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Status Updates posted by Baniboy

  1. what is love? baby don't hurt me... don't hurt me... no more!

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. web_designer
    3. aizeebaby
    4. anwiii


      i think dm was jealous thinking you were in love with someone else. i think he is ok now. he seemed to settle down after you explained you weren't in love with anyone else

  2. could somebody just ban eza? pretty please?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. anwiii


      i don't know that dance. do you give lessons?

    3. mahesh2k


      1-2 cha cha, , 2-3 cha cha cha

    4. Baniboy


      wow rhythmic fail, mahesh

  3. Mplayer, Cinerella, Recordmydesktop, Coffee and... more coffee?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. deadmad7


      you just probably maintain badly, or your computer just sucks... I have never seen windows sssssllloooooooowwww

    3. rob86


      Windows is a "great" OS, if you happen to enjoy virus scanning, spyware scanning, registry cleaning, and defragging on a regular basis.



    4. Baniboy


      deadmad, if you don't notice it's because you've been using it for a long time

  4. my new math book is way too thick... i'm scared, mommy.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Baniboy


      no i'm too old to read about boys screaming stuff out of their wands

    3. web_designer


      oh really!!! well i see harry potter movies even i am older than you...so is that means, i am younger than you or you are older than me??? :)

    4. anwiii


      bani has too much reading to do to be young :)

  5. (a+B)² = a²+2ab+b²

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. web_designer


      yeah bani...missed you you young man :)

    3. deadmad7


      dam... i learnt that in like middle school :o

    4. Baniboy


      so did I... nnoooooooooooooooooooo didn't do so well.

  6. I'm back, now I have to kick out the hobos who moved into my home while I was gone...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. chini13


      :P hey nice to see u after a long time
    3. anwiii


      crap bani, you coulda given me a little warning. can i stay a little while longer? i just oredered some pizza, brother!

    4. deadmad7


      take the pizza and leave... bani will pay for it :D

  7. I see opaque has been spamming the forums? xD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. web_designer


      i think he is doing god job in posting more even he is only testing topics...i found them interesting...hahahaa

    3. anwiii


      they don't seem like test topics to me. people just need to pay closer attention. one of the advantages of being an admin is you can do pretty much whatever you want though :)

    4. truefusion


      It is possible that the only test topics were the ones that Guest_shree_* replied to, but you also have to wonder about, why the same forum? Why the same pattern?

  8. I'm winning

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Baniboy


      Nah, too busy banging 7 gram rocks and finishing them because that's how I roll.

    3. anwiii


      i'm curious. in another year, are you going to change your name from "baniboy" to "baniman"?

    4. Baniboy


      Either way, I'll still be winning. Maybe I'll just change my name to BaniWinning.

  9. yay, opaque added the mood mod... so which one should i choose, lonely, horny or goofy? Well, at least he didn't add more toys to the footer...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. anwiii


      i agree. plane crashes ARE cool!

    3. Baniboy


      its tomorrow, not next week

    4. anwiii


      well i was kidding anyway. i wish you a safe flight and a great trip!

  10. how do you make lady gaga cry? poke her face

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. deadmad7


      she's OK, there are people who are alot worse :)

    3. Baniboy
    4. Baniboy


      but that does not make her OK...

  11. guess who's got his contact lenses...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. deadmad7


      time to update your profile pic then :D

    3. Baniboy


      ahhh my EYES!!! MY EYES!! It BURNS!!! :P

    4. deadmad7
  12. I'm pissed, beware my wrath

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mahesh2k


      i just wish that guy is not theist else he's toast

    3. anwiii


      bani pissed? that's too much information....

    4. Baniboy


      no I already toasted one last friday... well i'm not pissed anymore

  13. apocalypse afterparty, anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Baniboy


      then it wouldn't be an afterparty, anwiii! it has to be after 21st :)

    3. anwiii


      i know, but we have to say our final goodbyes first. nothing says goodbye better than a pre party at deadmad's!

    4. Baniboy


      no way man, I'm no partying with zombies! I'd rather drink milk at wd's :D

  14. ROTFLSHMMCIATIHASSSCTPAIGTTHBTTFOINRHAS - Rolling On The Floor Laughing So Hard My Mom Comes In And Thinks I'm Having a Stroke So She Calls The Paramedics And I Go To The Hospital But Then They Find Out I'm Not Really Having A Stroke

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. deadmad7


      WITPOT? - what is the point of this?

    3. anwiii


      the point is to add a little humor. obviously you have no sense of humor....

    4. deadmad7


      IHSOH - i have a sense of humor...

  15. Just found out that I've forgotten my domain email's password... this is just great.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Baniboy


      Wd, long time no see! Thanks for telling that, now I can have deadmad7 break into your house and steal your passwords for me. :D

    3. Baniboy


      And now I see a web hosting company having 4/10 pr wanting me to be partners and exchange links. They removed the link since I didn't respond. *sadface*

    4. anwiii


      finally a support ticket that xisto can actually take care of.


  16. My site is estimated to be worth $818.20 USD. Does this seem weird?!?!?! it also says i'm making $19 monthly, which i didn't know myself...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Baniboy


      :D yea they are... but it's for sale in case anyone is willing to pay $800 :D
    3. deadmad7


      awww man... i only have $799.99... i can't buy it :(

    4. Baniboy


      well you can have it for that amount of money too...

  17. my hands are shaking like i'm some kind meth addict...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mandla


      you need to go to rehab,, but maybe oyu said no no nooooooooo

    3. mahesh2k
    4. Baniboy


      no actually it was because i was at the gym and started out with a little bit too much weight

  18. apologies for being such an annoying person lately,,,

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. anwiii


      hmmm you didn't annoy me bud....you're always cool....

    3. web_designer


      yeah i agree with anwiii...you are always cool...but if you think you annoyed someone then it is nice to apology...

    4. chini13


      did u ??? :P :P but thats cool sometimes

  19. Dear bed, I know that I left you this morning, but I love you. Take me back? ...

  20. Hi dear! My name is angela i saw your profile today here and became intrested in you,and i want you to send an email to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know me better. - Whoa! I found love in my inbox!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rob86


      Love? I guess not everyone can be as lucky as myself, *I* received an email offering 19 cheesecakes.

    3. rob86


      Love? I guess not everyone can be as lucky as myself, *I* received an email offering 19 cheesecakes.

    4. web_designer


      hahaa..good luck bani..finally u found the true love...in knowledgesutra community....or lets say lovesutra community...

  21. 99% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber standing on top of a skyscraper about to jump. If you are the 1% sitting there with popcorn and 3D glasses, screaming "DO A BACKFLIP!", copy and paste this as your status.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. anwiii


      me...i wouldn't be yelling jump. i would be too busy eating my popcorn!

    3. Adell


      I wouldn't yell "do a backflip", I'd shout "make sure to dive face first, okay?"

    4. Guest


      hehe... i would totally bring a camera! get some mid-air shots!

  22. just finished installing the wireless, i'm surfing through air now... MUAHAHAHAHA! /evilvoice

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. web_designer
    3. deadmad7


      about half a decade late...

    4. Baniboy


      well, i didn't need a router before, so i'm only about 5 days late

  23. I feel empty...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Baniboy
    3. mahesh2k
    4. Hurt4love


      Maybe it's because no one is on knowledgesutra anymore bani :P We should all come back I think :) I'll start then...I'm here :)

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