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Posts posted by y4nzi

  1. Yep water is definitely essential for life. We use it to drink, wash etc. I prefer bottled water although it doesnt contain fluoride which is essential for good teeth. I love drinking an icy cool bottle of water after going to the gym. It's the most refreshing gym out there.Not enough water is harmful (we cant survive) but too much can lead to cerebral edema and death. Wasn't there a lady who died from drinking too much water as part of a radio contest?

  2. I always seem to get the 'falling' type dreams as well. Its usually a scenario where I initally have the power to fly or float and then suddenly I lose the power and I'm falling. Then I wake up in shock just before I hit the ground. it's quite terrifying actually.And it's almost always the same dream.Quite interesting how you keep getting the same dream. I suppose we don't really understand dreams yet.

  3. I used to use Hotmail for my email, I registered my account ages ago and I like how it integrates with msn messeger which is my main instant messenger program that I use. However recently, I've been converted to Gmail with its innovative features and large storage space. I also really like the google calendar and google docs services that google now provides so I would say gmail is now definitely my favourite free email service. Hotmail is improving (e.g. they also increased their storage capacity compared to the measly 256mb some years ago) and changed their layout but it's still nowhere near as cool as gmail.

  4. Addict is sort of hard to define. There are all these news reports about addictions to video games and their detrimental effect on health (i.e. people dont go outside, exercise, have other hobbies etc) but it really depends on the inidividual person. I go through periods where I play games alot on my DS and other periods where I dont touch it for ages. Playing is really more for enjoyment, whether its an addiction and whether it poses a problem is up for debate really.

  5. I think the iphone is rather overrated, because apple is known for its 'innovative' products and apple is very 'in' at the moment with the ipod craze. Overall i think its an okay phone with modest features and yes I do agree with the problems you've listed.It doesnt quite live up to all the hype. I was given it for my birthday from a few friends and was really excited to try it but found myself disappointed.The battery life isn't great either.

  6. yes I do, they've been getting cheaper and cheaper lately. I remember the first one i bought was a measly 128mb and cost $30, nowadays 1g+ ones are $5? crazy! I use usb for convenient file transfer from computer to computer or if I need to bring documents to uni/class etc. It really is the most convenient way to carry around files.

  7. I definitely prefer Photoshop. It has more features, but is slightly more complicated to use. PSP is good to start out with and I started out using it a while back but switched to photoshop once I realised I required more advanced editing and creating features.

  8. I think in the future learning Chinese would benefit many people since it really is one of the most rapidly developing countries in the world, especially when it comes to businesses and technology, not to mention the huge population size.Having said that Mandarin is actually quite difficult to learn. SPeaking might not be so bad but there are hundreds of thousands of character for you to memorize.

  9. Nike is definitely the 'better known' brand just because of the advertising they do but Adidas is still pretty good. I usually don't look at the brand much but more at style? (when it comes to clothing and shoes). If I think it looks nice, I usually buy it regardless of whether it is adidas or nike. Quality of both is pretty good in my experience.

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