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Posts posted by y4nzi

  1. I use Joomla and personally I don't integrate the forum with the website. I just have a link on the menu to a forum, which in turn leads to my phpBB3 forum.In the past though I have used Joomla + Fireboard. Fireboard is actually pretty good, easy to install (just like a normal component through the joomla interface) and is quite customizable. However, I still prefer phpBB3 which is why I use it.

  2. Not to have a New Years Resolution.They never last a year, and the one that I had with chocolate only lasted a few hours.

    I know how you feel, my new years resolutions never last so I've kind of given up on them. Last Christmas after eating so much my new years resolution was to not eat Icecream... lasted probably 2 days.

    But if I had to come up with what I want for the new year, probably to get a promotion at work... somehow.

  3. No it's not possible to make money online with very little effort. To make money online (the legit non scammer way) requires1. building a website - needs effort to make it user friendly, attractive, you need to invest money into good hosting, a domain name etc2. good content - either you are selling a product or service or some sort, you need to be different, thoughtful and competetive, there are so many businesses on the net, you need to stand out and become known3. if you're making money via ads, you need traffic - SEO can be time consuming.Overall it requires alot of ongoing management. It's not like a regular 9 to 5 job where you turn up, do whatever you're supposed to do and go home. Making money online requires innovation, constant thinking and constant updating so your website/service/product remains at the top of the market.Having said that I've managed to make a decent amount of money from my websites... but effort IS required.

  4. I agree with sheepdog, RUN!! This is a scam, the emails seem to start out innocent enough, just telling you about their life story/background and how tragic it is etc. She does seem to be trying to compliment you continuously and fair enough that's ok... but once it progresses to Bank accounts Lawyers and Money, do not believe a word they say. Eventually they're going to ask for your money or bank account or something along those lines.I'd stay away if i were you. Block them or something :P

  5. Its important to get a good balance of both, and it ultimately comes down to opportunity. If you find your dream job without going to University, of course you'd take it. Or if the career you want requires a degree, then you'd go.In the end though you need both... you need the practical skills and the knowledge. Whether going to College is the way to achieve that knowledge or learning "on the go" with jobs is how you want to do it, is up to you.Personally I went to college and am now in grad school. I work part time because I need the money as well. Hopefully, when I graduate, it'll all be worth it :P

  6. My favourite team is Liverpool for sure! Favourite players would have to be:Strikers1. Fernando Torres - just lots of fun to watch, the goals he scores are always exciting (especially in UEFA 2008)2. Thierry Henry - awesome player, such a consistent goal scorer (disappointing in World Cups though)Midfielders:1. Steven Gerrard2. Michael Ballack3. Cristiano Ronaldo - dives way too much, but he's hot, and you can't deny he's got the skill...

  7. It's hard to say, I mean technically he is still a minor at 12 years old and yes he DID commit a crime that was horrible. Then comes the blame game, who to blame? 1. The drugs - yes drugs can have many side effects and may cause you to do things you normally wouldn't, whether they were the sole cause of MURDER is questionable. 2. His psychiatric condition (depression) - messes with your mind, he may not have realized the consequences or judged the situation properly3. His parents - yes the upbringing may have been bad, but the kid has his own brain and mind, you can't always blame the parents (although they might have had a part), in the end the decision to kill someone came from the kid himself4. HIM - I guess this is where the court took it since they sentenced him to 30 years in jail...It's a pretty harsh penalty for a 12 year old kid (with all the surrounding circumstances) but i suppose if that's where the justice system took it, we'll have to leave it at that.

  8. Dream Naruto character, I came up with one when I was obsessed with the manga a couple of years back but I don't remember specifics. I think Kakashi and Itachi are pretty cool though (they're my fave characters in terms of looks and Jutsu's).I loved how Itachii was always portrayed as the bad guy with unparalleled intelligence and strength but ended up being the caring brother that Sasuke remembered.Kakashi is just the coolest 'good' guy in the MangaMy favourite:Jutsus: Chidori is my favouriteSpecial abilities: Myangekou sharingan

  9. There actually making the Sims games more computer space friendly. I read on one of the Sims cases that it needed less space then the ordinary sims games needed, so I am hoping they will do the same with Sims 3 as I have faced the same problem as you, because Sims takes so much of my comps memory and spam.

    Oh really? More computer space friendly? That's awesome! *fingers crossed sims 3 works in my current computer*

  10. I personally don't want to play another GTA because they have gone to far with the series just for the money. "Everything that has a beginning has an end". GTA had its share of glory. Like all huge games only one will remain in history. I'm not saying that GTA x wouldn't be good, but after a number of games with the same story it really becomes boring with a major B.

    Not sure I entirely agree with you. I like the GTA series, the first one i played was GTA2 (the 2d version :P). I don't find the GTA games boring at all... Yes the storyline is pretty much always the same (you're the criminal and you run missions to get cash etc) but they've introduced new innovations into each release and tweaked the story so it's in a different city/time/place/gang etc which I like.
    I mean essentially all games are "similar" to one another. GTA is only up to the 4th 3D release. Final fantasy which is a massive success is up to the 13th? one. And the RPG concept there is pretty much the same in most releases too (world doomed, people save it, run around a fantasy land completing missions).

  11. Ah yes the classic PC default games... Still good for time wasting! :P1. Solitare - so addictive, great for playing on my laptop in lectures when I'm really bored2. Minesweeper - I used to never be able to play this game but since I got the hang of it, it's also really addictive. It requires you to think as well which I like.3. Hearts - a little complicated, I got into this game, stopped playing for a while and when I went back, i forgot how to play!4. Freecell - never really played this...

  12. I used to love neopets (about 5 or 6 years ago) It was a great game, lots of fun with the online virtual world to explore etc. The most enjoyable part was the minigames to earn neopoints, I didn't really do anything else other than that.I haven't been back recently (i.e. within the past 2 years), my pet is porbably starving to death (if thats even possible) but judging from everyone's comments here I shouldn't go back? The homepage looks really different (no sidebar? :P) I've forgotten my password or I'd log back into my account and see how things are...

  13. Depends on what I want to do, Computers have many more functions but if you're after a pure gaming experience, you can't really beat the PS3 when it comes to graphics. And plus when I hook it up to my TV i get an awesome sound system to go with it too, and a much larger screen (50 inch TV), which makes for much better gaming experience than my 20 inch LCD monitor.Some games (like GTA) i actually prefer to play on the PC due to the type of controller (I just find the game console controllers hard to use with this type of game).Some PC games like world of warcraft etc I never really got into and don't play much. I mainly play RPG's and racing games so a console is great for that.It's a pretty hard choice, and I would prefer not to make one and just buy both :P (which I have already done)

  14. I can understand why people are Vegetarian, there are good arguments in terms of nutrition, financially, environmentally, health wise etc but I just prefer the taste of meat. I don't eat it all the time but I like it too much to go without it for too long.As for the animal cruelty issue, (as naive as it sounds) I never really thought about it much... I never quite linked the meat I ate at the dinner table with cruel animal slaughter methods :)

  15. Watching sex scenes in movies with parents has got to be one of the most painful and awkward moments ever. I usually either stare at the screen and refuse to look at my parents or pretend to be preoccupied with something else (like fiddling with my mobile or suddenly becoming very interested in the popcorn) haha. I think the first time that happened was when I watched Titanic with my parents.If its a movie that's showing on TV and my parents are there I usually flick the channel to something else very quickly. My parents don't comment on it or say anything to make me feel awkward but its just the idea of your parents watching sex scenes in movies WITH you that's really uncomfortable, especially since I don't talk to my parents about those kinda things usually... :)

  16. It's been a while since I'ved played any GBA games so its hard to think back but from what I remember, Golden sun has got to be the best RPG ever, They should really make a verison for DS. It had the perfect mix of storyline, action and strategy.Other good GBA RPG's were the Final Fantasy series (as always), my favourites are probably Final Fantasy III and Final Fantasty Tactics Advance. I like FFTA because it's not purely a bash and dash sort of game, there's tactics involved!Fire emblem was also pretty good, as was Summon Night... I never actually thought of Harvest moon as an RPG but that was pretty fun too, it does tend to get a but repetetive. Rune factory (fantasy harvest moon) is a really good game if you like that sort of thing though, it's got a bit more background and plot to it with a 'fantasy' and fighting monsters element.

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