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Posts posted by Ruben

  1. Impressive, their work is amazing and it is addictive to watch too.
    This stuff is great for robotics lovers, and it is good to know that robotics is developing in a high rate, so i guess we will not wait too much for us to have a personal robot server in our house, like in the movie (I, Robot)!

    Thank you for sharing this video, i found it great to watch.

    Thanks for your comment, and lol. Let's just hope that the I, Robot doesn't turn out like they do in the movie. :)

  2. I'm definitely not afraid of dying. I figure that you can't get the most out of your life if you spent it afraid of the end.

    Good point. Shouldn't worry about something that is for sure going to happen.

    Yes, i am afraid to die, and i know that sooner or later i will die eventually but, who know the future, perhaps a cure for "death" will be invented, not a cure for the death itself but, a cure for all the deceases, for the aging i mean, and that would be amazing at least to me, i want to live forever.
    I am not actually thinking of death usually nor feeling afraid to die normally, but when i do think, i start to feel afradi of loosing the ablity to be with the ones i love and to do many things that i still want to do, and the main fear i have is to suffer before i die, that i do not want for me, i want a peacefull death, without suffering of any kind, but i do want to be concious and close to my wife and sons.

    I guess. I mean like I said before, everyone dies sooner or later, so you would be back with them, it would just be a matter of when. :)

    Great Points, Guys!

  3. No, I never give lies! If I simply don't want to answer it, I don't answer it. Easy as that. Yes, I am really a geek who likes web design. If you ask me my age, I'm not going to lie, I just won't say. >_> I have a friend who when doesn't want to give info, will lie, then write it down. Yes, write it down. If you know him, he's the guy who takes ten minutes when you ask him a lie he made. This way no one can say he was lying. Weird: yes; strange: yes; smart: what do you think? lol

  4. That was petty awesome, Thanks for sharing the link. I love Jamie and Adam and watch mythbusters whenever I see it on. Again thanks for that link that was great!

    Me too. Their show is awesome! As well as discovery!

    I know that vid. I have watched it several times before and I can't believe my eyes when I watch it! xD
    How can possibly a man draw something like that in Paint? This means that if Leonardo Da Vinci lived in the 21st century only God knows what he could have created with all the mighty computer programmes we have now! WOW! :)

    One Word: EXACTLY! Or in other words: I wonder... :D:)

  5. I dislike using IMAP because it doesn't have any of the amazing features the web version has like using labels instead of folders, and the great search algorithm used to find your messages, so at the moment I am using the web version, but I would love a dedicated gmail application that takes all the features of the web version to your desktop. Google actually has quite a few libraries to allow developers connect to google accounts. If anyone is up to helping me with it, I'd love to work on such an application.

    Good point both of you. I guess I'm going to spend some time with the "online" version now, maybe I'll change my mind. But for the time being I love my apple mail app, for it has everything I need (including stationary). Now, galexcd, if you were to create a app just for google, I too would love that. I have no experience in the matter, but if you were, please PM me about it. :) :)

  6. Font looks ok. Drop the anti-alias to make it crisp as the font itself is a bitmap font.
    The airplane should not have any shadow since the background is dark on the left. IF you insist to have the shadow, make it blur and have the foreground plane to be white color.

    Other than those listed above, your first try is considered good, you have the grip of making userbars :)

    How do you drop the anti-alias? Great advise. :)
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