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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. I think the key to fixing this is the first error it outputs: All the others 'cascade' from that one, so fixing the first one will fix the rest. As it says, permissions are the problem here. Take a look at the permissions for index.html and make sure that owner and group have read and write at least. That should then let the editor edit the file. If not, temporarily set full permissions while you edit it, then revert them back once you're done.
  2. Yes, you certainly can. Open up Synaptic and have a look for the kubuntu-desktop package. That will pull in a load of other packages and set KDE up for you. It will take quite a while though - it'll download KDE, Amarok, Kopete, Konversation, K3B and all of their dependencies. If you don't immediately get thrown into KDE, log out and choose KDE as the session type from the login screen. When you log in you should then be in KDE
  3. Personally I use KDE rather than Gnome, but I can still help you out Gnome Look is the place to go for new themes, icons, wallpapers and pretty much everything else Gnome-related. And for us using KDE, KDE Look is the originally named equivalent. In some cases you can use material from the 'wrong' site and it will still work (background images for example). So, take a look at both.
  4. I'm going to have a go at entering this one. I've done a sig and it includes both of the images you gave us at the start. One of them is quite obvious, the other one isn't. Anyway, my entry is below.
  5. Are you certain you uploaded everything into the public_html folder? Accessing your website shows an error 404 which would imply you have uploaded nothing to the public folders. Reply back with whether you have uploaded to the public_html folder. If you have then the problem may well be permissions. Make sure everyone has read access to the files.
  6. On top of jlhaslip's suggestions, take care with your login information. Don't choose a username like admin or administrator. If you have something that simple, any hacker is already half-way in! Then focus on a good strong password. Make it alphanumeric, use upper and lower case, throw a few symbols in there, and even put a space in if you want (sometimes this isn't possible).
  7. First you need to decide which forum software you want to use. This wizard will ask you a few simple questions about what you need from your forum, and then spurt out a list of all the different forum packages that do what you want. At the end of the wizard, click the "Compare Them" link and you will be shown a table where you can compare all your possible forums. When you have decided which one you like best, click the link to their website in the 4th line of the table. Find the download link on their site and download a copy of the forum software. When you activated your hosting account you were given your FTP information. Use an FTP application, such as KFTPgrabber, Net2FTP or even the file manager in your cPanel, to upload the forum package you downloaded earlier. The instructions provided with it will give you more detailed guidance. Then you will most likely need a MySQL database set up. In your cPanel, scroll down until you see the section about MySQL Database Management, and click that link. Create a database and remember what you call it. It will automatically get prefixed with your cPanel username, so calling it forum would actually give it the name yourcpanelusernamehere_forum. You then usually need to go through an install process for the forum, but that varies from forum to forum.
  8. Headphones vs. little earphones is more of a personal preference now. It used to be that earphones would give very tinny sound and generally were pretty weak, but now, as long as you go for a good name, they're just as good as proper headphones (in sound quality). Personally I've always preferred proper headphones, and I always use them to listen to my MP3 player rather than the bundled earphones. If I'm out, I might use the earphones just because they take up less space and are a little less conspicuous than a decent set of headphones. Sennheiser are a very good name and as long as you shop around you should be able to get a good price. They've got a headphone selector to narrow down the range and find exactly what you're looking for. Currys/Comet/Dixons all sell Sennheiser stuff from around �10 upwards. Maplin also have a range of Sennheiser gear from the cheapest to the top-of-the-range stuff. Creative are also fairly good, and generally a bit cheaper than Sennheisers, but their build quality is not the best in the world. We've had a few pairs of their headphones break in various ways over the last few years.
  9. To be honest, jlhaslip's post does a good job of explaining it. However, to reiterate the basics: Download some forum software (phpBB, AEF, YaBB, etc.) Upload that to your hosting account using FTP Follow the installation instructions that came with the forum If you specifically want a forum like Xisto then you need to buy a licence for IPB, which costs an awful lot compared to the free offerings out there.
  10. I have one major problem with your page - I can't see the navigation links. The text colour for non-active links does not contrast nearly enough with the background. On my laptop screen they are impossible to see unless you look at a weird angle, which is not the height of usability Also, the News, Community and Developers text size is very small, so you may want to bump that up a bit.Just to let you know, frames are generally a bad idea. They are hard for search engines to index properly and never look the same between browsers. Look into using DIVs, there are plenty of tutorials about both here on Xisto and elsewhere on the web.
  11. Yes, you should be able to just manually insert the code jlhaslip has given you and the page should work. However, I am aware that Microsoft seems to make use of its own obscure non-standard character set sometimes, and this can cause endless headaches. Sometimes in those situations all you can do is manually enter character codes for unusual characters.
  12. I can understand it being around 18.6GB, but it shouldn't really be any lower. Are you sure there aren't promotional videos or music or something on there? Quite often they bundle that sort of stuff with promotional editions.
  13. I've been hosted here at Xisto for around 2 years now. I know for a fact Xisto was around for quite a while before that. As far as I know, Xisto is quite a sucessful company, so Xisto should be around for many years to come. You have the security that Xisto is running paid services too. If they decide to disappear they are letting many paid customers down, rather than free hosts who let down anonymous web users. Your website will always be ad free. You can upgrade from the first package to the second one whenever you like, providing you have 30 credits. You are also able to move over to paid hosting if you need more space or bandwidth. I believe you even get help transferring all your files and stuff across to your new account if you need it. Please don't hesitate to ask any more questions, or PM me or any other staff member and we will all answer your questions. Welcome to Xisto and I hope you enjoy the community and the hosting Also if i made this in the wrong section sorry, Just i thought general would be best for this kind of isse.
  14. That answer is the same answer I gave you = (180/7) degrees= (180/7)*(pi/180) radians= (180*pi)/(180*7) radians= (pi/7) radians= (1/7)pi radians I think we might have worked through it slightly differently, but we do in fact get the same answer.
  15. I am not sure why you have made the image an input? I'm not even sure that is valid. Anyway, the proper way to make an image appear is like so: <img src="path/to/image/file.png" width="##" height="##" alt="Text if the image can't be displayed" /> So, this would make your code become: <a href="http://www.110mb.com/404.php; target="_blank"><img src="http://www.110mb.com/404.php; height="27" width="139" alt="Alt text needed here" /></a> Let us know if that works, and if that is what you are looking for.
  16. Pfft Shows what use A-Level Maths is then! Interested to find out what the actual answer is then.
  17. I have worked out an answer, and I've PM'd it to you. Took me about 20 minutes using my calculator and a bit of knowledge.
  18. Put simply, I don't think you can. What you are asking to do is something similar to opening a binary file in a text editor, saving it, then trying to run it as a binary file - it just can't be done. For example, if you open the TuxKart binary in Kate, you get something like the following repeated for 8000 lines: ELF 4 d 4 ( 4 44 4 44 E E p p\ , ȘȘ H HH Ptd <B <B Qtd /lib/ld-linux.so.2 GNU _ ( ) > G ( 5 : / 6 i 2 e - ] p u j : There is absolutely no way to turn that back into the binary to be able to use it again. This is pretty much what you are asking to do with your image. Perhaps if you explained why you need to convert the 'code' back into the variable, we might be able to give you a different method.
  19. Out of the 4 computers in my house, 2 run Windows - one XP Home and one Vista Home Premium (or whatever stupid name Microsoft have given it). Both of those are legal versions, OEM without disk. The other two run Kubuntu 7.04, which is a little difficult to get an illegal copy of
  20. As as been pointed out endless times, when you get your hosting account your credits are reset to around 2, no matter how many you had before. This ensures you don't earn hundreds before you get your account and then disappear and not post any more. You get 2 credits to keep you afloat while you earn some more once you're hosted.
  21. I use KFTPgrabber. Its fairly fast, has parallel uploads and downloads, and allows for easy drag and drop. However, like Carson said, it might be a problem with your FTP account. If you're able to actually log in then its unlikely, but its always a possibility.
  22. I just watched his Console Rundown video, and you're right. He is very funny, yet everything he says is true. Unlike normal reviews he speaks in the language that gamers actually use, and isn't worried about pointing out flaws in things.Excellent find, I'll definitely keep watching for more reviews.
  23. This fact is pointed out numerous times across the forum. For example the Flash guide to credits points out this fact in large red letters. There are also loads of posts around the forums containing this information. There is, however, a reason why your credits get reset. You earn them for being active at the forums here. Firstly, it is easier to earn credits before you are hosted, so it would be unfair to let people keep them, as they wouldn't be 'worth' the same as those earned after you become hosted. Secondly, if you get loads of credits before you are hosted, most people wouldn't return until their stockpile had run out. They'd rapidly post loads of spam and then disappear again for a couple of months. The idea is to keep a constant active community here. Sorry, but that is the way the system works, and the information is out there available for you. Sorry, but you can't transfer credits around if you are not hosted.
  24. I don't know exactly what sort of things you are thinking of, but here are a few ideas (well, mostly experiments I've done at some point in the past): Chip Pan It doesn't explode as such Heat a really small amount of wax or oil up until some of it vaporises, then stand well back and spray some water at it. You'll get a fireball that goes up, and often a bit of water sprays out over the room. Great fun and gets a good "Wow" from everyone. Aspirin If you want something a little less dangerous, carry out an experiment to find out how much of an aspirin tablet is actually aspirin. Crush an aspirin tablet into a power and weigh it in a specimen tube. Put around 15cm3 of ethanol in a 100cm3 conical flask and add 3 or 4 drops of phenolphthalein indicator. Put in as much of the aspirin powder as you can. Weigh the empty tube so you know exactly how much aspirin is in the conical flask. Swirl it around until the aspirin dissolves (add more ethanol if you need to). Then titrate it against 0.1mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide. Stop when the phenolphthalein turns pink, and note down how much NaOH you used. Then you should be able to work out how much of the aspirin tablet was actually aspirin. Make Some Batteries You can mix a wide variety of chemicals together to produce various power sources. For each you need a high resistance voltmeter, a strip of filter paper soaked in potassium nitrate, 2 100cm3 beakers, 2 thin metal strips (explained below). You can try out the following combinations - each one is one beaker, so you can use any two and see what happens Copper strip in copper sulphate Iron strip in iron sulphate Zinc strip in zinc sulphate Place the two empty beakers next to each other, and put the soaked filter paper strip between the two, so one end of the filter paper is in each beaker (a sort of n shape). Think of it as bridging the beakers. Pick two from the list of 3 set-ups above. In one beaker pour in the first sulphate solution, and put in the corresponding metal strip. Do the same for the other beaker with your second choice. Connect each of the metal strips to a wire, and put those wires into a voltmeter. You should detect a voltage (and you've made a battery ). Try it out with different combinations. --- If those ideas aren't any good then I've got plenty more I can throw at you. Good luck with your experiment, whatever it turns out to be
  25. That PHP file works by completely wiping and replacing the XML file each time you upload a new picture. If you only want certain pictures displayed then you need to limit which pictures the function that generates the XML can see. I would recommend creating a folder for each product, and put the images related to that product in its folder.Then, take out the XML generating part of the upload script and put it in a new page. Make it accept a variable (the product name) each time it is run. Then adjust the path for the folder it is reading from so that it has that variable stuck on the end. This would limit it to only using images for one product. It would also put the XML file in the same folder as the images - so you'd end up with a separate XML file for each product. Then you need to find some way for the Flash gallery to accept a variable from PHP, so it can be told where the XML file is.Sorry if thats not very clear, feel free to ask if you want it explained better and I'll give it a go
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