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Posts posted by Ruben

  1. Good question, and bad answer for me, i actually did not know i would have to pay for a domain transfer, but the good news is that i can pay the transfer itself with mycents, well, in the end, i guess that it is good news after all, i would have to write down a few more sentences, easy i suppose.

    Wo man! Huge spam. Let's not repeat the obvious. If you don't know the answer, don't say, "I don't know the answer."!

  2. That's the good news. lol It actually turned out the person who had the domain (that wasn't suppose to have it) account was deleted because the domain was made with a fake credit card. Poor him, if he would have given me the domain, he wouldn't have to rebuy all of his domains. Anyway, as soon as it was back on the market, I bought it through Xisto with mycents. See, all solved. :) The old domain company even emailed me telling me I did nothing wrong, and will not be held accountable. It was the admins fault, not mine. :) Glad it all worked out.

  3. Hello, Nebari. I don't want to take the place of our key welcomers here at Xisto, so I won't give you all the links in the world. Here at Xisto we are big on not using spam! Did that make sense?? Well, I think you get it. Make sure to look at everything the members give you in this post, and you'll be good to go. Again, welcome and enjoy your time at Xisto! :)

  4. Hi Guys,I was wondering what you guys think is the best phone for me. To start out, I want a phone with a great web browser. I'm trying to stay away from the iPhone, so keep that in mind. On that subject, I do have a question. Like on the iPhone, when there is a youtube video embedded, does it show up on the dare of blackberry? Also, besides the iPhone, does the blackberry or LG dare allow ajax on other sites. I hope you can understand what I mean by that. I know their speeds, so again I don't think that will be a huge factor.The next thing I would like is good eMail. I didn't say great eMail, I said "good" email. Just something that in a timely manner will get me my mail, and I can reply to it with a full qwerty keyboard. Next, I want to know if the dare has any good games. I'm not a huge person for having games, but I just would like to know. I am for sure that the blackberry storm doesn't. I hope you guys can understand that and help me find my brother phone. :) Thanks,Ruben P.S: I know that that post was really just some questions, but maybe you can try and guide me. Once I get most of those questions answered I bet I will be able to help you guys more. I don't have a chance to see this in person, so I need you guys!

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