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Everything posted by Pankyy

  1. While there are people that laugh with him, there are others (believe it or not) that think that he's an stupid (they won't neccesarily say it, but at least think about it). In fact, it would entirely depend on the class and the people that is in. If you already passed 3 years through this, I can't think they will stop. Autism isn't something people should be joking around that way, I would say that, but again, you shouldn't do that, that would only make them pick on you even more. The best you could do is ignore them, or at least try to get nearer to them so they would stop bothering.(I don't think you want to do this last one now, but it would be an option).I'm afraid there is no real way to handle people like that, they just don't think that what they do and say is gonna hurt someone else, they are not 'evil' people but stupid indeed.
  2. I actually use the Notepad for starting a script (or everything that is going into a web) and then use the FTP editor to make quick changes in the scripts and see if changes are OK or no. It's a quick and good method to really get what I want. It might not be the best, but it suits me.
  3. I have some knowledge for removing viruses, if you still think you have the virus and need some help, post back again, I have no problem in helping you; you would need to download a few light softwares.
  4. You said he had created a lots of accounts in your site; you can make a little PHP script to stop him from doing that unless he keeps changing of IP, that would take him lots of time or, at least, work. Do you think he used a normal software to overload your server? But that wouldn't take him out faster than the server itself?
  5. What I'm not sure about is, to the service you're referring here is to the one that sends you the weather alerts only to cells, or some kind of website where you need to pay a fee to watch them? If you only refer to the cell service, I think the fee might be only because of the costs of sending you the messages or alerts to your cell. Even though it's public domain, such things are usually charged. I don't think you could get away with getting them for free.
  6. It may be kind of late but I just read this. Yes, there are more efficient ways of doing it, but this was intended to be made as a built-in script, to show it's use and everyone could make it work the way they think is the best for the browsers not to overload. Again, about creating new instances, that's true too, but I was just showing the example with only one. I'm not a Javascript expert myself, in fact I'm pretty bad, but I have tested this and got good results, so I thought it would be cool sharing. Thanks, though, I have added the remove.Events().
  7. I was making some kind of RPG web-based game (if you know Bleach, it's something of the kind). What you would need, at least, to do it is:-HTML-Minimum CSS (you can get a free template, but it's always good to know this)-PHP-MYSQL (connection with PHP)-Minimum Javascript(isn't the same than java, so watchout).There aren't such things as example scripts, but what I can advice you to do is to check PHP topics over here of where to find php topics and experiment yourself. I'm no PHP expert nor anything like that, but I learned a lot and were able to make functional scripts.Continuing with what I said about example scripts, there is no way that picking out a random script, without knowing PHP you would be able to change it. Believe me, sometimes it's better to start from scratch and this would be one of those examples.Hope I helped you out.
  8. If you say you asked him out, and you also think one or more of your friends told you they have had told him what you felt for him, I suppose he might know by now. You know, when these kind of information is leaked, people get to know it. That's not bad, though. Also, keep in mind, when something is really in your mind, you're bound to notice things you wouldn't notice in simple sight.If you're really wanting so much to know if he likes you, I'll either check out with known people, and if you don't get any kind of answer with them, if you're really so decided, I would ask him out again. That's depends on you, though, you have to decide and get your decision right.Good luck!
  9. What do you mean?? What did you do after all?
  10. Aha, I see where you're heading from, what you can do is, depending in which position you want to put the new record, the following: //if in top$q = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT textrowwhatever,MAX(positionid) FROM tablerecords"));$positionid = $q['MAX(positionid)'] + 1;$q = mysql_query("INSERT INTO tablerecords (positionid,textrowwhatever) VALUES ($positionid, 'textrowwhatever')");//if in top//if at start$q = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT textrowwhatever,MIN(positionid) FROM tablerecords")); $positionid = $q['MIN(positionid)'] - 1; $q = mysql_query("INSERT INTO tablerecords (positionid,textrowwhatever) VALUES ($positionid, 'textrowwhatever')");//if at start and I thought an extra minute about what you said about 'white spaces' in the positionid, and I may have messed up with that in the code, i guess you were right. Do check if this one seems ok to you: if ($_GET['a'] && $_GET['i']){$gettable = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id,positionid FROM tablerecords WHERE id = {$_GET['i']}"));if ($_GET['a'] == 'up'){$q = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tablerecords WHERE positionid > {$gettable['positionid']} ORDER BY positionid ASC LIMIT 1")); $cnt = $q['positionid'] - $gettable['positionid']; $string = "positionid = positionid + $cnt"; $string2="positionid = positionid - $cnt"; } else if ($_GET['a'] == 'down'){$q = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tablerecords WHERE positionid < {$gettable['positionid']} ORDER BY positionid ASC LIMIT 1")); $cnt = $gettable['positionid'] - $q['positionid']; $string = "positionid = positionid - $cnt"; $string2="positionid = positionid + $cnt"; }mysql_query("UPDATE tablerecords SET $string WHERE id = {$_GET['i']}");$q = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM tablerecords WHERE positionid = {$r['positionid']} AND id != {$r['id']}"));mysql_query("UPDATE tablerecords SET $string2 WHERE id = {$q['id']}"); }
  11. In fact with the code I've written down when you delete one record, the order keeps still the same and it won't mess anything. Maybe you're confusing with something, but if you do a mysql_fetch_array with an 'ORDER BY positionid' you'll still have the same positions, unchanged, nothing will be messed up, only thing you would actually need to change from my code is $q = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM tablerecords WHERE positionid = {$r['positionid']} AND id != {$r['id']}"));if ($q){mysql_query("UPDATE tablerecords SET $string2 WHERE id = {$q['id']}");} instead of $q = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM tablerecords WHERE positionid = {$r['positionid']} AND id != {$r['id']}"));mysql_query("UPDATE tablerecords SET $string2 WHERE id = {$q['id']}"); You don't have to worry when you have 1,2,3,7,9,12 as positionids, after all, what you want is for them to be ordered in a way, and not for them to have numbers as a ladder, don't you? I actually think you're overcomplicating the things (and I know that, there were times when I wanted to code something the way I started coding it, even if I knew it would take out more time or wasn't as efficient as other way; the best thing in these cases is to start over). It's not I'm not giving out ideas, I'm giving out code because if you understand it (I suppose you do, else ask) you'll get my idea, and then you'll be able to perform your script. About the AJAX based script thing, you can check out the tutorial thread I created at the tutorial forum about MooTools 1.2 AJAX request, it's what I think you want to do.
  12. I think I've missed that because I was just doing a light version of it until I got to know that was concretely what you wanted. Look, for fixing that with my code just do the following: <?if ($_GET['a'] && $_GET['i']){if ($_GET['a'] == 'up'){$string = "positionid = positionid + 1"; $string2="positionid = positionid - 1";} else if ($_GET['a'] == 'down'){$string = "positionid = positionid - 1"; $string2="positionid = positionid + 1";}mysql_query("UPDATE tablerecords SET $string WHERE id = {$_GET['i']}");$r = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id,positionid FROM tablerecords WHERE id = {$_GET['i']}"));$q = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM tablerecords WHERE positionid = {$r['positionid']} AND id != {$r['id']}"));mysql_query("UPDATE tablerecords SET $string2 WHERE id = {$q['id']}"); }?><a href='changerecord.php?i=X&a=up'>Click here to move this record one place up</a><a href='changerecord.php?i=X&a=down'>Click here to order this record one place down</a> Current code will first move up or down the position of the record and after that it will put 1 place down or 1 place up depending in where it is. If you want to make it a dynamic position movement: <?if ($_GET['a'] && $_GET['i'] && $_GET['di']){if ($_GET['a'] == 'up'){$string = "positionid = positionid + {$_GET['di']}"; $string2="positionid = positionid - {$_GET['di']}";} else if ($_GET['a'] == 'down'){$string = "positionid = positionid - {$_GET['di']}"; $string2="positionid = positionid + {$_GET['di']}";}$r = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id,positionid FROM tablerecords WHERE id = {$_GET['i']}"));if (($r['positionid'] < $_GET['di']) <= 0){die("You can't reduce more.");}mysql_query("UPDATE tablerecords SET $string WHERE id = {$_GET['i']}"); $r = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id,positionid FROM tablerecords WHERE id = {$_GET['i']}")); $q = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM tablerecords WHERE positionid = {$r['positionid']} AND id != {$r['id']}")); mysql_query("UPDATE tablerecords SET $string2 WHERE id = {$q['id']}"); } Just add this one below the other one and indicate in a get statemtn the 'di' value (being this one the dynamic number of positions you're going to move it).
  13. That would fair easy. First create a table 'tablerecords' with 2 necessary things.(if there are more, that's depending what you want to do). The first is called id, give it INT value, and put it up as an auto-incrementing value, the other one called positionid, giving it INT value mode. Then, with that interface, you create a record, let's say: mysql_query("INSERT INTO tablerecords (informationrow) VALUES (informationrowvalue)"); And then, if you want a record to move up or down, just do the following: <?if ($_GET['a'] && $_GET['i']){if ($_GET['a'] == 'up'){$string = "positionid = positionid + 1";} else if ($_GET['a'] == 'down'){$string = "positionid = positionid - 1";}mysql_query("UPDATE tablerecords SET $string WHERE id = {$_GET['i']}"); }<a href='changerecord.php?i=X&a=up'>Click here to move this record one place up</a><a href='changerecord.php?i=X&a=down'>Click here to order this record one place down</a> I think that would fit what you are asking for, doesn't it?
  14. Look, I don't know how you want it exactly to work, but I'll give you an example that could help you as well. if ($_GET['o']){if ($_GET['o'] == asc){$orderby = "ORDER BY id ASC";} // Don't EVER set the order by the $_GET itself, they could do mysql injection hackif ($_GET['o'] == desc){$orderby = "ORDER BY id DESC";} } else { $orderby = "ORDER BY id DESC";} // Order by DESC as default$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM images $orderby");::::ETCETCETC::::<a href='viewimage.php?o=asc'>Click here to order them from first to last</a><a href='viewimage.php?o=desc'>Click here to order them from last to first</a> Hope that helped you, if you need further help just tell me. PD: to suscribe click on the options box near the rating and you'll be able to 'suscribe to topic' or forum.
  15. If you have already moved to Mexico, I dont know if your family could change so easily back to Belize. Is that a permanent change or is just something 'temporal'? I know spanish, and I have to say it's a very cool language, but it's maybe complex for other people to understand (opposed to what I should say when it's easy to me). But it depends on yourself, if you really want to learn spanish and study it, and persevere, then you can learn it. If you need help with the lenguage, it's my native one, so don't worry to ask if you have any questions.
  16. If I were you I would check if your graphics card is ok for the game. Even though you just wrote "and my computer is good graffics" maybe it can't handle the game. My guess. Also, sending errors to Microsoft won't do anything since the game creators are EA and not them.Maybe if you can give info about the graphic card someone over here can help you more (I don't have too much knowledge about them, though).
  17. Hey, it looks real good! I'll make sure to go over your website from time to time! Nice drawing!
  18. But if you study biology you will see the evolution of different species as well as the humankind could have been. As well you can take how the concept 'God' failed through the history once and once again. That's what keeps me convinced that this could be fairly as well another 'fail'. But, if you can believe in a theory, you could also believe in God, right? Well, I think that I just don't believe in God.
  19. Also, just to keep you updated, if you post and you don't see your Mycents go up at the moment, it's because it's not inmediatly, but within some hours from your writting time. Just have to be a little patient.
  20. I have to say I have the same feeling than pasten, I think that God is someone that everyone goes to when they have a big problem, feel very bad, or really need something. As I said in another post that could easily go here, I've thought a while about this and since history has proven so many times that the ones we have thought of weren't more than created, I'm not bound to believe there is someone that I can't even be sure by even a little chance. I can say "Oh my god" or "it is a miracle" but anyway I'm still thinking the same.Something that also has a relation with this (and I'm sorry if you think this wouldn't go here Echo, but since you mentioned the creation of Earth and humans...) and I've also thought of is what really happened that made the universe exist? Because we are even talking of the Earth here, but if you stop to think it, it's like if we were living a in black box, we aren't sure of its limits as we aren't sure how or what really created us. Sometimes when I get to think that it gives me the creeps and I really have to stop it
  21. Desperate situations sometimes come up with desperate actions, doesn't it? A 11 years old guy, killing with a shotgun her girlfriend's father. I haven't hold a weapon in my life and I'm 17 years old... My... these kind of things are happening even more lately.
  22. I guess they won't ever come to my country, though. My guess is that they are using them to pick up pictures and insert them into the Google Earth program right?I once saw some pictures when you clicked in some kind of 'open image' thing in the map. I don't think they are going to invade privacy, since it might only take pictures for their map (correct me if wrong).
  23. You can't tell if a girl is in love with someone just because she talks with them, that would be just silly It just depends on you right now.
  24. You don't really have to worry too much about it. Usually the first visit might (or can) be slow but anyway after that all the images from your web will be saved as they told to you, and next times it will load same old images unless you told browser not to do so.
  25. Hello and welcome. I guess you don't need any more answers since they have already answered most of them, and quite good. As Mich said, try not to post 1 liners, but it isn't like that anyway, post whenever you feel the interest to. If your post is good enought it wont be considered as spam. I've been doing that for what I think is reaching a month and I've got pretty good results, even though I'm not answering topics everywhere.PD: I see we have some common points like the fact you like anime and you are interested with the japanese culture, I also do :DGood luck then, you'll have a good time in this forum as I did.
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