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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. Thank you for sharing this with us princeofvegas I will be using this on my site, But I wonder if you could make a tutorial on how to make your own image upload script or own file uploading script Like Rapid-Share or Megaupload? That would be most kind of you if you did make one .
  2. You could also try doing what that guy did on the film "Super Size me" However this would make you very ILL for a long time and possibly heart problem so I wouldn't fully suggest it but it is a suggestion :s.
  3. Well I have just seen an article in the paper that google are now looking though all the picture's and so far they have had to remove a few but 2 of these caught my attention because of the following reasons:Picture 1: This picture had to be removed as this person was being sick :DPicture 2: This had to be removed as a guy was standing out side a porn shop in london - Ash
  4. Well I had this music teacher for about 1 year his name was Mr.M << His real name, One time he had an argument with his girlfriend so he decided to sing to her this worked very well, He said to our class you should always sing/Rap or whatever from your heart. He also made this one up for a Kid called Jamie. Jamie's details: He where's jeans hates backed beans and goes to a school called Deanes. Now Mr.M put all this together and it went like this: And that took about 1-2 minutes just to do that, So just rap from your heart .
  5. Welcome jove to the Xisto forums make sure you read the Xisto readme for all the rules and things for the forum also then check out some mycents topics to understand how the system works and to get you the best hosting or domain package for you. I now wish you the best of luck on the forum and the future! - Ash
  6. Wow so they have finally released it, Well going to today anyway, I am not going to use it any how I am finding Microsoft attempts at Internet browsers are poor in speed and visual therefore I am stick with trusty firefox and opera .
  7. Its called a favicon icon by the way But what pasten said you should be able to do it:
  8. Welcome to the forum, dolrich06 Please make sure you read the Xisto read me for all the rules and what you need to be doing to get the most respect out of the Xisto forum, Also Please check out some mycents topics to understand how the system works then you will be able to get the best hosting or domain package. Enjoy!
  9. Nice. I am sure many Warez sites are worth alot as many people now download illegally, I know some very big warez sites but will not say there names so I will not get banned or warned on here ,
  10. Well if this idea did come true it would be expensive, I am sure it is very possible if we can already send packets for the internet via Wifi, But I really don't see why you would need to store it in the air, What is wrong with an original external Hard drive? O.o
  11. You guys should try out google chrome, Recently research's have done a browser speed test of all the popular web browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera IE 7, Safari)There was a graph I found but Can't find it so I will just tell you the results.Here are the results:1st. Safari2nd. Chrome3rd. Opera4th Firefox5th IE.It seems that Firefox as gone down last year it was faster than Opera
  12. Hello, I just thought I would post a fantastic rock song lyrics topic. "Headstrong" Circling your, circling your, circling your head, Contemplating everything you ever said Now I see the truth, I got doubt A different motive in your eyes and now Im out See you later I see your fantasy, you want to make it a reality paved in gold See inside, inside of our heads (yeah) Well now thats over I see your motives inside, decisions to hide [Chorus:] (*BLEEP*!) Back off Ill take you on Headstrong to take on anyone I know that you are wrong Headstrong were headstrong Back off Ill take you on Headstrong to take on anyone I know that you are wrong and this is not where you belong I cant give everything away I wont give everything away [Verse 2:] Conclusions manifest, your first impressions got to be your very best I see youre full of *BLEEP*, and thats alright Thats how you play, I guess youll get through every night Well now thats over I see your fantasy, you want to make it a reality paved in gold See inside, inside of our heads (yeah) Well now thats over I see your motives inside, decisions to hide [Chorus] [Verse 3:] I know, I know all about [x3] I know, I know all about your motives inside, and your decision to hide [Chorus] I find this song very great to listen to if I am staying up late or if I am playing a game. Music track: Click here Also tell me what you think of the song. - Ash .
  13. if you are still getting stuck try youtube mate, I have had loads of friends that have got stuck with Codding and Youtube helped them out alot .
  14. Well I don't really see making a topic about this, They are so cheap now I mean I can get a 12GB USB stick for ?5.99! I mean come on!
  15. Lol people wouldn't even buy it... Bill gates put most of the idea's into vista and that was a huge fail!
  16. Dude its just a USB stick its no the end of the world just buy a cheap new one .
  17. Just use a transparent font or make a small logo in the corner with your name .
  18. Lol well yeah but I just saw them facts out the corner of my eye so I felt they could be posted .
  19. I have just made my 27th Web Browser I think I will upload them all and then ask members in which one's they like the best
  20. Never I find no time to do it + I wouldn't do it anyway... as I find it would be pointless.
  21. Thanks I wanted to know how to do this too .
  22. Google say this whole problem should be fixed this Friday and I hope it does... For you... If it doesn't contact them .
  23. I have to agree it is very great that the internet has this service, and now with the improved forum speed every is A'Ok.
  24. Welcome gummybear Please enjoy the forum, Also make sure you read the Xisto readme it has all the rules for the forums and a few others things, Also check out some mycents topics to understand how the system works and to get you the ultimate hosting or domain package for you!
  25. I can't wit until the 2009 version comes out, That will be awesome!
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