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Everything posted by phpphp

  1. No, rather its very easy now!There was a time when people have to code for single pages, now dynamic website have made it very easy to build heavy sites in less duration. CMS system like joomla have made it very easy to make a dynamic site very easily. just you need to add your required portion and just upload it without knowing whats really going on..and how its made. but if you have to code that yourself... can take months
  2. Now scientist are very close to get this technology that they can scan your mind and can see what you have watched. what you guys say about this...isn't very help for investigation.
  3. Cloud Computing is becoming very famous now a days, many countries are investing on this technology to get their share in the future. What is cloud computing. In my view cloud computing is OS and application is installed somewhere in clouds (in different servers around the world) and user just need to connect with the computer and just start working wihout installing that specific application to their computer. It will help companies to reduce their cost as they dont need to purchase expensive infrastructure to run different applications. there are cetain issues like privacy that must be address to make it sucessful. As no body want to share their information!
  4. Hi guys I want to share information aobut free education in sweden. Here we are enjoying world latest educational facilities totally free. I would recommend you Sweden for master in technology related degree and Business Administration Degree,
  5. Internet Explorer is quite heavy and slow browser. I have used chrome IE and firefox.... but found firefox the best. Firefox is more fast reliable and more secure.
  6. I would suggest stick to xp for few time as windows7 is in intial phase and will require time to fix early problem (compatiblity etc). But MAC is costly and best if you can affordI am using window7 and facing some compatibility issues
  7. Hello guys, I am looking for read more ariticle php class. Exampolearticle one: Xisto is best free webhosting .... read morearticle two: Microsoft is releasing windows 7 .... read more..so onand on next page rest of the article is shown.....
  8. phpphp

    Free Stuff...

    after long research i find http://www.joomlaos.de/ best free joomla template website...check it out
  9. some times thrid party drivers (other than manufacturers) work fine for specific windows. try to find thirdy party driver for your sound card. Once worked for me
  10. Notice from galexcd: Anything you copy MUST be put in
  11. Hello guys, It was hard for me to decide where to host my website as I want free webhosting atleast I make my website more attractive for users. I hosted my website on various free hosting like xhosting, 000webhost etc. But I was not satisfied. I searched for public reviews and found very negative reviews about all free webhosting except Xisto. Yes its true. It shows Xisto dedication and honesty that after many years they are satisfying their members. I appreciate it very much
  12. you have not mentioned the os. if its windows7 then it would be compatibility issue as kaspersky offer special edition for windows 7. If above mentioned sollution of safe mode doesn't work then try panda online free scan.
  13. To your problem: I have had these kind of problem the simplest sollution is, if files are not important then format your usb and if you want to save your files you must have to scan your usb to remove the viruses. but here is the problem. if you somehow successful to delete your files and virus reside in the computer then you will have same problem in future. so sollution is to have good antivirus.I will suggest Kaspersky. I found it very reliable and best. I have no problem even in windows 7 where most of antiviruses has compatiblity issues with windows 7.Source: Experience
  14. Hello, This is Rana and recently found this forum. Honestly like other I am posting to get credits. You will not believe me, When Itried to register myself here, I astonished to know my email is already registered. I asked my self how. I even never hear about this site before... but dont know how but I was registered almost 10 months ago. I recover my password and start posting.I find this site after comparing alot alot of free hosting companies and found this free webhosting best in reviews from different websites..hopefully I will get credits soon
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