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Posts posted by africa

  1. Honestly guys...this is not possible unless its a very good get-rich quick scheme.The one way you can money fast is if people spread your word quickly about your venture and then you get a loto fo ad revenunes BUT for you to be this popular and have such hit product...obviously you would have done a lot of work!So I think there is no easy way to money unless if its lottery!Later

  2. Funny how time flies right...another year gone..and you've been idle! lol!Me...i've done a lot although i didn't achieve all that i aimed for.What are your resolutions for the new year?I hope to spend more time learning and managing my site as well as doing a degree in software engineering. I also wish to socialize a bit more and get a taste of the other side of the world!Good luck with your resolutions!

  3. I have since started learning PHP. Had a couple of books on my pc...ust wasnt giving it timeMy goal is to learn all the major languages by the end of 2009.I would like to start creating and editing mods to my liking. How long do you guys thnk it's going to take me or how long did it take you folks?Thanks for the feedback xpress

  4. I was just thinking about starting a venture and having some internet folks from all over the world involved. I am not too sure if this is a good idea as they may take advantage and claim to own the business! lol!You see...the problem i hav is that of finding other people who can amange a site with me and have us do some real work. I've had to work alone for most part of my early career...im 19 right now. Once took in some friends but it went sour after a few days.Are people on the internet that much to be trusted?

  5. Size: 960 x 270
    Theme: Blue box here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    Render: no
    Render Theme: Social community
    Color: anything that blends in with the theme. I 'm thinking about something blue-ish with white as well.
    Text: Yes Africanpeeps..connect with other Africans from around the world!
    Other effects: Would also like some people to appear since its about a social community. (preferably young african people.)

  6. December 21, 2012..
    The Bible says thats the day the world ends on 2012

    The Mayan Calender (very accurate..) says thats the exact day the world will end.. the calender stops at that date

    The Egyptians did too.

    Everything says that the world will end on that date.. I saw a documentary about it on the History Channel.. It was really interesting..

    What do you think? Will it happen or it's just another fake?

    Given how much irregularities the bible contains, I wouldn't even take nothing for granted!

    It's very funny for someone to give a date..Let's just wait and find oy

  7. I love Football! As for American football, it seems just like a beefed up version of rugby except with lots of padding so that you can't get hurt...I can see where this guy is coming from about the 'being carried off only for REAL injuries' and 'no pretending to be fouled'. Those are some problems with football. Some of the dives that players are pulling and then getting penalties out of it are ridiculous (cough Cristiano Ronaldo) But overall I think Football is the much better game.
    Yes sometimes games are unfair and the better team may lose because of bad luck etc but there's so much skill involved, instead of just beefed up players running around. Football is exciting to watch, you can analyze tactics, look at player match ups etc.
    Whenever I watch American football it just seems like theres alot of running around, attempting to throw the ball at each other, and not much else. :) But I'm not one to judge because I don't have a great understanding of the game. This is just my personal preference.

    Come on..American football is definitely a beefed up version fo rugby but it rocks! it aint for sissy man but for man who can stand for themselves against other men. The issues about them being bullied by their wives at homes is totally irrelevant as there is no evidence to support that.

    Maybe all the great players we know even in golf,soccer,baseball or even soldiers also get harrassed by their wives....so what? We are taking about what happens on the field here.

    Soccer on the other hand is a sissy sport, you have guys like ronaldo and all other chaps diving for no particluar reason! they cant stand up against other sissies! Soccer just bores me to death.

    The players also do not have respect for refeeres...they lack sportsmanship. I have never seen a rugby official being harassed or being criticised openly by players on the field. They just gulp down the wrong decisions like man and can control themselves and just continue play! wow!

    Football players, spit on officials...get assaulted by fans and fire back. Rugby as gruesome and physical as it is...does not have these silly incidents and neither does American football. STOP HATING. :)

  8. I think, this itself is going to be a difficult thing to go.. do you currently attend college? if so that would be a good start/you could do word of mouth, & make it your colleges "secret" or almost unique thing, once you get everyone involved your network would get more attention etc// you can use adwords (i think?) that google advertising system to get it across more as well

    good luck trying to beat myspace & facebook though

    Thanks. I finished college last year. I actually had two ideas and i've been working on the other one for a while now. I 'm currently creating a social community for Africans.

    I have got some great ideas on advertising the site and its going to take some effort but i'm alos willing to give it my all..

    Using Google adwords is a very nice idea but my funds are tight at the moment! But hey everything is possible hey!

    Its now one of my midterm goals. thanks a lot for the suggestion. :)

  9. well in addition to what been already said..you may want to advertise in even more places like your signature and post a lot of topics...the more you post the more people who will check it out.Another thing is to submit it to a lot of directories so that people know you're there alright. Encourage your users to invite their friends and families.Link exchanges are very important in order for Google to notice you...I would advise you to link up with other sites that are relevant to your seo or sites with PR.

  10. My real name is not popular at all! I have never heard of anyone besides me who has it!

    We couldn't find name LEGEND in our database which has 74,738 names that are compiled from 702,203 Americans. Have you spelled it correctly? . If you spelled it correctly but we couldn't find this means that there were not even one person with name LEGEND in our database. But if this is your name, we still poke it and give you a report below so keep reading.
    First some popularity statistics: Regarding there were not even a single person with this name, popularity of LEGEND should be less than per million. According to this calculation, we can estimate that as of December.25.2008 16:06 there are less than 435 people named as LEGEND in the United States and the number of LEGEND's should not be increasing more than 4 people per year.

    Add 'Courtesy of PokeMyName.com' tag at the end and feel free to distribute, copy, republish this interesting, accurate and also useless report about name LEGEND. :)
    Interesting Writings of LEGEND

    My real name is not popular at all! I have never heard of anyone besides me who has it!

  11. Up until last year I would have said Australia for sure, no competition whatsoever.However, the recent results form test matches, one day matches have got me leaning towards India at the moment.
    Australia probably still has the greater 'depth' but based on performances, India is doing better.
    The Australian team is in a bit of a slump at the moment, they recently lost their first test match against South Africa... (at home!)
    Unless they rebound and come back, perhaps India will overtake them as the world's no.1 Team.

    I have had this same discussion with someone here.

    Listen folks..India yes they seem to be playing good cricket but lets not forget their pitches are really slow and a lot of teams fail to adapt as a result. Their performance to me has been this incredible because they have been playing at home for a while now.

    Not to take away their results in Aus..that was superb. Australia is really on the decline. A lot of people are talking about the end for them but i thinks it is just a thing for now and sooner or later...they'll be the team to beat again!

    South Africa seem to be coming up...only time will tell.

    One last thing is that the Aussie will have to be beaten for sometime for some other team to take the number one spot from them.

    But cricket is getting even more interesting than ever because the teams are starting to perform at the same level now!


  12. I am looking for any cool website software that anybody has to share. I feel like I have dealt with everything. I know I haven't but I have used a lot of different forum software, a few different CMSs, ELGG, and a few blogging platforms. I want something new to work with that might be helpful to me now or down the road. I don't really even know where to look for different software. So even pointing me in a direction to find new things would be amazing.
    I really just need input. Writing what you have to share and a description would be awesome.

    I have used Joomla. Its a nice CMS one of the best around especially when it comes to installing mods and plugins..not may changes needed and its a flexible system.

    The other one i'd recommend you is IPB..but you'd have to pay if you want the full version. Its a software for forums and is one of the best as well..

    If you're thingk about money then try SMF..its also Open Source and got a helpful and growind community.

    Right now i am using Dolphin community software. Comes in two versions:

    a) The ad supported version.

    :) The full version without ads but you'd have to pay to remove their links. Its a nice one but is very heavy on the database.

    Hope this helps.

  13. While we are talking about privacy, Facebook as well as other similar websites should have a function so that the user could remove pictures of themselves. I have lots of friends who are suddenly tagged in photos from parties (when they should have been elsewhere...), and other very unflattering images they absolutely hate. I think it is an atrocious thing, and that it violates a persons privacy! When someone do not want pictures of themselves to be published online, then they should have an option to remove them. If you send Facebook an email regarding this, they will answer something like "We will not remove images due to that they are slighly unflattering. If they do not go against our rules and policy, they will remain."
    "Everyone" is on Facebook. If I do not log on I will not know whos birthday it is, upcoming (boring) events or be able to see some pictures from some awesome trip.

    If you want to create something new it should be new, there should be nothing exactly like that on the market. People will not probably change unless the social network they are using turns terrible or something like that - I know I would not. Facebook (and such) is not a threat to our community... Me and my friends never have time to meet up and have fun, but we are able to talk and see what everyone is up to.

    I wasn't actually talking about security guys but i understand it can be something that can pull some people from facebook. However I thought about it by myself and saw that although i am not necessarily in competition with Facebook and other sites like Myspace...I am competing for the time users give to these sites.

    What i am saying is that my community will have to offer something that can make someone come to a decision to leave Facebook or Myspace just for those two minutes to check out my community.

    That is what i believe is the challenge to launching a social networking today..with all this big guys..you have to be a bit smart hey.

  14. hi guys,


    I have been considering launching a social network for students. However a friend of mine asked me how i intend to beat Facebook or the things that i will offer that will actually drag people from Facebook.


    This really made me think. I do not know if its actually a threat or can be of help.


    I have read on some forums about ways by which i can advertise on social networks such as facebook and Myspace.


    Im really confused over this but i think if i have around 10 000 users on my network i'd be more than happy BUT does this mean i've to offer something that is really unique or just target a niche like what i wanted to do?

  15. I'm interested in learning about other country's lives in schools! Here in the Philippines, we go to school (at least high school) from around 7:00 AM to 4-5:00 PM. We don't change classrooms; the teachers do. I've been to two schools before, actually. One had mixed Chinese and English classes, while the other one had English for the morning and Chinese in the afternoon. The previous one, we didn't have any lockers. We just brought a box to school and that's where we keep our books. In my second school, we have lockers.
    Well that's as much info as I can think of about high schools in the Philippines!

    What about the systems in your school? :)

    Well I learnt in Zimbabwe at a school called Prince Edward School..which was one of the best around.
    Our lessons started at 7.40am and ended at 3.10pm for the juniors and at 1.00pm for the seniors.
    Rugby was the most popular sport and people who excelled in sports would become prefects. We played sports more than we actually studied and everything was just so cool.
    It's a boys only school as well!

  16. I think its kinda hard to be yourself in order to get someone to love you.Everybody got some insecurities that they try to hide form the time they smell something may happen or just from the time when they meet up.This we just have to admit. People only come out of their shells probably after marriage that why some break up or claim the other partner is such a bad liar! the lying most often is done with good intentions!Being yourself and revealing things you think are imperfect about you is kinda hard..let just face it.

  17. I've heard that it's acctualy good to watch porn - maybe not everyday, but maybe a few days / week - since this would help keeping your level of something in the brain in good values, and it would make you feel good. But sure, its an addiction if you watch everyday, lucky its a good addiction :)

    Well i agree with you. I also think it keeps some of your brain muscles in a healthy state and ready to kick! lol!

    Its only bad when you feel bad about it or makes you neglect other important things.

    One other thing that is bad is exposing young ones but if you're of age..it's not bad to watch some every now and then. When i was young i bumped into it online and got the following morning by my older brother!

    I was embarrassed but did not feel too bad because i knew sometime in his life he had had a glimpse also which i guess makes it natural since everyone gets into it at some point in their life lol!

  18. Manchester United all the way :)
    Have supported them since i could understand football and i go watch them every chance i get.

    Fav player is prob Cristiano Ronaldo at the moment but all time is prob Eric Cantona or Roy Keane.

    Dont mess with Keanooooo lol

    I used to support Man U before i really understood football!

    Guess which team showed me what football really is!

    The play the best football and don't play dirty soccer...they mould their own players and just bring out the beauty in football.

    Of course you all know about talking about ARSENAL.

    man united will get whipped on any day!

    Fabregas rocks!
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