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Posts posted by serverph

  1. notwithstanding the sentiment that a woman can and may be better presidents, it still will be racked with political maneuverings. we (philippines) had experience with two women presidents already (one ten years ago, and another currently) -- and it's not an easy climate for them, politically and economically. for one, they are highly susceptible to coup d'?tats brewing every time, trying to topple her presidency via a military takeover (they will always have a hard time reining in the military, without concessions made). and this always has a negative impact on the economy, successful or not the coup may be.


    performance-wise, they are not any better for the country. them being women is not a magic formula they can simply invoke to magically solve all the problems, some even spanning decades, of a nation. and they are not saints either, since they also make dumb decisions detrimental to national interests, and have personal and business interests as well they protect which makes them not immune to political attacks.


    at the end of the day, a good president one can be, man or woman, as long as s/he upholds the constitution and promotes national interests to the best that s/he can.

  2. the age you can vote for national leaders in your country should be the age when you can get to apply for your driver's license. i believe that if the government thinks you are mature enough to add your voice in the ballots, which will affect the course of the future of your country, then they shouldn't hinder you with age restrictions over and above the voting age by the time you seek a driver's license. :blink:

  3. what was the altercation all about? did the accountant say why she became mental on you? is it about you staying behind late? lucky for you in finding and working in a job you enjoy. that is one thing, but having an officemate who you can't easily get along with is another... may be a future reason you will come to dislike your job. good thing the big boss is looking into your situation personally. :blink: hope the matter is all settled by now or will be soon. anyway, what's the nature of your job now?

  4. Firefox is great. But I think it still requires some improvement. IE7 is also good but I would prefer Firefox with some changes in settings which I have found from a magazine here in India.

    would be great if you could share those settings modifications which will make firefox 2.0 better. i wonder what those could be, and what the benefits they would produce. :blink: hope to hear back from you bhavesh! :wacko:

  5. there are some files for download you might have forgotten to link here. :blink: like the Joomla Extension for Dreamweaver and the Joomla template directory structure files set. at least you said a download is available from your tutorial above. would be more useful if you can link them later, as your tutorial defines.


    i have an ulterior motive in pointing this out. hehehe? i might want to create my own joomla template in the near future, and i would want the files ready at hand later. ;) btw, is the DEMO template you linked in the end part of your tutorial working (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)? it looks like it's still a default godaddy parking page at the moment... or is it not?


    edit: i think you ought to revise the link you have posted for the demo template. :wacko: i believe it should have been http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ instead of .ORG. checked it, and your joomla installation is under Xisto.COM. ;)

  6. i got my first FREE domain 5 years ago. i got my second, and third FREE domains more than a year ago. so, yes, there are FREE domain registrations -- if you can find them. :blink:you just have to be on the lookout for DOMAIN REGISTRARS which provide these FREE domain offers, with a small catch -- you can have it only FREE for one year, then after the one-year period, you will then have to RENEW it for an annual fee. and it's not easy to transfer your domains you registered from them to another registrar that easily, in case you find a cheaper domain renewal fee offer from other registrars. more often, you'd pay a premium to be able to do that. that's the downside.but hey, if you want it FREE, then a year is better than nothing at all. ;) in my case, after my free registered domains expired, i didn't consider paying the annual renewal fee. i can't stick with a domain i can call my own yet, which i'd want to use year after year after year. so until then, such free domain offers will be good for me. :wacko: (but don't ask me where i got my domains -- the offers have LAPSED already. if i get wind of another, i'll be posting it here at Xisto ;))

  7. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -> Save as image - works with FF 2.0 too...as a replacer for ScreenGrab, which is not tested to work with FF2.0, as the developer says it :(

    screengrab works for me in firefox 2.0, didn't i mention it? :( just as long as you installed the correct compatible version. :( i guess that would classify myself as a "successful tester" albeit untested by developer himself (busy, as he said, for the time being). will check on alternative provided, to see which works better (at least for me). :lol:

  8. glad you like it, jlhaslip. :lol: here's a lifehacker feature on doing more streamlining for firefox, by digging into the innards of the chrome (control area) and tweaking it to suit your browser lifestyle. :(



    i'm pretty sure web designers and developers (like most of us, if not all) here can appreciate the attempt on making the most out of whatever screen space can be freed -- on firefox! :(


    and here's a bonus plugin for those of us who want to do screen grabs! instead of doing the ALT-PRINT SCREEN method, then pasting it on an image editor like photoshop or paint, then saving it -- there's something to minimize the steps, by doing a screengrab of a whole page or a window or simply a viewport, in firefox using java! more info on screengrab plugin for firefox here:



    this can be useful if you want a screenshot of anything you're viewing on your browser, like tutorials, design inspirations, and whatever else you can think of! :( enjoy!

  9. moved to introductions. moving on...awe-inspiring narrative you have there, coolduck123456. if only your friend lou didn't pass on to the great beyond, i'm sure he'll be so much prouder of you sticking up with him, and taking a "slight" name against him as your own badge of honor, even in the digital world today. :lol: the "cool" monicker is not lost on you. :(

  10. As far as everyone speculations about the no. 1 browser spot is concerned, I'll like to contribute that IE still rules the market share... Can you imagine after IE 7 was released in just 4 days 3 Millions downloads were complete! Firefox is gaining popularity and thanks to all the fans out there but Firefox has to do a real hard work to reach to top.


    i'd hate to pee on IE's parade... BUT Firefox 2.0 had over 2 million downloads in the first 24 hours alone, with a peak rate of more than 30 downloads per second! :( with IE, it's just an average of 750,000 downloads per day in a spread of 4 days. :(



    as for extension updates is concerned, i'm still missing the Tiny.pl and the ImageShackright-click plugins, which definitely helps when i need to shorten a url (tiny.pl) or upload an image direct to imageshack with just a right click. maybe a couple of days for the update still. :( the SessionSaver and TabX plugins which are my favorites before, are now included in the firefox 2.0, so less plugins there to install. :( DownThemAll, another useful extension, is compatible with 2.0 also. :lol:


    conclusion? firefox 2.0 rules! :(

  11. windows resizer is just redundant if you already installed the web developer toolbar extension. :lol: under web developer options, you can set additional resolutions in addition to the default 800x600 already in place. what i added in mine is a 1024x768 resolution (since i'm working with a 1280x1024 screen resolution). you can set it to change viewport upon selection, so your firefox browser expands and/or collapses to your resolution of choice. (see image below, encircled in green, which shows the icon to change window size with the web developer toolbar.)


    one other thing i did is streamline my icons by right-clicking then customizing toolbar, and dragging my webdev items from it's original toolbar position (above the tabs) -- and placing them beside the menus. (see image below, encircled in red.) it would leave you with a blank webdev toolbar, so you have to hide it (by right clicking on the space above the google search form in the image, then disabling the webdev toolbar). when you're done, you will have a much bigger window space to see more of the page you are browsing, as opposed to the webdev toolbar eating up space which could be used to view a page. :(


    Posted Image

    (click to enlarge)


    measureIt is also redundant if you have the webdev toolbar. you can use the Display ruler feature in webdev to measure the dimensions of anything on your browser. CSSViewer and HTML Validation would also be redundant with the webdev toolbar, although if you go for the "cute" factor, CSSViewer foots the bill. :( you might find other redundancies when you get to install and test the functions available in webdev toolbar.


    if you're going to use FireFTP as many of us here do, you can complement it with the FireFTP button (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/). this button you can add as an icon in your firefox browser (see that small blue seahorse somewhere? :(). easy access for your fireFTP, with just one-click, instead of looking for it under tools menu). :(


    hope these additional tips help. lesser extensions = faster firefox. :(

  12. just to clear little bits of info, as written about in previous messages, the attacks made by spyhackerz.com is not concentrated on Xisto member sites. although there have been attempts and subsequent success in defacing member sites here, it is not limited to ours. here is an extensive listing of digital attacks the group has accomplished to date, on varied sites:



    affected sites on Xisto subdomains are filtered here (though the earlier ones are not by spyhackerz.com per se, only the most recent ones which thankfully ceased on 10/10/06 [let's keep our fingers crossed that those will be the last]):



    naturally what are listed attacked above are just those under Xisto.com, as that's what the search filter is defined to search. you may want to try your own domain name to find out if any of your pages have been defaced (if you haven't discovered it by now), by replacing Xisto.com with your own domain name in the search above.

  13. a default windows xp installation would really crawl on a slow machine. one way to make it run faster on slow machines: CUSTOMIZE! :)

    and here are two methods you can try to make your winxp run as you wish:
    1. nLite - freeware - http://www.nliteos.com/nlite.html
    2. XPlite - commercial - http://www.litepc.com/xplite.html

    any of the two methods above will give you the ability to strip DOWN installation, for a blazing windows xp experience. :) one reportedly made a "tiny" edition, after much tweaking, to come up with a 400MB fully installed version, and running sweetly under 40MB ram (39.5MB to be exact).

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