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Posts posted by y4nzi

  1. If you're trying to 'make' someone love you, then you're not being yourself. At least that's how I see it.If someone doesn't love you for who you are and you have to try and pretend to be someone you're not, then it's not really love (in theory)But in practice that's pretty hard to come by... if you have you're REALLY lucky :).To start off a relationship you can't just 'be yourself' in a sense, you have to make an effort, get to know the person, and maybe accomodate them a little because there aren't 2 people in this world who are 100% compatible when they meet (i think). Then later on when you're more comfortable with the other person 'being yourself' becomes alot easier.

  2. Come on..American football is definitely a beefed up version fo rugby but it rocks! it aint for sissy man but for man who can stand for themselves against other men. The issues about them being bullied by their wives at homes is totally irrelevant as there is no evidence to support that.
    Maybe all the great players we know even in golf,soccer,baseball or even soldiers also get harrassed by their wives....so what? We are taking about what happens on the field here.

    Soccer on the other hand is a sissy sport, you have guys like ronaldo and all other chaps diving for no particluar reason! they cant stand up against other sissies! Soccer just bores me to death.

    The players also do not have respect for refeeres...they lack sportsmanship. I have never seen a rugby official being harassed or being criticised openly by players on the field. They just gulp down the wrong decisions like man and can control themselves and just continue play! wow!

    Football players, spit on officials...get assaulted by fans and fire back. Rugby as gruesome and physical as it is...does not have these silly incidents and neither does American football. STOP HATING. :)

    I don't Hate American Football, I just dont enjoy watching it as much as "soccer". Although I do agree with you on the point of diving etc in soccer. It does take away from the game and sportsmanship, but that's still rare in the whole scheme of things...
    Perhaps I haven't watched enough American Football to get an appreciation of it...
    No hating involved :) !

  3. I've played GTA2 (ahh, good old classic 2d version), GTA3, Vice City (loved the motorbikes) and I started San Andreas but my computer was a little slow and everything lagged so I gave up halfway... they're all awesome games. I love the concept and how you can just run amuck and do whatever you want (yes they are a little violent and my mother doesn't approve, but its up to the individual to know the difference between 'fake and fun in a video game' compared to the real world).

  4. The only email client i've used is Mozilla Thunderbird which I found quite good, but that was a while ago. I just use Gmail's web interface, I like how they've set it up with labels, stars, archiving emails etc. I think it's very efficient, quite quick and now they have themes so it looks even better.Plus for some reason my gmail account gets so much spam... it all gets filtered into the "spam" folder but it's still annoying and I wouldn't want to have to deal with that through an email client.

  5. It's true forums do take up alot of space and bandwidth :). But the trouble with free hosts is the lack of customization and control over the forum... they always limit some features. I still prefer hosting my own forum because of that, and I don't host a very large community like Xisto so my plans can usually handle the bandwidth use!

  6. There are quite alot of combos that work well together. As long as colours aren't clashing, there aren't TOO many different colours on the one page and they're not too hard on the eyes, the website should generally be eye friendly.Fonts shouldn't be too big or too small and should stand out from the background so it can be easily read. I dont like sans serif fonts on websites either, I think it makes the website look messy... but that's personal preference :)

  7. That's pretty nifty looking. Good innovation from microsoft! :) But 10000 is rather expensive, i mean it is essentially just a coffee table in the end. Maybe when the price drops a bit I'll consider buying it, just for the hell of it. I'm not sure whether it'll actually be useful, the 'freshness' will probably last a few days and then I might get bored of it. Even so, just for a bit of fun if its less than $500 I'd buy it, I mean some coffee tables (without the screen) are that price anyway~

  8. Personally I've never had good customer support from microsoft but the last time I called them about a problem was quite a while ago (a couple of years) with my Windows install when I bought my laptop. Windows XP came preinstalled but it was apparently not valid? (strange...) They weren't very helpful, it turned into a blame game between Microsoft and Sony (since I have a sony vaio laptop)Good to hear that they've improved since then though :)Hopefully it's not a one off~

  9. Vandals really irritate me. I have no idea why they feel the need to destroy other people's property... I had my car parked in our college carpark one night and the next morning practically all the cars there had their windows smashed in.Seriously, was there ANY point in doing that? There was nothing valuable in my car to steal, they didn't steal the car, they just felt on some random stupid urge that it would be nice to break someone else's property, get away with it and have a good laugh or something. SO frustrating!I dont' see how people can get a kick out of it... seriously how would they feel if i did it to them

  10. I love Football! As for American football, it seems just like a beefed up version of rugby except with lots of padding so that you can't get hurt...I can see where this guy is coming from about the 'being carried off only for REAL injuries' and 'no pretending to be fouled'. Those are some problems with football. Some of the dives that players are pulling and then getting penalties out of it are ridiculous (cough Cristiano Ronaldo) But overall I think Football is the much better game.Yes sometimes games are unfair and the better team may lose because of bad luck etc but there's so much skill involved, instead of just beefed up players running around. Football is exciting to watch, you can analyze tactics, look at player match ups etc.Whenever I watch American football it just seems like theres alot of running around, attempting to throw the ball at each other, and not much else. :) But I'm not one to judge because I don't have a great understanding of the game. This is just my personal preference.

  11. I've heard lots of good things about linux but never had the guts to try it out because I hear it's a bit difficult to start out with?I guess I'm just too comfortable with Windows and it's what I've been used to for so long it's difficult to consider using another operating system and effectively starting from scratch.Maybe one day when I'm feeling especially brave...

  12. Privacy is a pretty big issue with these social networking sites. I keep getting warned to limit the info i put on there for fear of identity theft, I mean you have pretty much all essential details there, where you're from, name, birthday, email, photos even!Having said that, I still use facbook. Myspace I stopped using a long time ago.As for a new social networking group, It would be hard to break into the market so to speak. But personally, I join social networking groups because MY friends have joined. it's not really the features of each network that attract me but the people. Like rpgsearcherz said "It's not what you know, it's who you know"I joined myspace first because my friends encouraged me to join, and once facebook took off my friends migrated there and so did I.It would be interesting to see what ideas you can come up with. Good luck with it! :)

  13. I'm one of those people that dislikes clumping things and features together so even if I actually bought the iphone, I don't think I would use its mp3 features. I prefer having phones and mp3 players separate, so based on that I would say get the itouch.Yes its lacking some of the features of the iphone but overall MOST of the features and apps are the same. The itouch has way more storage than the iphone (so its capability as an mp3 player is way better) and obviously since you wont be using it for 2 functions (phone and music), the battery will last longer as well.Wifi internet is free on the itouch as well which is very handy :) I don't really use my phone for the internet so a data plan wouldn't be of much use to me (more like a waste of money)Like Tramposch said, it probably does depend on what you really need in the end. Still if you need the phone features, the iphone isn't bad. I still prefer Nokia phones because I think they're the most reliable.

  14. It's like they took harvest moon, got rid of the farming, got rid of the courting brides, the festivals, the animal raising, and everything that makes harvest moon what it is, and left nothing but a topdown character running around able to pick stuff from trees and fish to sell them or eat them, and then they took the sims and got rid of the stats, the fact that objects influence the stats, and the ability to get married and interact, left nothing but decorating and clothes changing, and mashed them together.

    I completely agree with you! It's like the mashed the most boring parts of 2 awesome games together and came out with a semi-ok time consuming, not THAT fun game. (I've only played animal crossing on DS by the way)
    I love Harvest moon, it's sort of "simulation" yet it's got interesting parts as well like the festivals, farming etc. Have you played rune factory? It's like a fantasy RPG version and even better!

    But I'm digressing from the topic. Animal crossing is not that great. It's so time consuming to play, you have to play it practically every day to get anywhere. The activities and things you can do are pretty mundane (pick fruit, dig up fossils, change some furniture, try as hard as you can to make money) etc, sort of like the sims but 100x less exciting.

    I think the game focuses most on the whole "decorating house" thing, but if I wanted that, I would play the Sims.

    I don't recommend this game at all, but some people really like it. It's personal preference. If you like repeating things over and over and doing 'day to day' activities without much of a plot... go for it :rolleyes:

  15. That was a really long and thorough review. Too bad about the trojans, perhaps that was a coincidence (hopefully it was). Despite all the problems you mentioned installing and the changes they've made, the actual game sounds like classic GTA with great story, great city to explore and so on.I was actually considering buying the PC version because I prefer playing the GTA games on PC but after reading your review, I don't think my compter could take it. San Andreas BARELY ran on my PC and I haven't upgraded it since... What are the minimum RAM and speed requirements to run the game?I'll probably end up buying the console version instead.

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