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Everything posted by serverph

  1. googlue, since you already found it and made a new topic for it, i'm posting your direct Xisto topic link here so others can download it if they want. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/2903-google-desktop-search-is-here-its-here/=
  2. Google search becomes personal Google has its eye on home computers http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/3744228.stm Google is the leader in this area and the launch of a PC search tool is its latest attempt to become even more indispensable to its millions of users. The desktop tool can be downloaded for free and lets people search e-mails in Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express, as well as files in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and in plain text. It also searches web pages viewed in Internet Explorer and instant messages in AOL Instant Messenger. Google said the software was based on its internet search engine. It takes a while to index a PC hard drive, but after that the company says search results will appear in fractions of a second. "It's pretty comprehensive," said Ms Mayer. "If there's anything you once saw on your computer screen, we think you should be able to find it again quickly." Aware of the privacy concerns raised over its e-mail service, Google has sought to stress that the company will not be able to peer into people's hard drives. "It's totally private," said the Google spokeswoman. "Google does not know what happens when the hard drive is searched." Other desktop search programs are already available, from companies such as Enfish, X1, dtSearch and Blinkx. But Google is the first well-known hi-tech brand to come out with a product. Microsoft is aiming to release a PC search tool by the middle of next year, and others like Apple, AOL and Ask Jeeves are looking to come up with similar products. ---- hmmmnn.... personal PC search tool from google? not a bad idea i misplace a lot of documents due to a cluttered PC lifestyle, and i would be interested in how this works (window's FIND tool is a boring search tool ) and if it's from google, i bet it's the best! privacy issues? bah, humbug! lolz
  3. still searching... no problem, if i get to download it soon.
  4. googlue had a subdomain change recently. maybe not redirected from .tk yet.
  5. yeah, me too. i powered up my browser immediately to check my site evenwithout opening the email. lolz good thing it was all a joke that emailsubject is not meant for the weak of heart. needless to say, i have set the site admin gave as my firefox homepage (did some test search as well).
  6. #2 crossed my mind... #1 i hardly can visualize (a not too common sight in thesemodern times ). #2 adds more textured interpretation for me, the "painted lady" being an animate being as opposed to a victorian "painted lady" which is a totalinanimate thing. (but then again, walls [in houses, even victorian ones] are mutewitnesses [or so they say] to its occupants' history, and they do tell stories, too.)a painted lady,in a painted lady...sighs...the painted lady,where the painted lady resides...cries.
  7. yeah, saw a snippet of the music video in the news earlier. it's nasty :rolleyes:add to that, eminem's M.J. character drops his nose on the dance floor. lolz.will have to download or record that mtv b4 it gets banned.
  8. that's the plan, to thwart piracy (they learned the hard way with Meteor Garden). i think it will be available in filipino and english (subtitle).
  9. cpanel redirect? you should try an index.htm redirect instead, so you can still have your sig and avatar functioning right. <html>[/br]<head>[br]<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">[/br]<meta http-equiv="Refresh" Content="10;URL=http://forums.xisto.com/ Professional Web Hosting provided by Xisto.com</title>[/br]</head>[br]<body>[/br]</body>[br]</html> unless you want it the way it is right now, of course
  10. cryptic... but i like it. who is the painted lady that inspired this?i guess i'd have to seek from west to east.but if grrlfromoz can whisper it soon to me,then i'll be troubled no more with this mystery.
  11. just saw ur query about random quote. here's one in PHP. <?php[br][/br]//sets the variables; and sets numbers TO them.[br]$quote[1]="This is Quote #1";[/br]$quote[2]="This is Quote #2";[br]$quote[3]="This is Quote #3";[br][/br]//sets up the random[/br]$random = rand(1, count($quote));[br][/br]//displays random variable[br]echo "$quote[$random]";[br][/br]?> you can break it down as include files i guess, first 2 sets as the include, and[/br]the execute part (echo "$quote....) on your output page. just play with the code. it works just like your javascript code, wherein you add as many quotes as you want.
  12. i'm sure you'll love it, googlue it does not clutter up the page code, and keepsthe code safe from prying eyes. hehehe? makes people wonder, "how is thatpossible?" but for Xisto members, take a look all you want, and use it ifit fits your site requirement. :Dbtw googlue, you won't have a problem there as i'm hosted also here (so we'reon the same server) fully-tested, with *big-grin* satisfaction, guaranteed.
  13. i use xammp. get it at apachefriends.org
  14. is it better than EditPlus 2? i like my codes in color actually, and every line numbered to get to the problem code whenever it spews an error.
  15. i suppose you downloaded the xammp for windows... here is some initial reading material on installation and use. https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html note: b4 using xammp, turn off other apps which use the same port as what xammp uses. like me for example, i use PWS (Personal Web Server) for local testing of asp/html files. when i want to use xammp for local testing of PHP, i disable PWS. just holler if you still can't get the hang of it. (PM me if you have a new post for help as well since i don't track this post, and i get to read it only when it get's on top of the heap).
  16. well, we dropped significantly these past two weeks coz admin made a generalclean-up of zero-post members. but our membership is growing really fast,and we'll be reaching the 1,000 mark again pretty soon. just stay active guys,and help Xisto with those page views (impressions) and a*d-c*l*i*c*k*s.
  17. whoopee! my review is there as well now. and i notice free-webhosts reviews are back as well. good thing all's been settled with them.
  18. check also my site but mine is in PHP The script picks a randomly selected image from a folder you specify and displays it to your visitors. It figures out which image files are available for rotation all by itself, so you're free to add or remove images as you please, without the need to edit the script or a configuration file. GET IT HERE
  19. no problem, err. dont' forget to update us on what image you came up with. let's see how well you did it
  20. hehehe? watched it a smashing anime rendition of the game. can't wait to watch tomorrow's episode. LEVEL-UP!
  21. hehehe? maybe the writer had dyslexia DYSLEXICS OF THE WORLD, UNTIE! lolz
  22. lolz.... just a nickname chosen by one of our prolific Xisto members
  23. ei, spectre... how come our reviews there didn't show up yet? but it's good to know Xisto gets the top position it truly deserves hooray for Xisto!
  24. admin, wanna use this for your link exchange? Access GIF file here. Download Source PSD here.
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