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Everything posted by gummybear

  1. could he be a sociopath. maybe.although i am very sorry that you had to go through this, you have my best wishes, the only way to go is up now, you have only good things to look forward to, as bleak as the current situation may be. leave the toxic things in the wastebin and move on with your life. Healing may be difficult, or take longer than it seems like its supposed to, but remember.. you're always healing. Love is healing. Be patient with yourself, and don't blame yourself for things you're not responsible for. It's done, it's over. Relief will come
  2. I think you would be interested in reading about the psychic Edgar Cayce, who is said to be the most prominent psychic of the 20th century ( born in the late 1800s ) . I watched a special about him on the history channel the other day, and he predicted world war II and the assassination of various presidents... to the year, which was especially impressive. The really captivating thing about Edgar Cayce is he never tried to monetize his gift... he gave over 14,000 readings in his lifetime and never received fees for them.
  3. you know, when i first thought about it it kind of just had my mind going in circles... i really thought what in the heck does Xisto mean?? ... but I like that theres a story behind it. I like that it comes from a personal place, a personal experience. I've played cs and a whole bunch of other games so i know how engaging and close that environment can be .. sometimes a name just kind of sticks with you and you only feel comfortable with that one name..
  4. that is quite the story, i admire your tenacity for sticking with the website. The results seem to be just what you put into it, my impressions have been that the website runs very honestly, straightforwardly... no hidden agendas.. i think that's one of it's main appeals. Plus moderators and support are very accessible... obviously if an individual is looking to start a new website, they can get their questions answered here and on top of that get hosted for free. I appreciate what you guys are doing, so keep it up
  5. if someone hasn't already mentioned it, Shadowbane is pretty good, I hear a lot of the details in World of Warcraft were modeled off of this game... along with several other mmorpgs... and best of all, its completely free. You get world pvp which is pretty good once you get to a decent level, which unlike wow doesn't take months to achieve ( levels come pretty fast with Shadowbane. ) Check it out, i don't know, you might just end up liking it.
  6. I've run into a similar situation before. I had made an account on tribe.net and i received a message from someone who claimed to be from Africa and would share with me his great fortune on the condition that i provide him with my billing information. No thanks. As sketchy as these things are i find it funny that anyone would think I'd actually fall for something like that, hah! Like sure, let me just hand over my checking/savings account information to you right now..... how about no.
  7. i was wondering if the logic plan for web hosting ( 1.95/month ) supports PHP/MySql as well? I'm looking to host my wordpress.org blog on it. I would appreciate any help regarding this, thanks
  8. that was very elegantly put. As for myself I do believe that there's a God. But then, like yratorm said, how could our human minds even begin to contain or understand in depth the character of such a being? I see God wherever love is, and love is sufficient proof to me that there is a higher being, something beyond the scope of our grasp and understanding. what you said reminded me of one of my favorite quotes from the film Martian Child which is... "Right now, you and me here, put together entirely from atoms, sitting on this round rock with a core of liquid iron held down by this force of this trouble you call gravity, all the while spinning around the sun at 67 thousand miles an hour and whizzing through the Milky Way at 600 thousand miles an hour.. in a universe that very well may be chasing its own tail at the speed of light.. and amidst all this frantic activity, fully cognizant of our own imminent demise- which is a very pretty way of saying we all know we're going to die.. we reach out to one another, sometimes for the sake of vanity, sometimes for reasons you're not old enough to understand yet, but a lot of the time we just reach out .. and expect nothing in return. Isn't that strange? Isn't that weird? .. Isn't that weird enough?" - Martian Child
  9. To be quite frank, i don't think there is any *easy* cure for depression. Unless of course the depression is being caused by an external factor ( as in, perhaps its something in your environment which is causing the depression, otherwise it would be clinical or even seasonal ) if you do suffer from depression, the best advice i would have to give is something I heard a while ago ...that is.. before you give up on your day because of not feeling well, crummy, or up to par, realize that your mind can be imprisoning. Sometimes it just helps to go outside, breathe in fresh air and concentrate on the now.. instead of obstructing your potential by being contained within your fear. Be aware of your own triggers, the things that cause you to spiral into self-deprecating thoughts and feelings. Awareness is key. Remember you can do anything you put your mind to, and that includes rising above your supposed "faults"
  10. Has she ever seen a therapist? Anxiety can stem from all sorts of things, post traumatic stress ( panic attacks included here ), being over-stressed, you name it. Perhaps you should look into taking her to a therapist with a specialization in the cognitive behavioral approach because the therapist can help target the root of the problem, the triggers, things that medication can reduce but not solve completely. The cognitive behavioral approach is based around changing patterns of thought. For example, lets say she's triggered into an anxiety attack-- cognitive behavior therapy will give her tools to recircuit her thought patterns.. changing behavioral responses to the environment. Good luck
  11. haha, i had to bypass the poll limit of 10 options per question by making 2 questions. After all there are 12 signs in the zodiac so I'm curious to see if theres an emphasis of any particular sign on these forums. NOTE : if you selected any of the first 10 signs in the poll, go on and select "I already answered the question in the poll above this one" in the second poll box, where the options for Aquarius and Pisces lie, otherwise you won't be able to submit your poll answer. ...Don't know your sun sign? Keep reading. In general sun signs correspond to the following dates. If you were born on a cusp, ( like say, the first or last day of a sign's cycle... ) you would want to draw your actual Natal Chart ( click for a link to a site where you can draw your chart for free ) with an exact birthtime. What's your [sun] sign? Aries March 21 - April 19 Taurus April 20 - May 20 Gemini May 21 - June 21 Cancer June 22 - July 22 Leo July 23 - August 22 Virgo August 23 - September 22 Libra September 23 - October 22 Scorpio October 23 - November 21 Sagittarius November 22 - December 21 Capricorn December 22 - January 19 Aquarius January 20 - February 18 Pisces February 19 - March 20 I feel obligated to clarify a common misconception about astrology-- which is that there is more to astrology than just your sun sign. Your sun sign represents your core self, while the other planets ( such as Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, etc ) represent different facets of yourself and how you operate with the world around you. Cheers
  12. yo guys, i totally agree! I haven't had my site hosted yet, just stumbled across Xisto today, but i really like the free-flowing environment here. Posting here is a pleasure not a chore.. to put it simply, because the atmosphere is so diverse. Also, I like that there doesn't seem to be a catch, nothing ulterior... simple & straightforward. I appreciate this. Cheers
  13. i've never had a preference for a breed, but if you were to press me I would probably say that Siamese cats are most aesthetically appealing to me Also, I've had a siamese cat before so I guess I'm biased in some way. Also, I've always been attracted to black cats for some reason. I recall when i was about 12 or 13 years old I would periodically go to the animal shelter with my dad, just out of my affinity for animals. My mom doesn't like going to shelters though, because they're depressing to her, and she works with animals on a daily basis. Anyway, I remember finding a pregnant black female cat in one of the cages in the cat room, and my heart melted completely. Of course because we already had so many dogs at home, I didn't take her home that particular day, I decided to wait and speak to my parents at home about it first. Unfortunately, when I went back to the shelter to adopt her, she wasn't there anymore... and I remember crying about it because although I don't want to believe or think that this may have happened, its probably the grim reality... she was probably euthanized :/
  14. Sure, why not? There have been countless occasions where i'd catch any one of my dogs whimpering in their sleep, or barking... it's quite a show I know science says dogs are far less intelligent than human beings and yada yada yada but experience with dogs actually shows me otherwise. I read a little article by a veterinarian a while ago, and the veterinarian wrote ( paraphrased ) : have you ever heard of a dog intentionally torturing a human to death? Yet everyday we hear cases of extreme animal abuse and neglect, its very tragic. They may not be able to speak but they definetely have the ability to feel empathy, and love... the most important traits of all.Haha, i kind of went on a little tangent there, but yeah, my opinion still stands... yes doggies dream! Just like you or I would.
  15. i really doubt it. Look at the advancements simply within the past century, we've really come a long way. i don't think it's possible to stop evolving, the process of natural selection being that, those who fall short simply go extinct and the strong remain. Think about the leaps we've made in medical technology, stem cell research for example.. biotech & biochemistry are also rapidly expanding fields... fifty years ago nobody would have thought we might use cells from discarded embryos ( "pluripotent cells" ) to cure diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimers, even lung disease.. but as long as the research is consistent, the day when such cures will be available doesn't seem too far off.
  16. les miserables..... it was very very good. Also, I haven't been a huge fan of Uma Thurman's work but her acting is really top notch here... same goes for Liam Neeson. the thing that was most captivating about this film i think is its simplicity in delivering a very powerful message. Redemption is possible... could even be a theme. So many great elements in this film, if you haven't seen it yet i highly recommend that you do!
  17. I enjoyed Valkyrie but i would probably give it something like a 6.5/10 just because the performances weren't very memorable to me. Also, a girl beside me was talking on the phone throughout the entire duration of the movie which could have factored in as well :/ but i don't know. A movie that was released around the same time as Valkyrie that i'd probably give a 10/10 to is Doubt. Now that's a film no one should miss Meryl Streep + Philip Seymour Hoffman... where could you go wrong?
  18. I don't feel that I know enough about the history of the lochness to give an adequate opinion, but there's no harm in believing in the lochness monster.. Giant squids are very real, its been said that the diameter of a Giant squid's eyes measures to be about a foot long... imagine staring into those eyes! I would be entranced, but also scared off my feet. It's not completely off the mark.
  19. done and done, echo_of_thunder, thank you for the warm welcome I was pleasantly surprised to find that there were such a great variety of topics and discussions in this forum so I'm looking forward to being a part of it all. I mean, there's even a section on Astrology I'm kind of a forum/community/web junkie myself so I'm sure I will feel at home here.
  20. i've played the game and have met so many interesting people while playing it so I'm hesitant about spouting any negative comments about it, because i do have a lot of great memories in wow. In WoW, its not so much the game itself thats attractive, its the environment. Of course you have your occasional griefer who might cheat you out of in-game gold or items every now and then but its also a great medium to meet people, given that you look in the right places. The downside of wow is that yes, you have to spend an inordinate amount of time in the game to get anywhere significant or noteworthy, the grind is long and takes precious hours of time you could be spending doing something more productively. However, if you've got lots of spare time, or say, you're bored on vacation from school or work and have nothing to do, its worth playing, but I tend to think the fun wears off once you spend too much time on it. After all, real life engagements come first.
  21. not necessarily messed up, but The Hot Zone by Richard preston gave me goosebumps. It's very graphic, and whats more, its not fiction... its actually real. The ebola virus is real, so its chilling to read accounts of actual people who've caught it. Vomit, blood, bile... if you're interested in extreme phenomenon or a science buff, or just want a good story to chew on, check it out.
  22. ive made many friends online, through various games and social networks but i don't recall ever having met anyone i met online in person. Not to say that I haven't become close to people because of lack of face-to-face contact.. its just an avenue I haven't crossed, but I wouldn't be opposed to it if the opportunity came up. I do know of many people who have created lasting real life friendships/romances from meeting someone on the internet, so it's not a completely off-beat idea. Good luck with your situation
  23. It depends. Geeks come in many different flavors, shapes, and sizes Generally though, i've met some of the most interesting people on the internet, so no, i wouldn't say they're crazy. I don't even know if i'd be considered a geek, but really, it's not so bad. I'll take a geek over an airhead anyday, please and thank you.
  24. No, it doesn't irritate me, considering the adaptation is true to the spirit of the story. A lot of people get hung over the details... like, "In such and such movie, they completely omitted such and such characters or lopped them together and they completely ruined it!" ... I do understand when the movie writers condense plot elements like this because they have such a short timeframe of when the entire book is supposed to take place ( 2-3 hours on average ) so that part is forgiven.. I just saw the Les Miserables movie adaptation today, and to tell you the truth, no i havent read the book ( its supposedly 1,100 pages long, lol. So i think that even if i do start it'll take me quite a while to finish it. ) but I thought the main elements of the plot were rendered beautifully.. causes you to really feel for the protagonist and his circumstances.. I can't think of any movie adaptations I didn't like off the top of my head, but I'm sure there have been a few. For the most part though as long as they've done a good job I don't mind most of them.Oh... one movie adaptation that a lot of people probably didnt like was Charlie & The chocolate factory ( the most recent one with johnny depp. )I actually liked this adaptation because i'm a huge fan of Tim Burton's work ( he can do no wrong in my eyes! lol i kid, but to be honest, there isn't one film of his i haven't liked. ) and he has a really unique style of rendering things... in a way that you've never expected. It's absolutely magical when a film captures the spirit of a book
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