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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. Lol your post is over sized though I think I am going off now I have $4 to kick some *bottom* on L4D
  2. Hello,I was just thinking if you should close request hosting accounts sections at the bottom of the forum to stop getting members confused with the system.I think that would make trap 17 even more easy to use which is good news for every one.- Ash .
  3. I learn when I was 5 years old. Its always best to learn things when you are young it helps keep it stuck in your mind until you die
  4. Loads of site's have been hacked recently, Twitter has, You tube did but then restored it in about 5 minutes lol.
  5. Well only if you drink too much it can. A Can or small glass a day shouldn't affect your liver.Just rapid or contact drinking will!!
  6. I think that is a good idea andyy15.I'm sure that will be a really active section its just I'm sure people will abuse and post the links to porn or malaware site's :S.
  7. Also if you post enough you can buy pro hosting or a domain!
  8. Well all I can see is that before you buy or illegally download you need a decent PC like mine..... to Run it nice a smooth.Also a good graphics's card will come in handy.
  9. Well I think I could be the leader of that.I could also help manage the website as I have a lot of experience with HTML and PHP as well as most forum versions. I am no n00b at css, Just a pr0, And I also have over 1,000 hours of playing it! :DAlso I have just added you on msn.
  10. Wikipedia is more fun that school?Do you have a social life to meet up with friends?Plus all the facts you may have learned from there, maybe wrong as all registered members can change it!
  11. There is always an option not to get in a car in the first place.But you can just easily use the gears to slow it down...
  12. Echo just took the words out of my keyboard. (Evil person ) But dude don't be a mod on a forum if you don't know what you are doing because new members look up too mods and admin's to see how they should behave and act on a forum, Most-likely you only do 1 liners on the forum....
  13. Dave is a fantastic channel So many Top gear shows on there I had blown my head off the first time It came online.They show about 1 episode every 3 hours!!! Its like heaven
  14. Profit drop isn't too bad. Have you seen the news recently about Woolwoths??? The biggest High street company in the UK has gone bankrupt because of profit loss.
  15. Nearly as much as my mac pro :PThe camcorder looks like a beast though lol
  16. For professionals or easy usage I would go for Adobe Photoshop. Don't get CS4 though its just like CS3 but I have seen to many bad reviews on the Internet about it.So stick with CS3 for the moment .
  17. There are lots of good host's out there the one I use Will be Trap 17 soon and At the minute I am using http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. :s Might just through my iPhone 3G outside the window next time I play it I might even get a point,.
  19. Yup they bought it out ages ago... Might be way It will start to go down hill....
  20. Rapid share must have unlimited bandwidth which Is why I am sure they have to get people to buy a account so they don't loose out of profits.
  21. Now I understand a lot for thanks for posting this That big post above kind of got boring so I went to look at your comment and understand it now
  22. Are poor you What are you trying to get a job in? Mine is in IT and I get over enough money at the minute.
  23. Lol no wonder you are getting error's its a free domain!Just post enough on here to go buy one from Xisto Hosting.
  24. Cool,Thanks for the fantastic information OpaQue.I now hope to be a millionaire like "Bill Gates" Lol
  25. Looks like they are in a huge financial crisis. If they go down McDonalds will have no toys to put in the Happy meal . LolI'm sure they wont though.
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