As for the Pay2Click sites... The only two I know that really work (and pay) are Linkbucks and Urlcash. I personally use Linkbucks, as they pay almost double what Urlbucks does. I have infect been paid from Linkbucks (I have a topic on it in Trapinion) But there are a lot of sites I found that don't won't. They all have the word "Bux" in the url or name. I believe they are all connected at some central point. The urls are like, "", "", "", and things like that. They supposedly give you .05 to view a 30 second advertisement, but you need $5 - $10 dollars to withdraw your money, and they only give you 10 - 20 ads to view. Thus, you view the ads thinking your getting money, the Bux site gets paid for the ad, and doesnt have to pay you, because you can't ever really reach the pay-out amount. I've wasted a lot of time on those "Bux" sites. So don't go for that. I found another site that works, called, "" Where you upload photos to them, then post those uploaded photos online, and you get paid when people click your photos. I believe you need 3000 clicks per dollar. Although not a lot of money (unless you get referall's) It does, infact, work. And one more: You upload files, and advertise on your own for people to download them, and you get like .10 per download. Not bad at all, and this one does work too! Enjoy!