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Posts posted by Ruben

  1. Ok, a bit confusing seeing that is contradicting common sense. For example, the famous saying: "If a tree falls in a forest, and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?" Well, according to common sense, and logic we think: yes, of course it does; but Quantum Theory says no. Quantum Theory says that something does not exist, if it is not being looked at, but because the human body has thousands of atoms, we could never loose our body. Wait! That doesn't even make sense. Really, scientifically that does make sense. But going back to if something is not looked at, it doesn't exist, well... How is that possible. They even have a theory on that on how the world was created. It doesn't make too much sense to me, so can anyone explain better?

  2. Ok, I appreciate, but here is what is happening. We have fs-talkzone.com, and fstalkzone.com that redirects to fs-talkzone.com. That way when they read the address they don't think we are stalking them. Right now someone has the domain we want, the got it instead of us, hosting mistake. Right now they won't give it back, but we'll take legal action and make sure it goes to us, the rightful owner.

  3. Could I live without the internet? Honestly? No. It used to be back in the day we relied on snail mail or the phone. But now it is E mail and internet phone calls. This is they new way of the times. I must say for myself I could not live without this. Checking my E mail every day is one of the 1st things that I do in the mornings.

    lol. I do have to say, it is a great way to communicate with friends, and business. Without the internet, the world would be a lot slower, or even really, if it stopped while having it, everything would crash. :)

  4. Ok, I was going to buy my good domain from you guys, and my non-important from another forum. The forum is Geeksteps. I fill out their template, and the admin goes to work getting the domain for me. I later am not receiving the transfer request from dyandot.com. I post in the topic for support, and they seem to get a bit mad. I have learned one thing: I don't care if they thing it is rude, as long as I don't curse, and state my facts correctly. That way, I won't get banned, but I'll get my support weather they want to give it to me, or not. After a while, I just take some screenshots. This proves to them that there was something wrong, and they should check again. They later post back saying, "we are sorry, but the domain was given to the wrong person." Ahh, just the thing to start my morning. They are nice, and offer me another .net domain, etc. But the one I really wanted, was yes, that domain. I want the admin to help me get this domain back, but he says he can't do anything about it. Really? Nothing? So, I contacted the domain service (dyandot.com), and still yet to get a response from them. I emailed the person from looking up the whois of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, and they emailed me back saying, "its mine now thanks for it." Direct quote! I'm so confused on this, and I suggest not going to their site; for their admin isn't exactly top notch. I need Xisto's help! Thanks.

  5. I think it was kind of cool, and not to forget useful. Though rating of members is kind of weird really, and it would probably annoy someone if he/she was rated badly. Because that system kind of judge persons. Someone else in this thread said that he would not take advice from people with a "bad" rating, it is kind of sad. I do not think it should affect someones credits (well, we do not have that system anymore...) if lots of people rated them that they disagreed with them. Well I am not sure how that system works. But yes, I think people should earn more if they are rated well - but I do not wish that bad rating would pull someone down. If they are so badly rated and are doing so many things wrong (such as spam) then a mod would take care of them... wow, I am talking against myself here.
    Well anyway: I liked the system a little bit, but I would not whine if it does not return. I am okay.

    You drive a good point there. Maybe we would all be better off letting the moderators do the spam control, etc. They were useful, and I would like to have them back, I just hope people don't abuse it!

  6. Hi there, and welcome to trap 17. Remember, Xisto is very strict on spam! No one liners! I know, might be hard at first, but you'll get used to it. I don't think it will be a problem for you though. Have a great stay at trap 17, stay active, and of course, have a great time! ;D Again welcome!

  7. Hi there, and welcome to trap 17. As I always say read everything above; for it will help you so much. I know it did when I was new. Also, as you will hear very often, we hate spam here. Be careful, and stay away from warnings. From your intro I don't think it will be a problem. :) Again welcome to Xisto, be active, have fun, and most of all: enjoy your great hosting. :)

  8. Hello, and welcome to Xisto. I suggest you read everything everyone has put above me. WHen I was new, it was very helpful. Second, we hate spam here, so be careful, I really don't think this will be a problem for you, but just a simple heads up. :) Again welcome to trap 17, enjoy your stay, and be active!

  9. I scout around the internet and stumble upon this review. It should provide you a much better view with user reviews and editor review. It seems that it is currently having tons of stars rating this phone positively.

    Thanks man! This helped a lot. Does anyone know more about the web browser, and email? I really want to learn more about the eMail. If I get it, email will be a huge factor. Every where I seem to look, I can't find it. :) Maybe someone here knows about it, just maybe. :)
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