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Posts posted by africa

  1. Hi kevraid. Wlecome to the trap family.This is the best web community on the net and yeah..its about learning from each other and using that knowledge to succeed.Good luck mate and if you need any help, don't be afraid to ask.WELCOME!!

  2. These things do depend with the people guys. I am good looking but i do not think my looks play a pivotal role in my relationships.What i find that most people wat, especially girls is a bit of money on the side and they'll find something cute on you!If a babe loves you because of your looks, then she's a stupid girl. There is much more to a person than looks!!

  3. Do you have any tips in gaining weight?I eat 3x a day, i also eat snacks after meal,
    My meal would include at least 2cups of rice, then some fish, egg also meat, i eat also vegetables but i still dont gain weight.
    Any comment about my situation, i really need to gain weight in order to be pleasant looking when i apply for a job.

    you may consider lifting weights to turn the fat you may get into pur muscle!

    https://stronglifts.com/ is one place you may want to check out.

    Good luck and starting eating healthy foods.

  4. Hi,I recently started my website and i am thinking of attracting even more people to the community.I want to venture into video marketing using Youtube so i wanted your advice on how i can set up the channel and how to make the most of it.I am unable to make my own videos so I was wondering if its possible to collect those that have something in common (with my site) on youtube or other sites and then attract many people who will find the videos relevant to my site as well.I am looking forward to your advice on how this works exactly.Thanks

  5. Football rocks (not american football)...
    i would like to say somethings about football here.. first of all , why is it called football? it does not make sense since the game is played by hand, (except the fg) the main point is playing by hand.. the name makes no sense for the game...
    2nd... it gets anooying because there are commercial breaks after each play... also its stupid because they stop after each play and it gets boring watching it for 3+ hours! The Red Flag cahllenges are stupid to.. waste of time.. Refs are human.. we all make mistakes... uf ur lucky u'll get ure call.. no need to use the damn technology to make the game better because it really doesnt, just makes the game even longer...

    Last, it really sucks when you sit there and neither team can score a freakin TD the whole game

    I like to watch physical sports they are more exciting...with all the fun and bruising..you really get emotional especially if its rugby or american football.

    Its different when you are watching a slow sport with no actionto keep you on the edge of your seat but cricket rocks!!

  6. You guys should try out google chrome, Recently research's have done a browser speed test of all the popular web browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera IE 7, Safari)There was a graph I found but Can't find it so I will just tell you the results.
    Here are the results:

    1st. Safari

    2nd. Chrome

    3rd. Opera

    4th Firefox

    5th IE.

    It seems that Firefox as gone down last year it was faster than Opera ohmy.gif

    to me Firefox is best. Its got a good ecosystem of plugins plus is compliant with many technologies.

    Google lost it by starting Chrome. Was expecting them to team up with FF and fight IE.

    However,its good for the web overally. IE8 or gazelle....doesn't really matter the name, its a positive step if they are edting and improving on their previous work but they are miles behind FF!

  7. Hi guys,I want to take part in the Goolge Summer of Code this year. I would like to know the skills required..PHP, Javascript?? I am currently learning PHP and will move on to other languages once I have a foundation.How long does it take for someone to understand a programming language then possibly start developing modules, etc) and then get accepted for Summer of Code?Thanks

  8. Hi guys..

    I am runing http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and i am looking for icons 48px by 48px...for the following categories:

    Rant and Rave : a section where people just go crazy
    Debates Section

    Lastly i need some icons for read and unread forum folders. I am looking for some african icons (that is icons with the african map) to use. like here: http://imptestrm.com/rg-erdr.php?_dnm=www.africatravelforum.com&_cfrg=1&_drid=as-drid-2300300503455222. They should be at most 35px by 35px.

    Thanks a lot.

  9. The logos for each forum section look good, but you're missing them for the last three sections. Try to find some logos that fit for those. If you can't then ask in the graphics section here at Xisto and I'm sure someone will take on the task of designing a couple of little icons for you.

    Thanks...i am working on it. Been looking for the section where I can ask for graphics here at Xisto. Any help?

    I've put some regular icons at the bottom before I get the ones that really fit the sections. Thanks a lot guys.

  10. I'll do a full review on this since:

    1. I used to have a non-paid job on a forum reviewing other forums

    2. I may be buying another/renewing a domain, and this post could really help me out!


    What I liked

    The portal is very nice! There is a lot of color in it, which makes it look great. Many people tend to overdo portals by adding and adding, but yours doesn't have too much or too little. Your banner is very well made! It has a great logo, and I love the flags at the top. The FavIcon is another great addition, and goes well with your theme.


    What I didn't like

    The forum looks great with the icons off to the side, but why did you stop and not add some for the last three forums? I think it would make the forum look more complete if you were to add three more.

    I didn't see a "Who's Online" or Statistics Center, did you just disable these for guests?

    The theme! I forgot the name of the theme you use (I use SMF), but if I remember correct it is default. Change the colors, and it will look a lot less "Default". Or if you don't know how to/can't change the colors, change the new posts/old posts icons to maybe the African continent, in a different color for new posts? It will further "Africanize" your forum.

    The term "gayism" in Debates forum. The correct term is homosexuality wink.gif


    What I think could be improved

    Rather then africahangout for the title of your index.php page, how about African Hangout? It would look much better capitalized.

    As far as I can see, there isn't just a general chat board. I think this is the biggest thing you are missing, as usually this is where the most activity is in a forum.


    I wish you good luck, as it looks like you spent a lot of time on your forum!

    Oh thanks a lot mate!


    I will address your issues asap! that really helped me lots!


    I have had a few problems with the activity that why I had disabled the acticty stats mod. I intend to enable it soon...


    Thanks a lot. I am on the hunt for some good icons to use at the bottom there. I will also add a general chat section as it makes sense.


    I tried modifying the template a little bit by changing some fonts, etc. The icons...i'll look for them and put something that has a bit more african thing into them!


    Thanks for the valuable review: willielwgg

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