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Posts posted by y4nzi

  1. There has to be life out there somewhere. With the endless vastness of outer space, there must be a chance that there is another planet out there like us. If the universe really is infinite, how could there not be life out there. Still I don't think we'll develop the technology to communicate with them anytime soon. We haven't even been able to get probes past Jupiter (i think?) without losing signals so we're a long way off.Still I don't understand why there is all this money being poured into exploring outer space. Realistically I don't see us ever "living" on the moon or on Mars or anything like that.

  2. Yes the world would be a better place without religion.I know many people argue that?Religion gives people comfort, hope and something to believe in' Another argument is that religion provides a reason to do things and a purpose for people to fulfill, or that religious teachings help us make more morally correct decisions etc etc"I am athiest and I do not believe in God so from my point of view, Religions are merely beliefs and nothing more.So many of the world's problems are caused by religion.I'm not saying Religion is BAD. One religion alone cannot cause problems but it is the CLASH of religions that is causing the world problems. and it's not the specific teachings of any religion either (most religious teachings are moral and about hope, faith, peace etc) but for some reason these teachings bring out the worst in SOME people (the extremists)It seems that religion in recent years has become a building block for differences instead of common faith hope and so on.If there were a way to fix the clash of 'organizations' so to speak, the idea of religion would actually be very beneficial. However, in the world's current condition, religion in the grand scheme of things is causing alot of problems.

  3. Unfortunately the trading of mp3's over the net is here to stay and you can't really control it. I still remember when napster first started and there was the law suit about copyright infringement and so on. The problem is once you have an mp3 you're free to copy it, send it to your friends, do whatever you want with it. It will be very hard to control.Personally I download albums to see if I like the songs. I have a really big CD collection (which alot of people laugh at because they all keep telling me 'you can get it for free!') But I like feeling like I'm supporting an artist I like.As for buying mp3's I still prefer having the CD. After I own a CD, I can rip it into an mp3 format and put it on my ipod etc. It's almost like having a backup for the songs I like. I mean if I download an mp3 and my HD crashes, what next? I've lost my songs!Still I think record companies will eventually turn to mp3 sales more and more. It's more feasible, cheaper and it seems to be the trend nowadays.

  4. I've worked in a FEDEX call centre before, we had nicknames for our rivals:
    DHL - Deliver Half-way Lost
    UPS - Undelivered Pending Shipment

    HAHA "deliver halfway lost" that's a good one!
    Personally I've only shipped with FedEx and it's great! Never had a single problem with them.

    And regarding those photos of that printer... I agree, poor guy :)
    That's some pretty major damage...

  5. I think you could have a relationship on the internet but I don't know how 'deep' the love can go, especially like Forte said, if you know that you have no realistic chance of ever meeting. Still it's probably nice to have someone that close that you can chat to anything about over the net. I wouldn't necessarily call it 'unhealthy' but its probably best to be careful since there are people out there who lie, pretend to be someone else, or may perhaps not take Net relationships as seriously as you do.If things are to go any further though, you would have to meet. I've had a friend whose 'fallen in love' with a guy over the Net and later met up with them and kept dating, things are going quite well for her at the moment actually.So it can work, for some people! :)

  6. I can't say I believe in magic. It just feels a bit far fetched to me, and I've never had any first hand experience with 'magic' that has convinced me beyond doubt. Having said that though, perhaps in the future I may change my mind. It is true that we use very little of our brains and perhaps hidden powers lurk in the unused portions.

  7. I remember playing Fire Emblem on my gameboy advance a very long time ago. It's sort of like an RPG slash tactics game sort of like Final Fantasy Tactics Advance? I thoroughly enjoyed it actually. I hear there's a version coming out on NDS soon which I'm looking forward to playing :)

  8. It depends on what you want your computer for. I have both a Desktop computer and a laptop.My desktop is Intel duo core 2 3ghZ or something like that with a 22 Inch Dell Monitor. It's great for games (much better graphics card than my Sony Vaio laptop) and is just more comfortable to use. It's much easier on the eyes (I find my 14 inch laptop screen a little on the small side), alot faster and just easier to use. It's also modifiable, e.g. you run out of HD room, get a larger one! or you want more RAM, install more! Laptops are limited in this respect.Of course it's not portable, and that's where my laptop comes in.For college work I bring my laptop everywhere because its convenient. If i want to play games however, it's not the best. The graphics load up looking not the greatest, everything lags and there's limited storage so I can't install many really large games.However it is good enough for work, typing up notes, lectures, powerpoints, browsing... which is about all that I use it for :rolleyes:

  9. Very good start! I like the camouflage concept although on the whole I do find the colour scheme a little dull? Perhaps you could brighten it up a little (only a little though, you don't want colours to become blinding or too bright)The 3 columns are very clean and well organized, the navigation is easy to find and simple enough.The header could be a little more eye catching, the text needs to stand out more.

  10. I could rant about this topic forever!! I mean seriously yes I do know deep down the stereotypical 'they have my best interests at heart' and so on but honestly, sometimes I think parents can be so selfish.Whenever I come home for spring break or summer break I'm expecting a nice break from college work etc and instead I come home to bickering parents who constantly complain about either 1. my room being too messy2. my marks from the past semester3. bickering at each other about the most minor of things like (omg you didn't do the dishes today! how useless are you!)4. yelling at me for doing the smallest things wrong like forgetting to turn a light off or somethingNot only do they do that, they put ALL their expectations on me (I'm an only child) and I've honestly never heard a single word of praise from them in my life.Yes I got into a good college with a scholarship, I was ecstatic about it! And I was expecting at least a "well done!" or something along those lines. Instead they dismiss me like it was "expected" and if I hadn't gotten in I would have been a complete failure. Perhaps they don't mean to do all those things. I've tried sitting down and having a discussion about these issues with them but then they just pull the "im your superior get over it" line out and use it against me.It's just so frustrating.I wonder when I become a parent whether my own children will feel the same. I hope I do better :)

  11. I still play the game but whats really disturbing that people are bored enough to be thinking about what video game character is tapping who.

    Haha good point! It never even crossed my mind until I read this topic. Seriously though it is a purely adventure game and I think its more of a 'hero' and 'damsel in distress' sort of relationship, nothing more.

  12. Up until last year I would have said Australia for sure, no competition whatsoever.However, the recent results form test matches, one day matches have got me leaning towards India at the moment.Australia probably still has the greater 'depth' but based on performances, India is doing better.The Australian team is in a bit of a slump at the moment, they recently lost their first test match against South Africa... (at home!)Unless they rebound and come back, perhaps India will overtake them as the world's no.1 Team.

  13. Whenever I have to buy a new camera, I consider a few things1. Budget - how much are you willing to spend? When I bought my last camera I ended up buying a shiny new case, another set of batteries (just in case), a portable charger and a much larger memory card (the one that came with it didn't have enough storage), and an SD card reader for easy transfer onto my computer.You should probably consider all those things when deciding about price-range.2. Then I ask myself what am I going to do with the camera? - will I primarily be taking just snapshots (point and shoot), or if I'm more serious about photography (SLR). Whether I require recording videos etc. Based on that I then decide which type of digital camera is best for me? 3. Then I look at the number of megapixels - if you just want to print the standard sized photographs, 6 mega pixels + should really be adequate. If you want to print large photos or want high resolution images for other reasons, then go higher4. Then I look at battery life which is really important. What's the use of a really good camera when it runs out of batteries really quickly?5. Storage space is also another issue - Most camera's nowadays use SD memory cards. Consider how much storage you're going to need and bargain with the sales person (they can usually give you an SD card with decent storage with the camera purchase :) )6. Warranty - this is just in case something goes wrong. Have a look at how many years warranty the company offers and weigh it up!Those are just a few suggestions! Hope its useful :)

  14. I use open office for Uni work because it's free, faster than MS word and I absolutely LOVE the pdf maker feature.Yes it does have some compatibility and formatting issues with MS word, but I'm not running a major business or doing much corporate stuff, just typing up documents, printing and handing them into lecturers so Open office is perfect for me in that respect.Not to mention it's free and I didn't have to fork out 200+ for the MS office suite :)

  15. I've tried many many browsers out and I think my favourite so far is still Firefox. I'm surprised Chrome only gets 5/10. In fact I heard what you said from alot of people (about how many bugs are in it etc) which stopped me from trying it out but after reading some other reviews on this forum I did and I must say I rate it alot more than 5. I haven't had any major problems with it at all.So my opinion on the browsers is as follows:1) Firefox - I would probably give it a 9 or 10 out of 10. Its quick, loads all my websites properly, very customizable with a very good range of extensions out there, much safer than internet explorer, and overall my favourite :)2) Google Chrome - Recently downloaded this and tried it. I would rate it probably a 7/10. It's only been around for a little while, still has a few bugs and features that I would like missing but overall it is really speedy. It's even faster than Firefox on my computer. The interface is clean and overall it's not bad for a 'start'. Once google develops it further I'm sure it could become a great browser.4) Opera - Also a decent browser, 8/10 for me. I find it pretty similar to firefox actually3) Internet explorer - bad, slow, basically terrible. No longer use it (haven't for about 5 years now... I did trie ie7 when it first came out but switched immediatley back to firefox). 2/10 (only because it actually works... haha)4) Safari - I rarely use macs (I don't own one) but from my limited experience with Safari, it seems like a decent browser. I don't know enough to rate it though.

  16. Having difficulty getting to sleep at night is a common problem but sleeping pills should definitely be a last resort. They are not natural. Our body was designed to drift off to sleep by itself, not with the aid of drugs that depress your brain function and state of alertness.I think if you cant fall asleep after lying in bed for a while, get out and do something, some light exercise, drink a cup of warm milk, watch TV, read a book until you do actually feel tired enough to sleep.

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