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Everything posted by phpphp

  1. What relationship you find between religion and spirtuality?
  2. THis website reviews different free php hosting and gives ratting. They sahre their ratting criteria. But I am not satisfied with that. As you can see all the reviews are pretty old. what you guys say about it?
  3. Now a days, companies are making people life easy (no doubt their preference is to make more money). For disable people now computer are being manufacture to control mouse cursor with different techniquess like tongue, eyes etc. Our university is researching on control the mouse cursor with eyes like the camera will detect your eyes and application will move the curson as you move your eye gaze. its amazing, isn't it?
  4. I used to use humyo.com but they have reduced space. can you tell me any reliable website that dont delete my files after specific duration and should be free?
  5. I used to use .tk long before and left because of those ads. But now even they removed those banners i will not use because its very unattractive for the users and I dont want to use some other countries website domain names.....
  6. in begining I used to see what going on. and how earning works. Now I know nothing gonna happen So I left as after thousands of impression I got only 7 click ...and 2 dollar earning lol
  7. the website is down from a long times and there is maintenance message. anybody know inside story. Will they come back? or will remain down as they did before?
  8. According to Microsoft Bing users are being increased and getting more and more market share. User are clicking more ads in bing search engine than google and more over finding bing more user friendly according to different reports. according to mircrosoft own words Now user wants to try new thing than just Alimighty google:-) what you say about this? Notice from galexcd: Make sure you put anything you copy between
  9. my current website is hosting on 000webhost.com. Its control pannel area is good but service is not that good you know its free so....we can expect these kind of problem. sometimes server is busy and sometimes database query fails......That why I want to host my website to Xisto.com as I have gone through very amazing reviews about Xisto service...
  10. I am wanding which technology is easy to learn, more flexible and being used now a days? Can you compare these technology. How one language is better than other what are advantages and disadvanteges? I have seen asp.net hosting very expensive than others whats the reason?
  11. yeah you are right but most of time we dont check to register software downloaded from torrent
  12. I use Firefox , and found it best but I used to use chrome because of its usability factors but left because of some compatibilties issues with windows 7 and pdf files etc. I hate IE because its so slow..........
  13. you can try to open your html basic version of Gmail or reset the browser setting if problem exist then try other browser....
  14. It sounds like your usb is no longer able to use. As I had the same problem and consulted with technician and found my usb dead.
  15. windows usually replace its boot with other operating systems and other operating systems like unix, linux provide this dual facility with windows. You can first install windows then fedora.
  16. According to BBC, japan has developed robot that can help in rescue in earthquake. Robot are design in this way that they can enter in dangerous places and help victims. This technology is amazing and would be very helpful country like japan where earthquake fear is always present you can watch here amazing video... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8069435.stm
  17. The latest and most dangerous viruses are the "[DownAdUp]" worm, also called "[Conficker]." Computer security firm F-Secure said that the computer virus has infected 3.5 million computers around the world. This program can be harmful for the distribution of errors corrected using Windows. [DownAdUp] succeeded in spreading across the network, because the flaw that Microsoft patched in October to computers unpatched versions of the breach of Microsoft's operating system. But the biggest force in the worm is believed that the ability of computers infected with the worm to download the code from the point of destructive free fall. F-Secure reported that three of the most affected countries were China, Brazil and Russia.
  18. Hi! Please let me know when my profile will start counting myCent.


  19. yeah i think I got the your point Thanks for help btw I wanted to load from database! Let me implement then I will ask question if arise:)
  20. the biggest factor that can make your website amazing and can attract user is User-ceneted sollution. Always prefer your user what they want rather what you want to make. Studies show most of the project fail because of Developers own thinking and not including actual users.
  21. can anybody give me code for read more... articlesexample:article one.... blah balh blah read mroe...and the full ariticle show on new page..
  22. We friend have this idea that to introduce Trageted marketing through GPS. For example When some eneters to the specific area, advertise shows about that areas etc.
  23. mylot.com is good source to make money work like Xisto.com but you have to posts alot and referrals gives some more money:)
  24. gmail is far better than any free email provider for example few great options> usability point of view: Gmail has design inteface from user point of view! everything is placed where i supposed to be placed. > Almost no Ads: Gmail dont show big aids as there is not even noticable text ads unlike yahoo and hotmail> google talk facility: you can talk with your firends> other integrated facilities like google docs etc.!> and huge space
  25. MOzilla browswer takes good amount of memory of Ram and graduly slow down when open multiple docs. Is there anyway to manage it or alternative browser that address this problem?
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