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Posts posted by Ruben

  1. The reason why you haven't heard any investing ideas is because most instant-millionaires don't know what to do with that exorbitant amount of money, nor know what to do to keep it to themselves.
    If you read up on a lot of articles about millionaires that snagged their fortunes through the lottery, you'll read that most people squandered it off and actually lived rather miserable lives, during and post-winnings. Money changes things. Sometimes it even changes people. And we can say what we want to say, but for the most part, a lot of our winnings can drive us to poor choices and eventual bankruptcy if we're not careful.

    If I won the lottery, I would throw a good chunk of it into a high-yield savings account... let's say a majority of it. With the remainder of the funds, I would go out and purchase a modest, two-story Dutch Colonial style home on a decent piece of land (20+ acres). I would pay off my car, purchase one for the significant other outright, and make some purchases that I've been wanting, other than the furnishings and the goods to the new house (like a nice home theatre system, furniture, etc.) like a mid-range to near-new-tech laptop or desktop computer, games, movies, etc. After all of that is said and done, I would donate thousands to charities of my choosing, and help out friends and family with SMALL grants over periods of time with the interest gained through savings. I would still be working, but whether I remain full time or actually work part-time to spend time with the kids and the girl will probably be something of a possibility. As far as a lifestyle goes, I will still try to remain as frugal as I've been (with the exception of the moderate spending on luxuries before unavailabe to me).

    Then again, give me $10 million and see how closely I remain with these outlines of a plan that I have put out here. :lol:

    Yah, you never know! Like many wise people say: "you just don't know 'till it happens."

  2. I was surprised only to notice one person mentioned investing. lol :lol: From my post I didn't mention too much of what I would do so...My first act of business would be buying an expensive apartment in Chicago. From there I would buy the new macbook pro. Then I wold buy my own shared hosting account from some host. And last of the luxuries I would start my own shared hosting company. Simple as that. 10% would go to charity, and of course different expenses. ^_^

  3. I find that this problem of holding back the "smart" students may occur in small school districts. Students in these small schools cannot be segregated by leaning abilities because of staffing problems. This should be taken up by the school board.


    In the larger districts, segregation by abilities is afforded and usually offered. When I was in high school, we had what was called "Advanced" courses. These courses were set up for the students that excelled in their scholastic abilities. I was taking college courses in my senior year of high school. That really came in handy when I took entrance exams. I was able to ace my math. :lol:

    Exactly! At most high schools that I know of do that same system too. For example, they would have classes called "zero hour classes." This is when you would come to school early to learn an advanced class, also different skills groups were offered throughout the day.

  4. It would make life less enjoyable and boring but I think I could handle it. It would give me more time to do stuff thats good for you like reading and running. Simple put, no I wouldn't die.

    I guess you are right. What I have to do is set time aside. Yes, I'm a person who has to be organized, even when it comes to consuming my time. I'm not a weirdo, don't worry. lol :lol: I think it's great the way you think of this!

  5. I would start by giving 10%, yes a million, to the church in the form of half a million to the Salvation Army and then to other organizations including my home church.After that I would travel to Germany.
    Certainly there are the things everyone else would do such as buying a nice car (Something 4WD and an Mach 1 Mustang precisely) and a new computer (Mac). Also, taking of care of family would be a priority.

    Beyond that there are other, odder things I would set out to accomplish that are probably not on the usual list. One of those would be to make a movie. I would also spend a good amount of time learning those things I want to learn. I would learn a variety of martial arts from where I could with the resources. As well I would endeavor to attend a traditional art school some where or seek tutors where ever. When in others countries I would do my best to learn languages as well.

    I like your answer a lot! I think it's great you will be donating to your religion! Of course I agree with you buying a mac. Great choice.

    That is a very good question. Myself I would give some to the church as well. then unlike some winners of a lottery I would invest say 5 mil in a good 401K that would leave me 4 mil so with that I could pay all my bills maybe take a trip to some far off land that I know I will never see. and with the remainder? bank it and live off the interest. That is if Obama don't raise my taxes.
    But this is just a dream. Thats what I say I'd dp if I won the lottery. who really knows what I'd do. most likely something stupid like blow it on a 10 million supper dupper computer. or buy something that I really dont need or would never use.

    myself I am more they kind of guy that is not really happy with a lot of money. too much to worry about. I mean there so many scammers around that look for lottery winners just to try and scam them out of a few bucks. who needs it? not me

    I agree, but wouldn't you just buy from regular stores? I would never buy from off the street. Again, I think you life style is smart!
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