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Posts posted by africa

  1. Hi my name is Aashish in real life. I have come here to set up a Photoshop tutorials website and to do that Xisto, I think will, sure help me. I am looking forward to my journey in Xisto.com.... YAY for me biggrin.gif
    If you guys have any tips for me please let me know.

    welcome to Xisto..this is the best community on the web, man!

    I do not have any tips...that's not my turf but you'll get tons of uselfu knowledge here on Xisto.

    Stick around and catch you later!

  2. alright...i beg to differ on some aspects:1. the themes gives your site on gaming too much of a clean and organised professional look. I would suggest you customise the current theme or find one with a rugged look and a gaming interface and feel.2. The logo said nothing to me...work on something more gripping and that reflects your focus..which is gaming. Ask for a logo or banner over here..you'll get nice ones.3. Your forums are half-baked. Do your research mate and find a nice template and logo..don't stick to the default phpbb3 logo. Doesn't show your members you're serious about your mission.4. You're combining too many softwares and not customising each one so that your site is unique. I checked out your social community and i have seen hundred site with the same software and layout. Whats going to make me remember yours and not confuse it with the others?I think you need to address the issue of making a member feel at home on your site.I cannot give a rating at this stage. i will keep checking on it and give a full review sometime when i get some air to breathe. I am snowed under work right now.Good luck friend. I wish you success..

  3. As soon as someone swears my attitude towards them changes. If you want to swear do it around people you know well but not in public or to the waitress as it sometimes happens. I feel people who can't help themselves from swearing, are too weak to control themselves smile.gif I myself do not swear but that does not mean that my friend may not swear around me. If they know me, then they can swear but not in public.

    i totally agree. It's uncouth and the minute someone swears, i lose respect for them.

    Self control is something that everyone should have.

    My friends swear and i also tolerate them as we are close and sometimes it helps them to express themself in more clear and personal level that everyone shouldn't know about!

    I used to swear when i was young but the minute i realised i am destined for something great in life.,..i decided to model my personality around positive thoughts and actions.

  4. I sure do hope to either work in Google or start my own company that will be just as innovative!You have to be extremely sharp to be considered by Google and that alone can get you a good job elsewhere if you the fail the google interview!!

  5. Do not come to any conclusions yet, give her the benefit of the doubt ... give her space and hear her out if and when you meet but meanwhile give her space cos it si apparent she wants that now.

    yeah for sure.

    you have to keep your eyes open for the real signs otherwise you'll tell here something false and if hse proves it...you'll be a real jerk!

  6. I still need help guys I'm freaking out. I went out with my friends but I keep thinking of her all the time. I can't work, focus on school, drive properly, anything.

    Find something you really enjoy doing mate. going back to her will prove and expose your weakness.

    Be a man and live through the pain. Time heals everything and then in the future when you have everything..your emotions, ect in check...approach her and have a chat.

  7. she was getting hit on by a dude wasted on the maryjane after the fact that he though she was older and married to her brother (now thats wasted, anyone see european vacation) i would have ball busted him after that remark, just a nice swift kick so he couldn't produce anything

    I echo this guys words...thats pretty silly man!

    I would have beaten him until he didn't know his own name.

  8. At least you had a real life relationship with her forsix months, so it wasn't a write off.
    There is somebody I know, a woman who separated from her husband
    at the urging of somebody she met online six weeks ago.
    She has never even met this online person in real life yet but
    she is talking like they are planning on spending they're whole life together.
    It seems strange to me.
    It's not as though she is fat and ugly either.She is a real good looker.
    Truth is stranger than fiction.

    Now thats pretty daft!

    Sometimes it is soothing if you find a partner on the net and "fall in love". You feel its special because they show you only the things they think its nice about them and you'll like too!! lol!

    Don't get hooked on that, for real. Real love occurs when you meet her proper...and can see her gestures.

  9. Tough call.
    I suppose it depends on if you are married or not. If single, I would probably move on. If somebody single is straying, it is only signs of more problems ahead, and would not go back. But it would really depend on the specifics.

    If married, it is a bit more difficult decision at that point. There may be children involved, and community property, and a long history. But again, it depends on the specifics.

    I would never trust a man who cheated to be with me however. I would know, once a cheater...always a cheater. If he was cheating on somebody to be with me, then once he was with me, same thing would happen. Thus, he would eventually cheat on me.

    Tough for real.

    I am single and i am currently dating a chick who cheated on me once. Reason why we're together is because we share a special bond its part of a relationship to come across problems like these and handle the issue like adults...coming out in the open..talking about it and reaching a nice conclusion.

    However something is really taken away when your lover cheats. You feel like you can never them 100% again and for real you shouldn't.

    There are a lot of people out there and if this happens...my advice is for you to move on and find a trustworthy person.

  10. Hey people,
    I would like to introduce myself, I am well pretty newbie when it comes down to it but I will try to help people all I can nonetheless.
    Currently I am working to pursue a career in the programming field but am not sure what part of the fields to take.
    I know very little scripting but am pretty good at web code (HTML/X HTML Cascading Style Sheets (very little). i am currently studing perl
    but... know little about it too but it gave me the base knowledge of loops and variables. What i really want to learn is PHP and interacting with

    Now as you may have already guessed I'm a young guy at eighteen years old. I have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge in the programming
    language. I have already read the rules and will go over them again fairly soon at least before next post.

    also I have a few questions Is it ok if I use bad spelling? Im asking because I cant type very well and this took like 10 minutes to write because I was consistently checking it. tongue.gif

    Which programmer should I be is php and Java a good combo like for a mostly web programmer?

    Is collage a must??
    im a little nervous about being here in general(egg i spell-checked this just in case iit was necessary)
    help is much appreciated I hope I posted this right :S

    hey welcome!

    you sound just like me, man! I am also doing PHP and MySQL and want to customise my sites and Open Source Code to my liking.

    I hope we get there man and one thing i know is that persistence beats everything my man.

    If we persevere, we'll know how...with or without college.

    Later. Good luck to you.

  11. Welcome!I always feel a pang of jealousy when i see someone younger than i am so talented like you! lol!Thanks for joining this community. I hope you have fun and invite your friends too.Good ;uck with your projects.Later. See you around.

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