.
  12. Halo on PC I agree "was" good, not anymore. It has lost it's touch in the gaming world. Although many people still play it, which is strange cause the games longevity is low, I find the game is outdated. Custom content is hard to make, especially maps. My idea is that it was good Back in the day. And I recommend not to play this game on Xbox, because it is now rubbish in my eyes when played on console.
  13. The only funny one I know without google:"And what's the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge." [only for Cowboy Bebop lovers]Favourite Quote:"Everything has a beginning and an end. Life is just a cycle of starts and stops. There are ends we don't desire, but they're inevitable, we have to face them. It's what being human is all about."
  14. This is good. Thankyou for this, will be useful to me. I'm always on youtube. Hey youtube the term "billy's balls 2" very good video there.
  15. I have seen these many times. The term used for these images is Caturday, [cat-ur-day] or LOLcats I always find them funny. Normally they are on http://icanhas.cheezburger.com/. But google or youtube have valuable sources for these.
  16. No I have not skipped class. But on several occasions the teacher has forgot to attend the class and we waited in an empty classroom talking to mates, till the bell for the next period went. Thats a whole 65 minutes
  17. Thanks for the info. Damn I was hoping for 24 hrs, lol. I thought it would take longer.
  18. I have now registered a domain through Billing section on Xisto account. It has now been setup. How long until the domain is working, that is what I want to know?
  19. A bit of an uneasy topic to talk about.If Marijuana was legalized then many people would die from using it. New forms of Lung Cancer will emerge and then people would start to die. Kids will get access to it and then all hell will break loose. And so on and so on. You get my point.
  20. Google.com is it the best site design Ever? https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl It's the quickest to load and has only 1-2 images. It's also very easy to use, only 1-2 clicks and you get search results, and It's pretty much the most used website out. It's used in phrases like: "I'll google that" or "I googled that the other day". What do you think?
  21. The Three things that make me real mad:1. People who do not respect others.2. People who do not respect animals.3. People who think they are better than everyone else, when we all know no-one is better then anyone.This is pretty much it...
  22. I am an extreme hardcore gamer, when I get the chance. [currently in my second last year of schooling] I'm the type of person that would wake up for the day jump on the computer and only get off to go eat some food [which I would bring back to the computer] or to go to the bathroom, and then play game, surf the internet, go back to the games and end up going to bed at 3 in the morning. I now know that is not a healthy lifestyle to live. The longest I can, or could do this for would be about 3-4 days. After that the lack of sleep will make you worry about random things, you may lose your appetite, forget small tasks. Very unhealthy. Now I know people that play the same games as me but they currently have dropped school, go to a part-time job for 2/7 days of the week, have a wealthy family, and they live a hardcore gamer's lifestyle. And the majority of these people have been doing this for 1-2 years now.On the other hand Violent video games vs. Violence in society/real-life. It's all rubbish that games turn people into violent people. Now there is no such proof of this aswell. What games do, apart from increasing sense of ability/improve ability of strategy/ the list goes on, is that they create a feeling of anger [in this case FPS gun games], although this anger is not linked to the doing of violent actions. It only consists of thoughts. Many People would argue that this then links to Fantasy turns into reality scenario. In that case the child has a behavioral problem, then the child needs medical assistance and long term help. My view is that children with mental disadvantages should be monitored with violent games because there is a risk there but with a normal healthy child nothing will change or happen.Also I believe that parents should monitor the ratings in the games that the children are playing. Recently I have seen younger children [9-11 yr olds] playing the popular Counter-Strike Source. They have a certain attitude you wouldn't see in that age. [although this has not been proven just my view.]I believe IT activities and social life need to be maintained, in my case it's goes both ways. Most of my friends use computers and have similar interests as me, we all know the limit of playing games too much and how to balance that with playing Beer Pong [without the beer] and playing cards or something that doesn't or won't involve IT or electronics if possible.
  23. Ooops voted wrong choice. Doesn't matter. Words will never get extinct, they might not be used often but they will never seize to exist. and I'm suprised this is a word = WOAH, and then there is Shakespeare who made up words, his weirdest word in my opinion is, which means the state of receiving honors in short. Alot of these words will always exist until man will fall. And my view on that is that the human race will become extinct in 2012 [by the mayan calendar] and more realistically within 5.5 billion years when Our sun dies.
  24. Most likely it is your connection, and can you post the size of what you are uploading. In my opinion SkyDrive is just another one of Microsofts things. That you really don't need to use. You can only use it for private use I believe and it will be scanned regularly, And I heard that uploading is slow as. My upload speed is 1.8mB/s this means I won't be supporting it.
  25. I totally agree with this. Video games do give people advantages these days. I started playing games, and now I am trying to get into the industry, including Architectural Level Design and alot of other things. Also socializing on a video game is very good, especially if you are talking to someone from a different culture, you can learn many things. I find that people that disagree with video games and also say they create violent behaviors [which is still not proven and never will be] are still not accepting the way of the modern age.
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