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Everything posted by africa

  1. Decided to take another look at your site since I did my review just to check on the improvements.You haven't changed lots but you seem to be doing well bro! Only time will tell how big your ideas can let you grow and I wish you the best of luck. I admire your guts of filtering the suggestions and just implementing stuff you thought is right.Cheers mate and good luck.
  2. Thanks mate. I have been working on converting the current phpbb3 forum to smf. I have been getting feedback from some users that its not perfoming well in Internet Explorer. I am going to work on what you said. I really appreciate your reviews. You are indeed correct in your review saint michael. Its something thats been on my mind for sometime now. I hope to find someone who can desing such a lovely layout either for phpbb3 or SMF. I am still searching for the right one and i am sure soon I am going to find something that will fit the African theme. Thanks a lot people.
  3. Thanks for coming here mate. Glad to meet you.You are going to find a lot of people who are into basically everything life has to offer here! It's a great community man so do stop by often to get a head start on web development.Good luck mate.Cheers
  4. I would have to say Windows because I have never used Linux! But i do not necessarily like it! lol!Hope to try Linux pretty soon. Just wondering what exactly it is that linux has that Windows does not..
  5. I know only two languages..Shona and English. Hope to learn new ones soon!
  6. For me the best job in the world would be working for a company like Google.I am into It and if I can just do something related to IT and that I am passionately into, then the job would be the best for me in the world!I have thought about joining Open Source projects for sometime now, will have to start acting now. Thanks for reminding me mate.
  7. I personally don't accept such nonsense. If you do it behind my back, then don't tell me, don't let me find out.I like to keep a relationship clean, the minute a chick tells me such crazy stuff I then lose all confidence and trust.At least your chick should not tell you if she does sleep with someone else..I think, no matter how guilty she may feel
  8. Hi!Glad to meet someone from Indonesia mate! Hope you have a nice time here.Cheers mate!
  9. I would advise you to use Firefox, its the best around in my opinion. IE is a crappy browser! lol!
  10. hey welcome!You have come to the right place. This community is one of the best on the web when it comes to resources.I hope you find what you are looking for and get to enjoy the great services offered her. i am personally here for business and to run my online community effeciently. Learning loads of useful stuff too!Cheers mate!
  11. hey welcome back! I had been gone for sometime too but now i am back in the game, doing what i love to do!Hope to be more active and enjoy success with my sites!Glad to hear you are back too mate!See ya!
  12. welcome to trap 17..the best community on the web!Hope you have loads of fun mate!
  13. Barcelona is going to meet Arsenal in the final.I don't think Chelsea is going to win..they played defensive and something's gotta give on Wednesday for Barcelona!Arsenal are goignt o bounce back on Tuesday..Man U can't beat Arseanl at the Emirates plus I know there is goign to be a flood of goals!
  14. it's amazing how you guys are bashing the new movie when all the actors and mags are mad over it! I guess people will always have their own opinion.I can't wait to judge for myself. Is't out yet, and are you guys just talking about the leaked version of the movie??
  15. Nice site...very good looking theme but remove the banner at the top, its not that cool and isn't blending well withe the rest.I will be able to judge objectively when there is more content otherwise the design is topnotch!!
  16. I don't play an instrument but I do love music..RnB and Rap music mostly!Welcome to the community and good luck.Cheers mate!
  17. I am also for Gunners and even though we lost, I think we are going into the finals after Tuesdays game!Was just watching Barca whip Real Madrid, those guys are good and I think they're going to win UEFA even if arsenal wins against Man U!Chelsea is dead and buried...! lol!
  18. oh you have come to the right community if you are looking for that mate! people here are fun and everything is just so marvelous mate!Thanks for joining, its always nice to see a new face you know.Cheers
  19. Hi there..Thanks for joining...hope you have as much fun as I am having...I had been gone for a while but noe i am back...hurrray! glad to see new faces..Cheers!
  20. My favourite animal is a Tiger!!Here in africa we don't have them, but it was our symbol for my high school rugby team!!
  21. I am all for phpbb3. If you decide to use it you should customise it in a very unique way though.VBulletin is used by most boards because their code is very smart and it's easy to customise and not to mention the amazing community that supports it.To me phpbb ties for first spot with VB!
  22. My favourite sport is Cricket.I also play chess and enjoy formula 1!!
  23. Welcome to Xisto.This is a lovely community and i hope you get posting soon!In my opinion, this is the best community on the web today!!! Hopwe you gain as much as you give!Later
  24. Otherwise welcome to Trap 17!This is an amazing community and as you get to interact and post more topics you're going to notice you will gain load of new information!!Have a nice time here, pal!Later
  25. Thanks for sharing with us!!!Browser shots is cool!
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