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Posts posted by y4nzi

  1. It depends on the occasion and the lighting and how much makeup we're talking about.For example:- Going clubbing at night - probably better if you put some makeup on, you could probably get away with darker makeup than you could during the day because of the lighting- Day to day activities - I don't like people that put on ALOT of makeup during the day, it just seems like they're wearing this caked on mask. Because it's so bright during the day everything just stands out, the eyeliner looks darker, the foundation looks thicker and more 'fake' etc.I think during the day it's better to go for a 'natural' look, either with no makeup or minimal e.g. some mascara and lipgloss or something along those lines.Some girls do look better in makeup than others. In general I would probably judge on a case to case basis.Oh the whole though I think makeup, when applied properly does make girls look prettier.

  2. Most people that do go to hospital or end up staying in hospital for a while are usually there for a serious reason and may have underlying conditions predisposing them to infections etc already.Those are really worrying statistics though, sounds like the US health care system has alot to improve on.I think the really 'good' reputation that the US healthcare system has is based on the fact that there is so much money and technology pumped into it that many of the 'advances' in Medicine and the cutting edge research is done there.For example, perhaps only the US has the facilities to do the latest high tech operations (e.g. that woman who recently had the entire face transplant) and the training facilities to train doctors to be able to perform such procedures.Therefore alot of these new technologies are only available in the US so many people go there for treatment. It doesnt mean the health system as a whole is very good or running very efficiently.

  3. Those names are really long, I can't even say half of them properly without looking twice.Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia ? (whatt? that's a crazy long word, almost like a tongue twister :))Aphenphosmphobia and Clinophobia sound the worst to me. It would be so difficult to live a normal life and do all our daily activities with those.

  4. There is no way to burn fat off "specific body sites" with exercise. The only way to do that is with liposuction which basically sucks the fat out of that specific area.Doing crunches and situps wont burn the fat off your stomach, it will simply make your stomach muscles more toned, but most of the fat will remain.The only way to burn fat off anywhere in your body is by doing Cardio workouts (walking to start off with, running or swimming are probably the best)Of course there's also the diet factor, perhaps smaller meal portions, less junk food and snacks, cut down on the fats, more veggies and fruits.Easy enough for me to say but quite difficult to maintain.Good luck! :)

  5. It really depends on the type of training you're going for and what you want to achieve. It sounds like your friend has been doing weights and only weights at the gym to make his muscles grow 'X cm' and so on whereas you've been doing good Cardio workouts in the park.It is possible to get good endurance by going to the gym but obviously that would involve either treadmills or bikes to get a Cardio workout.Personally I much prefer jogging outdoors. Jogging continuously (basically in one spot) at the gym on a treadmill is soo mundane and boring whereas exercise outdoors gives you fresh air 'scenery' in a sense.Although in the Gym there is sort of a 'guilt' factor for me. I feel compelled to continue just because everyone else around me is working out so hard whereas in the park when I feel tired, I would just stop.In terms of which is better for fitness, weights and muscle building exercises are good for only that (big muscles and strength), whereas Cardio workouts have a better effect on your whole body making you fitter and leaner and more toned.I would go for the Cardio workout (jogging outdoors or swimming) rather than Gym weights workouts :)

  6. A webdesigning business is a great idea. Yes there is lots of competition out there but you need to have something that gives you that competitive edge.Your designs will require good funcitionality above all else (easy to navigate, meets the needs of the clients, informative and so on) and of course the designs have to look good too.You'll have to decide which market you're going to target i.e. what type of businesses or people your designs will be aimed at. Each industry requires a slightly different website concept and you should tailor your designs to that.It would be difficult to break into the market per se so you'll probably have to start off small, give people a few freebies to get a feel for what your websites are like and if they like them, then the word will spread.You also need good customer support, helping clients to tweak your designs to match their needs and so on. Price of course is another issue, you need to have pricing that will make you a profit, sound reasonable to the clients, and match your competitors.There's alot to consider :) But it's like that when starting out any new business. You need to think of that one thing which will give YOU the edge.

  7. I personally don't like changing the scrollbar colours, I don't think it adds much to the site in terms of design. I find it better to leave it as is.If firefox does include it, I hope they include a "switch off" option or something because some of the scrollbar designs I've seen are, to put bluntly *horrible* in terms of colour schemes and functionality.

  8. I've used CSS since I first discovered it. It makes formatting and coding so much easier instead of having to stick tags infront of everything I can have it all nice and neat in one file separate from the rest of my coding.And like xpress said, that way you don't have to go trawling through the website when you want a change of colour scheme to change very single tag :)I find CSS an essential part of any of my websites whether small or large, its convenient easy and makes everything organized. I don't see any negatives at all!

  9. I really like the idea of your site. It would really help people looking to add useful features to their site but aren't skilled enough to code it themselves.As alot of people have said perhaps further explanation of the codes is required because some of the people wouldn't know how to use the codes you've provided. (Although I see you have "comments" enabled so they could probably ask questions there if they didn't understand)The layout is clean and well organized but a logo is important and some of the font sizes are a bit irregular. The headings of your "updates" in the sidebar are almost as big as your website title. Some minor tweaking of these issues would make the site look cleaner.A search function would probably be useful too :)Still I think the idea of the site is really cool and it could really take off if you keep it up!

  10. I don't understand the concept of cheating in a relationship. If you're happy with what you have why cheat? If you're unhappy with what you have, why would you be dishonest and cheat instead of doing the right thing and ending it?People do make mistakes however, whether they were drunk, the girl was drunk, an opportunity presented itself and they just 'couldn't help it'... but regardless of the reason, if someone cheats on me, it's very hard for me to forgive them. There'll always be that little seed of doubt in the back of my mind going "but it's happened before, what if..."

  11. I can't see Microsoft going under, ever (at least not in the near future). They pioneered the PC market and brought computers to where they are today. The only other alternatives Mac and Linux each have their own (smaller) market share but thye have their own problems too. Macs are pretty but SO expensive. For the same performance, a Mac would be way more expensive than a PC. For the less competent, Linux may be too confusing, it's not as simple to use as something like Windows.I am using Windows only because it was what I grew up with and am used to. That's the case for alot of people. Once Microsoft gets their business, you stick with them. Unless they produce some extremely horrible operating system turn away their customers, they're pretty much in a stable position.Recently Macs have been appearing more, especially at college there's a couple of computer labs containing only macs now whereas when I started there weren't any macs. But still, PC's and Microsoft will remain dominant as far as I can see.

  12. Strangely enough this topic has never come up in discussion with me and my friends. We've discussed boyfriends and sex but somehow skipped around the use of the word 'virgin'. We've all pretty much assumed/gathered from what each of us has told one another whether we are or not and don't particularly feel pressured or necessarily 'different' and uncomfortable if we are or aren't. I think that's a good thing.I guess I'm not in a group of friends where we count 'the number of people we've done with it' or anything like that. If they did I wouldn't be friends with them. Personally I find that kind of discussion degrading. Sex isn't something to be taken that lightly...

  13. Really? I haven't heard about this one! I got a DS lite last year and love it, there's so many GBA classics that I can re-play on my DS now.The new features sound interesting but I'm not sure if I really need them 1. Thinner (by about 12%) - i already think the DS is pretty portable... wouldn't mind it being thinner though 2. 2 cameras - cameras? what for? i already have a camera phone and an actual camera... a 3rd one on my ds haha, perhaps it may come in handy 3. Internet Browser - not sure if i'll use this 4. Media Player (can finally play music and such) - that's a pretty cool feature, although I don't particularly like all this "grouping technology into one thing" concept. I prefer separating my mp3 player, camera and phone rather than putting them all together. My main concern is battery life. 5. More RAM - always a good thing :) 6. Downloadable Content - this could be interesting!Cons 1. No GBA slot - not concerned 2. Less battery life - hmm really? Although the DS battery life is pretty darn good, so perhaps a little less won't matter so muchOverall I don't know if i'll buy this new console. Maybe if I break my current DS *touch wood* but based on features alone, probably not.

  14. We all go through a period where we hate school. I certainly did, I hated the homework load, the teachers, all the rules, the early starts, 5 day weeks. But honestly, once you leave, you miss it.I missed the sort of 'regularity' that school offered, where you got to see your friends most days of the week, and you got to hang out with them etc. I started drifting from many of my closest friends once we all left for college.Once you start working, it's even worse. You think all the homework is bad? work is like that, except the consequences are much worse. If you don't finish your work, it's not a bad grade but a potential sacking that happens. My working hours are even more ridiculous than school hoursAnd getting a decent education is pretty important in the long run.I say enjoy school while your there (or try to at least)... :)

  15. Very interesting list, I like your thoughts :)1. Casual sex - not really approving of casual sex and one night stands. My friends who do have casual sex keep saying 'oh its for a bit of fun' and 'it's nothing serious' but then come crying to me about the latest guy who 'slept with them and left without a word, what a bastard' and so on. Seriously, you brought it on yourself.2. U2 - I was never really a fan of U2. Infact I knew Bono as a sort of 'political activist' before I realised that he made music (yes a little ignorant, but that is just how he is depicted these days). He's always doing these crusades for ending world hunger and world peace and like you said meeting with presidents and the Pope and so on. He's pretty much turned into a politician instead of being a musician... which is what I think he should be doing anyway since he is SO talented!3. Football Managers - Never played the game but from what you've said, doesnt sound like something I would be particularly interested in. Pretending to be a football manager on a game? nah not my cup of tea. There are other much better games out there, or I could spend time actually furthering my REAL career...4. Blondes - Blondes have more fun! I have nothing personal against blondes, but how many of those women out there who are blonde are actually NATURALLY blonde. I think 80% of my blonde friends have dyed their hair that colour purely based on the fact that 'oh i'll get more guys this way'.Having said that though, yes there is the stereotypical dumb blonde that tlaks about clothing, materialistic things or nothing of substance but there are smart ones out there too. They're just rarer.5. Democracy - in theory it is a great idea. IN practice, comes with many problems which I wont go into detail here :).6. Cinema - Expensive, overrated, would rather buy the DVD and watch it in the comfort of my own home. Guys that ask me to movie dates are usually rejected (a little harsh, but it can't be helped). Not to mention I get headaches from the booming sound and the fact that the airconditioning in cinemas is always at least 5 degrees TOO COLD.And it's true, if you really want to get to know someone, how about dinner? Instead of sitting for 3 hours in complete silence (because others in the cinema will yell or throw something at you if you try to talk) staring at a massive screen. Thats almost the equivalent of "hey, lets go back to my place and watch some football".7. The internet - hmm not sure about this one. I am a slight internet addict (as you can see from me being on this forum, webdesigning, php, coding, graphic designing etc) but I do admit it tends to eat up (essentially waste) alot of my time and there's also alot of cr*p out there on the internet.It can be good, it can be bad. At the moment I'm leaning more towards 'good'.8. The Simpsons - used to be good!! I completely agree! The newer seasons/episodes are just, bland. I don't find their jokes funny anymore. The movie had its funny moments (spiderpig!) but overall it seemed way too politicised. Having said that though I still watch the simpsons regularly, it's still alright for light entertainment.9. Oasis - I've only heard a couple of their songs and am probably not the best to judge them10. Will Ferrel - is completely overrated and I do NOT find him funny. I still remember when I first moved into college and everyone was completely obsessed with Anchorman. It was alright, not as funny as everyone made it out to be but maybe I was disappointed purely because it was hyped up so much.His new films, Blades of Glory, Bobby Ray... and Stepbrothers or whatever, are all meh. He is no longer original. He keeps playing the same characters over and over again.Annoying, conceited, overally arrogant loud, so on and so forth. It was funny in Anchorman. But 10++ films all with the same character? That's ridiculous! There's my 2 cents on your opinion! :D

  16. The theory of him flying out is interesting, but I don't think he could have lived anonymously. His face is probably the most recognized among the world.It's one of those mysteries. Some of the facts or reports from that time do not add up but honestly I could understand why Hitler would want to die an "honour death". He started world war 2 based on his own principles of how he wanted to essentially 'rule the world'. Now that he was being defeated, what was left for him?He was an ambitious, single minded man to start the war and after losing, perhaps he felt there was nowhere else he could take it.

  17. Politicians aren't the most renowned for keeping promises :)Even so, he isn't even president yet, give him a little time to work on it. As far as I've seen what he's done so far looks promising.Yes he's appointed a few people who've been there before, but people change as well. Just because they did something under one president doesn't mean they do the same under another.You don't need to kick everyone out and re-appoint different people for there to be change.

  18. Ipods in general are great mp3 players. They are a little on the expensive side (or used to be, when I got mine) but I think they're probably the best devices out there.The battery life on the new ipod touch is questionable according to a few of my friends but that could just be their expectations as my old ipod video battery life was pretty good in my opinion.They also look great, very sleek, compact and modern.The default earphones they give you aren't very good but that's easily fixed by going out and buying a higher quality pair (if you require the higher sound quality).You should probably buy a case also because stratches can become very unsightly. Personally I haven't had a single problem with my 4 year old ipod video and am very happy with it.I guess the main con about it is that you (generally, unless you use plugins or addons to other programs) HAVE to use itunes. It's the easiest way to update and maintain playlists etc on your ipod BUT it's not one of my favourite programs by any means.

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