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Posts posted by africa

  1. Hurray! Microsoft has finally smartened up. I have to agree that IE will be loosing a lot of it's users. I would say a large chunk of its users only use it because they think its the only available option... Its going to be nice to see people switching to browsers that don't suck.
    Maybe it could even encourage the makers of IE to increase their efforts and actually make a decent browser... nah I doubt it

    Yeah! I was sick and tired of dealing with issues that were only came up in IE and not in the other browsers!

    IE is the wackest thing ever and I hope more people will come to Firefox or Opera. Chrome?? Not really!

    I think all browsers should just be up for donlwoad to have a fair play field.


  2. Hi folks,

    I recently finished designing new forums (my second website) and would like you to tell me how you feel about them.

    I will take any comments..positive or negative because i want it to be a real cool site.

    The URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    I will be watching this thread very closely for your feedback!

    Thank you.

  3. Thank you for that post. It has to be one of the best I have seen on how to save a battery. They cost so much to replace now a days, any way you can save them and have them last is great. I know when I used to have a LT the battery was always dying faster than it should. after reading this I now know why.

    Thanks, i also enjoyed immensely.

    My brother dropped his laptop a few weeks ago and his battery just went bust!

    Now i am getting my own laptop, so this is really going to help me.

    The battery that i have on my laptop now lasts for two hours if i am not watching movies, etc

  4. Hi guys!
    I remember posting this before but somehow I think the other mods or admin deleted it off. Oh well, never mind.

    For those who did not read the post that were 'supposely' deleted, my forum is a good place for general discussions, anime community and so on. By the way, we even have a Gunbound guild nesting in our forums. My forum is open to those who want to apply for using part of my forum for their clans.

    My forum is at:


    Anyway, the main intention of this thread is to ask the community about their opinion on the forum. I have recently updated my forum, in terms of looks, and content. Please feel free to browse around.

    It would be greatly appreciated if you could register as a member or at least, bookmark my forum.

    Thanks alot!


    I went to your site and seems its offline!

    Is't still up?

    I have subscribed to this thread so do let me know when it is up.


  5. Well one of the things is pretty obvious, EAT SOME FATTY FOODS!!!! LOL, I mean that's one way which I am more then 100% sure you are aware would help you escalate your weight to 120. Another thing is go to your local GNC, and see if there are any protein shakes. I know a friend who was lifting a lot of sports an starting taking these shakes after he lifted, and ended up gaining a lot of weight in 2-3 weeks. The key thing about all of that is my friend was lifting a lot of weights, so you will have to lift some weights with protein, otherwise you will just gain fat which is something you never ever would just want to gain.

    you can try lifting weights and turn all the energy you gain into strength rather than fat so that you stay healthy.

    I am on such a program and you can check out http://stronglifts.com/ for more info but it requires dedication and commitment!

    Good luck pal.

  6. Hey you know what...be a man and just got talk to her! She'll respond nicely if you do it proper!Just say a simple hi and probably tell her that you see here everyday just walking around with her friends and wondered what they are always up to..or send a hi to her...just target one of her friends.Now when you get your swagger on the field, she'll forced to check you out because her friends will be like thats the dude who said hi! It puts you on top especially if you do well in football.The one thing you want is to get her attention and start checking you out so you have to appear like you are not that interested in her. Just talk to her and get to her heart by concealing your intentions at first!Get her phone number so you can talk, and ask for her msn...Just don't be a prick..girls want a dude who they know we'll take care of em and who is liked by other chicks. Football will get you other chicks taking a second glance at you so you're covered here i suppose. Lastly don't be too Mr Nice Guy. You play football so you already have it in your blood!Good Luck! :D

  7. Believe me or not, there are 99% of the people who say that they are happy most of the time and the truth is 99% of all people are not happy most of their day. Except moderators and some crazy bones most are here to sustain their sites and give an opportunity that their posts need not be posted for cents just login and stay you earn, you will find 99% takers. This is sure indication that only forced posts are made most of the time. No I am not blaming any one, Its human nature. How great if things are free.In fact now while typing this I am happy because I know that this post wll be counted for myCents and I will be rewarded. So I go on in the questto prove and say that I am too happy right now.
    But when I think that I have a lot to earn to sustain my site I feel sad.

    Whereas what you said might actually be true, I feel good just to have my site and come here to earn money to sustain the business as i have started this small!

    The reason why i'm here is because i wanted to be part of a community and improve my communication skills with others since i'll be running my forums ina few days time so i really have a blast when i am on Xisto.

    The only time I posted when i was feeling low was when i had a negative mycents amount and my account was overdue!! The support i got from the folks was great so I'm still smiling!!

  8. 13 ways to find out if someone likes you
    For Guys:

    1. She makes eye contact and smiles at you.

    2. She calls you for homework... a lot!!

    3. She flips her hair when she's talking to you.

    4. She touches your arm when she talks to you.

    5. She says, "No, I'm not telling you who I like!!" with a big smile on

    6. She asks you who you like or who you would go out with seeming

    7. When you go to the movies with a bunch of your friends, she's almost
    always next to you.

    8. She criticizes (put downs) the girl you like.

    9. She knows your WHOLE family's names (including your dog).

    10. She knows stuff about you like your birthday, eye color, and favorite
    color, screen name, favorite food, favorite band, what music you like and
    favorite sport.

    11. Her friends outside of school know about you and say she talks about
    a lot

    12. She knows your phone number and address.

    13. She will try and talk and spend time with you as much as possible.

    For Girls:

    1. His snowball hits you (but not in the face).

    2. He threw away his laser pointer after you told him you think they
    random acts of violence.

    3. After asking you to sign his yearbook he wrote, "How come we never

    4. He yelled "Hi!!" to your mom that day she picked you up from school.

    5. He blew off his buds to go see "Run Away Bride" with you cause you
    couldn't get another girl pal to go and you didn't want to go alone.

    6. Forget your jacket? You can wear his.

    7. His voice gets softer ("Hey you") whenever you two talk.

    8. You hung up on him and he called you back.

    9. You were invited by him to a group outing.

    10. He called you to talk to you about nothing at all.

    11. He imitates your laugh-okay, you do snort sometimes, which makes you
    laugh even more!!

    12. He remembers little things you mention in casual conversation.

    13. He sometimes stares strait into your eyes.


    Just found out my best friend kinda likes me!!!


    Let me have a chat with her and i'll get back to you and tune everyone if this list of yours holds any truth!!

    Wish me luck!

  9. Sad Feburary 10th 2009 and I am the 9th female to post here since 2004. lol Well at least it has gotten a little better more than 1 girl a year now. But also now there is 2 that arent sure. I think someone should restart this poll there has to be more than 9 females here now. Anyway it would be interesting to know the difference between now and 2004 because it only shows like 24 males and I know there is alot more then 33 people here at Trap 17

    Its always nice to have females in the house.

    I like working with focused chicks...especially geeks! :D

    Welcome and i hope you enjoy your stay here..HappyHippie
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