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Posts posted by africa

  1. Well when I first heard the name was kind of weird, like I was getting in something bad, because of the trap part of the name, but once you're in it's just a name for a good service, you get use to it.

    It's very cool and quite contradictory to what happens here! lol!

    You don't get trapped..nah..you get the best you can afford!

    It's a very cool name and i think it's catchy!

  2. if you lets say get a domain from Xisto and then get hosting on that domain and you'll have a functional server place which you could access with your domain name.. through your CPanel, which you'll be able to access through port :2082 because Xisto hosting is offering CPanel.. you will be able to create subdomains, and those subdomains will just be directories in your public_html directory where you'll be able to upload your needed blog files.

    I didn't quite understnad you mean.

    Lets say i want to create forums.mydomain.com what do i do?

    How do i make it point to my forums page?

  3. How many people can swim anymore, I mean swimming has been going down since kids are staying indoors more throughout the decades. I probably forgot how to swim, I used to be able to, but if I got in the deep end, I'd probable drop like a rock, I'm not a great floater.

    I had stopped swimming for a long time because i was developing my website and could not find anytime for it!

    After a while, i jumped into the deepest part of our pool and almost drowned!!!

    Guess, when you start something, you should keep doing it so that you don't lose your swagger!

  4. SMF and TinyPortal and SimplePortal would work well. SMF 2.0 RC 1 has a lot more options that may be closer to a social network then a forum. 1.1.8 is the latest stable release, but it would be easier to start off at RC1.Once it is released for 2.0, this MOD may be of use:

    Thanks a lot. I ended up using phpbb, check it out here https://www.phpbb.com/, so now i am into running forums!

    I checked out some of the softwares you folks recommended and decided maybe it's just best if i divert my line of business a bit and give myself more freedom :-)

    Phpbb is quite something, i am not sure if it matches SMF because i do not have much experience with SMF, but i have had so much fun customizing it!

    Now i am just left with the advertising.

    Here is something in Facebook style but it is commercial edition.

    Here are the demos:


    You can easilly find nulled version but your host will suspend your account if u use nulled software smile.gif

    So, it's better for you to buy it and use it.

    I tried this one once but..lookalike softwares are boring to me!

    Now it really has some people dealing with the mods and all but it raises the bar quite high by imitating Faceboook, then fails to get there because it does not have as many features.

    Thanks for the suggestion, mate!

  5. just remember what ever you do of your forum or forums. Back Up Everything at least weekly. that way if something Beeps out you can have a backup. Trust me I found that out the hard way.

    Thanks. i used to have a website that crashed after a couple of weeks and i lost everything!

    Now i want to use an automatic system that backups and stores the database in my email account everyday!

  6. Yeah a lot of doctors are just clueless and it really annoys me, and also a lot of drugs that they prescribe they only do because they get kickbacks from drug companies. People always become doctors because they want to make a lot of money, but you should only be a doctor if you really want to help people, because that's the only way you're going to be a good doctor.

    That can be very dangerous especially if they give you the wrong medicine!

  7. There's more than what that web page has, but i guess the creators of that site figured that would be convincing enough. All of those i had already known about, though. But for some reason, even with all these facts, people still don't believe.

    Most people are ignorant to facts and people just believe what they grow up accustomed to.

    I found out during the presidential debates...the people who analyzed afterwards, just stuck to the positions they had before!

    Everything was seen in good light and so people stick to what they already know especially if its based on hope or faith.

  8. I disagree, Science is meant to help life, the truth is that they're is less religion now than ever before, its faith vs logic, but i cant put faith in something that isnt logical if that make sense, logic before faith. I think its which is stronger in you. I love science, faith may mean you live longer but so does science but science means everyone lives longer. Look at religion under 50% of the nation of the UK proclaim belief in God, the only reason the univeral religion isnt athiesm is because people just stick "church of england" on the census, the truth is (I believe) that God is a way of getting out of death, but why fear death... if death is the end then theres no need to fear it because its not like your gonna realise it at the end of the day!

    Science has really helped more than ever to those who always believed in it!
    I speak to some people who are now even more ignorant than ever!

    Faith in religion is sometimes "blind faith" as people invest their trust and beliefs in things hoped for than really proven to either exist or will come true.

    Some people even go on to say they do not believe earth is a million years old although there is scientific proof its been around for so long. The Bible dates it to a liitle more than 10,000 years old.

    So in conclusion, science has helped those who already believed in it. did not convert many people to its message.

  9. I would like to know which one is good for me to use..I came across the IPB is quite famous..But it needs to buy:(help me to post your review of which bulletin board system is good, the differences and how can i get that stuff (wether need to buy or free download url) rolleyes.gif
    Perhap, i did love the army system very much biggrin.gif


    I am running phpbb and its running very smooth.

    In my opinion, its the best board is you do not have money to buy Vb!

    VBulletin has got many cool features which I think are vital to online communities and it's more stable.

    I would rate IPB after Vb then Invison

  10. Well thank you all for the valuable suggestions!

    also pick a good software (SMF 2.0 RC 1)

    I have been using phpbb3 but i am not too impressed with the mods so after coming close to finishing, i am on the prowl for something a bit better.

    i am interested but problem is i don't have time to even get on this forum to reply to everyone. its currently 1 am and i am still on probably cause i have homework to do but yea if you really need mods i can be a temporary one i mean not much but i can help with probably anything Google is my main brain

    Thanks very much. As I have said, i think i have to start over again..some of the mods used by phpbb3 are not the best around so i am still looking around. I will contact you when i finish. Give me a few weeks! Thanks very much.

    I have also found a very great site where i get to discuss stuff about moderating, making money and generally how to run good forums.

    The admin zone.

    I am still paying attention to this thread so if you still have suggestions..please don't think twice!

  11. Lots of things..1st Computers!I couldnt live without PC Games!!!
    2nd Internet and forums
    oh id commit a suicide if they'd take away my internet!!
    3rd beer!I love beer!
    4th The Games Factory
    5th music!metall pwnz!!
    Nice topic btw wink.gif

    Well for me it is different

    I got a strong addiction to programming and surfing!

    A lot of people try to discourage me but it is just in my blood now! lol! I also have an addiction to literature nad then sports..cricket, f1 and chess!

    Never had an unhealthy addiction. I believe i can overcome anything so i get rid of em quickly!

  12. It's not racist to want to be with your own kind. I find it alarming that so many are choosing to mate and produce offspring out side of their own race. In my opinion they are race traitors destroying their own race, what ever that might be.

    That is not destroying any race and its one of the ways people can really unite. The more ties we have between different races the more likely we are to live in peace.

    People should do as they please in that regard.

    However choosing to be with your own kind is not at all racism.

  13. Yes, we (speaking on behalf of the Americans) should be afraid of Muslims- at least the extremists. I will not claim to be any sort of expert on the sacred teachings of Islam. I do know that a lot of Muslim terrorists use the Quran to justify their acts of terrorism, and I know that a lot of Muslims will condemn their actions as going against the spirit of Islam.
    But I don't see enough condemnation for these terrible acts coming from the mouths of government officials in the Middle East. Oftentimes it seems as if they will say just enough to please the Bush administration so that we will not declare war on them like we did Afghanistan and Iraq. But I think that a lot of terrorism is still being allowed by Muslim regimes. The Pakistani leader has done a decent job of refuting Islamic terroists. However, if these people are really that much of an afront to Islam, then I would think that the "good" Muslims should be more adamant about stopping the terrorists than we are. It seems to me that if an extreme group of American Christians started committing acts of terrorism in the name of Jesus Christ, there would be an enormous backlash against them. I am just not seeing this sort of outrage from the Muslim community.

    I do not think there is need for anyone to be afraid of islam!
    It is just a religion just like Christianity, Budhiism, etc.

    It teaches love and all the other important principles. I do think people should be afraid of terrorists! who in the past years have been for the Islam religion but we have also had some people who have been wicked who also like us..were Christians!

    I really discourage prejudice and such generalisation of a broad topic. Obviously there are some people who are muslims who feel people should not be murdered, stolen from, etc.

    We are all humans and just because there have been a few bad apples even among the human race as a whole does that mean some alien species should be afraid of us??

  14. You already have the myCENT-function up and running, just make sure to check out this too - as it contains lots of very useful and important information that you should know. xpress already told you to avoid one-liners, and you should try to do so, but you will not be expelled if you post a couple of them. Everyone does that.
    With 46 posts in two days it seems like you have already started enjoying the forum, so just keep enjoying it. Hopefully we will all see you around the forum for a long time. Good luck.

    Thanks. I am back to what i do best!

    Had been offline for a while. When i made those posts i really had a lot to say..now im blank when i stare at the forums!

    I am going for the 5000 posts mark though!

    You'll make me a moderator in no time guys! lol!

  15. don't think playing cards is a sport, really. It's just another way of entertainment. Not all hobbies have to be sports; chess isn't, neither reading nor racing cars (in my opinion). Sports are one way of entertain yourself, not all the ways.The games I play, well, I enjoy poker, blackjack and "truco" (trick). You may be familiar with poker and blackjack, but truco is a game from Uruguay and Argentina, the two countries of the Rio de la Plata.
    Let me explain it to you: it's always played with a spanish deck (naipes), after taking out from the deck the eights, nines and jokers. The number of players must be even (usually two, four or six players), splitting the players in two sides.
    If there are only two players, first, the cards are shuffled by one of the players, and then he deals three cards to each player, and puts another card on the table. This card is called "muestra" (sample), and everyone can see which card is. Each card dealt, has a different relative power. From least to most powerful: 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2 and 3. Some of those cards are called "matas" (killers), and those are, from least to most powerful: 7-gold, 7-swords, 1-wood, and 1-sword; they all beat the normal cards, mentioned before.
    There is also another group of special cards: "piezas" (the pieces), which are some of the cards included in the suit of the "sample". They have points. These are the pieces, from least to most powerful: 10 (points), 11 (27 points), 5 (28 points), 4 (29 points) and 2 (30 points).
    So, basically, the game consists of three hands, during which you have to beat your opponent two hands to win. The first hand is started by the "mano" who is the player who didn't dealt. The second one is started by the player who won the first one, and so the third hand (if there is, because if a player wins the first two hands, wins the round). There can be as many round as needed: the goal is to score 30 or 40 (not the points of the pieces, another score).

    Playing cards definitely is not a sport but CHESS? I do not get why it is not a sport!

    It probably has to do with it being too mental but that is very debateable!

    Why is chess not a sport people? What defines a sport and how does chess fail to make the grade?

  16. My family friends and I used to play chess all the time when i was back in highschool, As black I generally play the French defense or a variation on the Nimzo Indian... I only played in two state tournaments and was initially ranked in the 1400s, I know i was able to beat 1700-1800 players as i played two of them and resigned after a bit (winning positions, up a queen in complicated endgame), but I had to be at the school dance >.<... My GF almost killed me cuz we were late... but I digress....
    Africa, are you sure you're a 2100 ranked? I don't remember all the international ranks but in the USCF approching master status.

    I am not quite sure but i am surely up there!

    I have played two grandmasters in my life and got beaten once and drew the other won so i'm sure i am around the FIDE master level, if you know what i mean.

    On Facebook i am in the 1300-1400 but that is because my internet connection is really slow at times and i lose on time!
    I have won most tourneys that i have played in but right now i am giving it a break.

    Tryout Fritz, the latest edition or just later from the 6th and you'll have a nice time!

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