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Posts posted by Ruben

  1. Can you post the Image here so someone can inspect the Image to see if it can be sorted out?

    Or link to it?

    No need, SOLVED! YEAY!


    If it's a photoshop file, you'll need to save it as a PNG, or JPG while you're in PS. But personally, if this problem does persist in photobucket, why not use some alternative image hosting sites. Hey, I know of agood image hoster, that Opaque made :)



    At first I thought I was crazy! I saved it as png, but I double checked only to learn I needed more detail. :)



    Posted Image

  2. i've faced 4 life or death experiences in my life and i don't take the veiwpoint that "i'm going to die sooner or later". with the experiences i've experienced and living through them, i take the viewpoint tat i am meant to live.
    now on to answer the question. am i afrain to die? HECK NO! i believe there is an afterlife and i believe that my time on this earth is only one phase of my life cycle. i believe my body is only a shell to experience things here on earth. i've thought about life and death alot. i've thought more on what life is and it's meaning. not just what it should mean to me, but for everyone in general and i have come up with some answers wether people believe or not. does not matter to me. so no....i am not afraid of dying(continuing to live without my shell). what i am concerned about is HOW i will die. haha. i try not to think about it too much because there are a lot of ways i could die that would be a miserable death.

    but from my own experience, i am meant to live for a reason right now. too many uncanny close calls to my demise and i've always walked away unharmed. really uncanny which i wont go in to details.

    all i can say is do the best you can on earth and accept that "death" is a cycle just like life is. i put death in quotes because when you die, the only part that dies is the shell. your soul and energy continues to live...and it WILL.....and for most, another shell will be created for you to live in with the same soul and energy you had before. is that death really? not to me so i can't be afraid of it. i just have to embrace it when the time comes and hopefully it will be easy on me and i pass on quickly without much pain

    Yah, I guess I take it two different way. I'm not afraid of dying, just afraid of if it will be painful. :) :) I too believe that once life is over here, my soul will keep living. Like a lot of people, I don't believe that I will die once my purpose is complete, I think that I have no huge purpose, and will die whenever "needed." I think that I will live, and with my job (or whatever anyone does) I will help someone by doing that service. :D

  3. a very good question indeed. Simply put No I am not a bit afraid of it. been there. As some of you know I have spinal bifidaA day after my birth I was in the operating room to put what they call a shunt into my head to stop pressuer on my brain. well I died for a total of 3 mins. Sorry fokes I was too young to memeber of a white light or anything like that. but I will say this here and now. No I am not scared of dying. Fact I kind of welcome it. I look at it this way. going on a trip to see old family and friends that I haven seen in a long time. I have always felt there three stages in a person, before birth when your already in that place we all go. then here on earth. then we "die" and go back to there, and start the cycle all over again. Nice way to look at it I think. but we dont really know until it happends.

    Wow, I love that content you gave us! Heck, I think I'll print it and hang it on the wall (not literally, of course :).) I just will always remember that.

    It was very cool to learn about your condition. Just one question: if you died for 3 minutes, wouldn't you not be living? I mean, if you did live, wouldn't it be like you never died?

  4. Well, I've had the same experience. I use the Mac screenshot utility all the time, and I've never had it save to anything but PNG. However:I found this at macrumors. If you follow the link you can find more helpful information on the subject.

    It seems to me that you probably have 10.3 if you have been the only user of your computer, and you'll need to use one of the utilities mentioned.

    Thank you very much! That's great. I very much appreciate your effort for this. :)

  5. yes totally!!
    Of course i'm afraid of dying..i never think that all my hard work is in vain and that someday i'll have to leave everything that precious to me behind. But the sad reality is that no one lives forever and that someday they will die. But i'm really afraid and i'm not sure if science can help...they can make u live longer but i don't know if they can ultimately prevent one from dying. but im really afraid. If there really is a heaven or help i want to go to heaven. So even though i'm not that religious, i ty to do good atleast.

    ---> Efrain was here

    Exactly, we don't know what is dying, so I like living, and well frankly, I want to stay living.

  6. What an interesting question! It's funny, I'm not in the least afraid of dying. And it's not that I don't like living, even though some days are better than others. I guess it might be that I've faced plenty of life and death situations and gotten quite used to the idea that I'm going to die sooner or later. No matter how much I think about it, it doesn't make me nervous or afraid. Having said that I guess a little fear wouldn't be bad, though, huh? In any life and death situation I have the survival instincts and adrenalin and all that mind you. I'm just not afraid at the thought of dying.I have no doubt that I will be in a better place aftwerwards and some times I'm eager to get there. But not until the work here is done!

    Wow, asdftheking, I think you just gave me a great new prospective. I think I thought about what you said fore about five minutes. Great post, and really, thank you very much for giving up your wonderful opinion.

  7. I do not use Mac OSX, but a friend does.

    She recommends using the software and service provided at Jing Project. It saves as a loseless png and does not resize the Images. Video is also available, similar to Camtasiastudio, a well known Windows Software.

    Jing is available for Mac OSX or Windows.

    Details and Frequently Asked Questions are listed on the site linked above.

    Thank you very much! Do you know one thing? How do you change the file type it is saved as. I looked at faq's etc, but no luck. :lol:

  8. Well, if you think about what is the point of a reseller account? To make money, if you set up your hosting properly and get like 5 or 6 accounts with paid hosting you could easily make that at $5-10 easy and you start making profit right away. Since there is a paypal option to add cash into your myCents accounts that would be a viable option, and that way you can add your $18 a month at the beginning of each month and then build your profit from there.

    Thank you, but I was looking for strictly free accounts. I will look into this later

    I can possibly get about $3 a week on my usual posting regime $12 possibly a month? so if you could average 5 a week then thats $20 for the account. It's like a job

    I know, but as I said before, "strictly free." I will keep all of these in mind! Again, thank you all very much. If I have any questions, I will ask. :lol:
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