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Posts posted by y4nzi

  1. Lasik eye surgery is where they cut layers off the cornea of your eye so that light refracts properly and focuses on your retina.It's a relatively safe procedure but of course like all surgery it does come with risks (but those complications are 'rare'), Of course the surgeon will inform you of those risks when you go for a consultation and then you make a choice.From personal experience, my sister had Lasik eye surgery done about 2 years ago and her vision has remained perfect ever since. Her vision was quite bad previously (she'd been wearing glasses since she was 6) and she is very happy with the results.It is irreversible however so if something does go wrong it is very hard to fix.I've heard both good and bad things about this type of surgery but luckily my eyesight is alright (not 20/20) but decent enough to survive without permanent glasses.

  2. I'm not afraid of death specifically. I've accepted that death is going to come along one day. It's more the process of dying that is scary. As selfish as it sounds I hope for a quick and relatively painless death where I'm good one second and gone the next as opposed to some long drawn out process.There is also the uncertainty of death to consider in such cases because I don't know what is beyond death (I not religious).However I usually don't think too much about these things...

  3. All plastic surgery has side effects. It may sound simple "oh you put a tube in and suck the fat out" but near/in/around the fat are ESSENTIAL things like blood vessels nerves etc so of course there will be side effects.Losing weight with good diet and exercise is obviously the ideal way to do it but I suppose we are all after a 'quick fix' these days and lipo definitely offers the cosmetic appeal.As for gastric bypass and lap banding procedures. They're aimed at weight loss over time not direct fat removal. I think they pretty much either make you absorb less fat by bypassing some of your gut or make you eat less by making your stomach be able to hold less food (so you feel full alot earlier).They do work but one again, side effects! Any decision on these must be made after consultation with an accredited surgeon anyway.It is interesting that despite all of Oprah's money she still has weight issues. But that's a normal human thing, I guess money can't solve everything!

  4. I do find that perhaps I get a little more snappy or demanding, especially when asked to do chores when I'm sick. I usually reply with "hey i'm sick, can't you do it yourself" or something along those lines.Overall though, being sick doesn't really have a major effect on me. If anything I make an effort to appear more cheerful and pretend nothing is wrong to my parents/friends so they're not too worried.By sick I mean a minor cold or flu.Having said that I think I've had 1 episode of the flu in the past 2 years, and that episode was pretty minor. I had a bit of a sore throat, cough and slightly runny nose for a couple of days.Perhaps if I felt worse I would get irritable and grumpy as some of you said but normally being sick isn't too bad.What comforts me is usually tea. Drinking tea calms me, especially lemon tea (once again, related to having cold/flu). Makes me feel warm and cosy.

  5. That is insane! Was it definitely the gaming and stress and not just an underlying medical problem made worse?But either way I guess gaming had some sort of implications.Ultimately though, you cant blame the game. There are millions of people out there playing the game as it should be (not too excessively) and these cases are rare. Still, it is quite scary and kind of sad, I can't imagine myself being so engrossed in a game to not pee drink eat etc.I enjoy gaming and graphic design and so on but there are still the basic needs of life that come before that.Hopefully this is a one off case.

  6. Guitar hero world tour is an awesome game! Lots of fun when you play with a group of friends. It's so much better than guitar hero because how you can have 4 people involved instead of just 2 guitars and having to rotate.The drums are awesome fun and quite realistic, you do need decent coordination to be able to play it (i haven't quite mastered that yet)The microphone part is sort of like singstar, you just need to be on key to get points but its still good fun. I do prefer the songs on Rockband as opposed to this new guitar hero but I'm just being picky there.All in all its great!

  7. Yep I totally agree with you on this one. I used to be a Joomla/Mambo user and even though it was good, I wanted something more compact, lightweight but still with many of the features and I found my answer in Drupal!It's not as user friendly as Joomla but once you get used to the format, layout and concept it becomes a very very handy CMS. Highly recommended.There's also a great range of plugins out there and designing themes for Drupal is pretty simple :rolleyes:

  8. I discovered an interest in html when I started writing my first online blog (for fun) with a couple of friends. We were all a bit clueless so we tried using frontpage, found that really frustrating and annoying so we decided to learn.I just read a few quick tutorials that I searched up on Google and started from there. Since then I've just learnt bits and pieces here and there when I've needed to for specific sites and my knowledge base has grown.

  9. I use flickr for my photos because it has a really large range of tools for basic editing, lots of space, is definitely reliable (i haven't had any down time yet) and its convenient because there is a wordpress plugin that means i can get photos straight from there onto my blog (instead of using up valuable space on my own server).Of course there are many others out there like Kodak gallery, Shutterfly etc. I haven't tried most of them so I can't really comment. I would definitely recommend you to try flickr though!

  10. Yahoo used to be THE search engine probably back when I was in early high school (around the year 2000) before google came along and bumped them off. It's still doing pretty well although perhaps not as well as google. In recent years popularity of google and the brand name fame has surpassed yahoo.If you look at share prices (excluding the recent plunge) yahoo shares have sort of remained stable whilst google has skyrocketed.They also run different services (except the search engine of course). Google nowadays seem very consumer tool based providing a range of products (gmail, their new google docs, google chrome, their new phone OS etc) whilst yahoo is very much a paid services provider. In terms of revenue at the moment Google is definitely winning but obviously Yahoo is not in the RED. THey're not doing as well but they are still making a decent profit. I don't think they can outstrip google anymore but they can still maintain their share of the market if they try hard enough.

  11. To me it feels like the word 'depression' is thrown around and used casually too much. There's the general 'having a bad day, feeling down in the dumps' which many people refer to as depression now but depression is actually a medical condition requiring medical treatment.I haven't heard any specific evidence relating to Vitamin B intake, although perhaps it may help (slightly)In the end depression is dangerous and a doctors advice should be sought regarding it. These 'quick fixes' should not be relied on. They can be taken in addition (as long as your doctor agrees) to other treatments but they shouldn't be the first line of treatment that you go for.

  12. Yes it is ridiculous, all these conflicting news reports about "oh red wine is good for you" "wait its not" "oh its good for you again"Personally I don't pay much attention to these, I eat and drink what I want (in moderation of course).But for people who are very health conscious about what they eat these reports must be very confusing.Most of those reports are unrealistic numbers anyway like "oh eating this much of this will increase your risk by 1%". Pretty negligible in the big scheme of things.

  13. I'm not much of a runner. Back in high school I used to do the cross country races (4k, 5k runs) for a bit of exercise. I run on the treadmill in the gym but that's very different from running outdoors.I'm more of a swimmer, I'd much prefer to swim 5k than run 5km, I find swimming more relaxing. I love the feel of the water.When you run you feel exhausted and sweaty and generally uncomfortable (especially on hot days)

  14. Monthly plans are re-invoiced Monthly and Yearly plans are re-invoiced annually.
    It would be your responsibility to see that you have earned enough XistoDollars in advance of the invoicing, otherwise the account gets suspended, I believe.

    It makes sense to accumulate enough XistoDollars to have a 'buffer' for slow posting periods. And remember that invoicing is done "in advance', meaning at the start of the period being invoiced. As far as I can tell, that means a day or 2 before the paid period ends.

    So domain names also renew automatically then? That's great, very convenient.
    Ah okay, thanks alot for clearing that up :) Much appreciated.

  15. Yeah my parents think I spend way too much time at my computer (probably 3-4 hours a day). I usually spend that time on forums, webdesigning or chatting to friends on instant messenger. They think I'm either1. wasting my time chatting when I could be doing more productive things (like chores around the house)2. doing work... if I say I'm doing an assignment they'll leave me alone for about an hour but come back expecting me to be finished already :)If I tell them I'm webdesigning or making graphics they don't really understand what I mean. They're both a bit clueless with technology, they can use the basic computer alright (e.g. checking emails and typing on word) but that's about it.On days when I have class I tend to spend less time on the computer because my friends and I usually organize to do something after class. (Unless i have an assignment due really soon, if so I usually pull an all nighter on the computer, which my parents absolutely HATE)Still I think it would be possible to live without my computer (very difficult though). It would be harder to contact friends, harder to find information (using the net, harder to do Uni work... imagine handwriting out all your projects :S)It is possible though, which I found out when my computer died on me last year and I had to spend about a month without one whilst my parents tossed up whether to get me a laptop or a desktop PC.I ended up spending most of my time reading a book (which is probably even more antisocial than being online because at least when I'm online I'm posting in forums or chatting to people)

  16. Compared to some of you guys my 'worst' experience doesn't sound too bad after all but I'll post it here anyway :)Probably about 4 years ago my parents and I were driving on a holiday up the coast one weekend to our holiday home when this massive truck for some reason swerved into our on the freeway and took our car out. We were't seriously injured or anything, my parents had a few cuts and bruises and i broke my arm (all easily fixed at the hospital) but it was just SO extremely scary. Especially since I was in the passenger seat and I just saw this massive shadow of the truck suddenly get closer and closer until it just HIT and went BAM.We spun out and luckily none of the cars behind us hit us (or it could have ended really badly).I think the physical injuries healed the quickest because I had nightmares about it for ages afterwards. Thankfully now I can talk about it without too much trouble. Time is a great healer :)

  17. Mplayer en VLC player are probably the most stable players that can play almost any format. They may not be as user friendly as WMP or iTunes, but they are powerfull and lightweight.However, Windows Media Player is still one of the better player for windows imho, as long as you don't use any exotict formats or corrupt movie files :rolleyes:

    I don't like Winamp and iTunes, both player are slow and bulky and are too commercial (especialy iTunes since it's an Apple product).

    Just wondering what program you use to play music if you dislike Itunes and Winamp? I've recently switched from Itunes to Winamp and am liking it slightly more but is there a better more lightweight alternative that you know of?

  18. I semi agree with you on this point, some of these abbreviations are getting out of hand. I still remember getting laughed at by a few friends when I first started using messenger and asked them what "lol" meant.Still, I can't say I'm not guilty of using these abbreviations from time to time. When you're typing on instant messenger and want speed, it is convenient and easy to just type these abbreviations (as long as the other person knows what you're talking about).When it comes to essays and assignments obviously I don't type like that.What really annoys me isn't the "lol" and "brb" so much, it's the slang that people use when the slang word isn't even actually shorter than the actual word. I know people who keep tying "lurve". I mean seriously "love" is a 4 letter word, why make it 5 letters.

  19. Twilight is a best seller among the young adult market mainly because it's an interesting concept and makes for light reading that is rather entertaining.I'm a fan of fantasy novels and like immersing myself in 'another world' where almost anything is possible. Having said that the series isn't one of the best books WRITTEN but for entertainment purposes its alright.There are 4 books though and it takes a while to get through them (not quite as long as harrypotter...)The movie adaptation is average. The trailer does show alot of action and Edward Cullen is hot! but honestly overall, I was disappointed with the movie. It just seemed a little boring, the entire first half was sort of supposed to 'lead' to the action scenes but it seemed bland and felt like filler. Perhaps that was because I had read the books previously and already knew what was going to happen so it seemed like the entire movie was spent waiting for it to get to the end parts.For a quick non spoiler filled summary Twilight series is basically about a girl who moves to a new town and encounters a 'vampire family', the Cullens, and then all these complications start to occur.

  20. My favourite part of Sims was also definitely building houses and designing furniture. Sims 2 pretty much turned into an interior design game for me. The storyline itself I didn't delve much into.Sims 3 sounds really good, can't wait till it comes out. I'll probably have to buy a new computer along with the game to play it though... my computer barely handles Sims 2 as it is :) that's going to cost me a fortune

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