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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. Welcome tominich to the Xisto forum world,Enjoy your time here, Stay active and post to get the mycents you need,Before going on a posting rampage read the Xisto read me to look at the rules and requirements in every post you make,The most popular rule is no one liners just to get my cents as many of us have learnt the warning way :DI hope you don't - Ash
  2. Hello all Trapers....For part of my homework I need to do some questions for ICT and make my own question air about the internet where better to ask than Xisto!Please answer the following questions :D1) What online radio do you use? ________________________2) What search engine do you use the most? ________________________3) What do you use the internet for mostly? ________________________4) How long do you spend on the internet? ________________________5) Who is your ISP? (Internet Service Provider, AOL ect..)? ________________________6) Do you have your own website? ________________________Thanks a lot guys, I'm sure I will get many many to read - Ash
  3. I will past 100 easy, Apart from now I have just got a warn for spamming the one liners so now I am trying to improve! :DSee who can get too 11110000 the fastest without getting banned first Lol
  4. It would work :PYou can buy any Wireless router as its for gaming find a model with N- at the start for faster speeds over wireless.Then you could use an Ethernet cable to connect the Wireless router and Xbox together or you could by a Xbox Wireless adapter about ?50 ?60... and configure it to your new wireless network .
  5. Well COD 5 is not just for Xbox you can get it on PS3 and PC, If you do decided to get it on PC make sure you have a good gaming computer before you buy it and also PC version has 2 extra zombie maps to enjoy
  6. No one plays portal anyway most popular Steam game is CSS which came out about 3-4 years ago! I can't believe my eyes when I have seen how many hours have been played of it in one day!
  7. Eat fatty foods every day then you will but don't it so fast that you will become Ill,Have a few crisps and a McDonald every week you should start to put on some wait but still eat some healthy foods so you don't become Sick also try not to do sports or run around for a long time that will start to burn calories and you will put on weight.
  8. That is very true in this type of World people are like that some sites earn millions a week because of us trying to earn money fast when they do... So just don't go on a Make money online site unless you have seen a lot of reviews from people you know or a TV channel might have done a review on one you don't know so just Google it and see what it comes up with.
  9. Ubuntu is the best, Mostly if you are going to be hosting things ect... But for hosting a website with 20 or 30 people it would be slow + Using a lot of your bandwidth on from your ISP (Internet Service Provider). To host a website on your pc all you want to use that for really to show/share things will about 3-6 friends. Not really ment for uploading a whole website :s.
  10. That now means I could spam the forum while being Invisible and no one would know who it was .Hehe I am in a happy mood
  11. Woow Mich, You have been here for ages pop, I have only been here for a few weeks and it seems like I signed up every day This is one of the best hosting sites in the world. No other hosting company do this right? O.o
  12. No it doesn't.... Why not just download fire fox in the first place it would use a lot less CPU usage and not crash as much also there are many security holes in Internet explorer which they haven't patched up for ages!!!
  13. You need to make your site unique to others out there on the internet to make it popular so search engines would crawl your site every day.With low members on a forum you would only get crawled about every month which is bad obviously.
  14. Well some people, Obviously not you find it annoying to have there on every single window that you open... + You may want to use that as you main operating system so you may not want to have that every where!
  15. There are many out there that say you have a virus when you don't some of the best I have seen is AVG and Avast. I have been using Avast for many years and no problems with it. Maybe you should change over to Avast like me.
  16. Welcome MSimple to Xisto!Enjoy the very popular and active forums here before you go a posting rampage read the Xisto read me and if any questions just PM a moderator or admin or post on the forum.- Ash
  17. Professional as in "The Greek Security team" That hacked every thing they could see on the internet and was all over the news in the UK :s.
  18. Check out Download.com like Jworth said and find it in the section under Web editing software make sure you check out the reviews and comments before you download, Also googling the program is not a bad idea before you download .Check out Download.com like Jworth said and find it in the section under Web editing software make sure you check out the reviews and comments before you download, Also googling the program is not a bad idea before you download .
  19. Nah not me,I have already got a 10% warning for 1 linners so just post a lot more than 1 line otherwise you will be well known to the modorator team in a bad way :s.Just post like your Introduction you will get $1 in no time!
  20. Sky forget to mention on his n00b rampage that getting Vac banned means getting vac banned on all your games on that Steam account To get unbanned you have to buy all your games again
  21. Ahhhhh, How cute ! Of course I look even cuter ;
  22. Woah OpaQue, You just blown my haid off with some fantastic advice, They do things like that on Yahoo, But not as good Keep it up dude!
  23. Host a website?Well umm I would get a hi spec pc if you think it will be a popular website if you are just going to host a website for your friends at school then a every day computer would do. Also make sure you have a fast internet connection so your Website isnt really slow to load.But to find out how there are many great tutorials on youtube.com on how to set it up.
  24. HAhahahahah,I bet every one at Microsoft is pissed off lol, I just can't stop laughing. A fantastic and very funny post you made there Saint_Michael.Microsoft are so stupid hackers like that would use fake IP address's ect it would take about 5 years to get there real IP and track it down to there ZIP code Lol.
  25. Xalor Welcome to the forum,You seem very intrested as I have seen many of your Topics and post's already try to keep active on here Like I am staying up till 2:00 posting away Lol.Your Sigs look great and your Display picture is Fantastic,I am sure you will be very welcome here by all the other members on Xisto :PGood day,- Ash
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