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Everything posted by liod

  1. Does it detect USB Flash Drive whitout installing any driver?
  2. Hello,I have a Acer Aspire One laptop. I was wondering which linux is good for my laptop. I like coding PHP and Phyton. Please give me suggestion.Thank you
  3. liod


    I`ve never read it.But i will watch its movie soon.All of book store in my city is displaying twilight in their best seller shelf.
  4. Oh man!!! It`s a great book. I like how Dan Brown make us wondering who is the enemy.And the ending is unpredictable.Read Angel and Demon too.!!!
  5. It`s titled `Laskar Pelangi` by Andrea Hirata from Indonesia. soon english version of this novel will be available.
  6. I run both ubuntu and vista on my PC.But i like to use ubuntu on my laptop.
  7. Hello friends,Do you know where i can get free eBook or low price ebook about OOP on PHP?Or you know site which teach us about Object Oriented Programming on PHP?Thank you very much.
  8. Does Xisto - Support A record?Because afraid.org doesn`t supprt DNS record
  9. Yes, they are very slow. They use mysql host not in localhost, but in different server.That makes the site slower to load. Its mysql quota is very limited 10mb.I hosted my site in xisto trough qupis, and i`ve never got downtime.They are fast.
  10. I think it`s hard to get SMTP or php sendmail enabled for free and instant.I think it can`t be compared to Xisto. Xisto is Post 2 Host while freehostia is not.I think you can`t get professional free web host like Xisto in freehostia.Freehostia is lack of downtime if you use php5.If u use php4, your site will be faster.
  11. I think it`s absolutely normal as human :)But don`t too much doing it. It has negative effect.
  12. They are died now.The sit was no longer exist.They are too much over sell their host with low post requirement
  13. Well, hate it for now after used it.They are oversell. We get limited cPanel, Many feature disabled.
  14. There is one it is oxyhost.com. You can get tld by participating at its forum. But after you get your domain, your site must be hosted in their server. It`s better to choose Xisto. You can buy domain only and host it everywhere
  15. But 50webs doesn`t offer any server side scripting like PHP, ASP or JSP.Trap 17 has great feature compared to 50webs. You will get everything that 50webs can give and even more, but you can`t get hosted instanly.If you earn myCents a lot, you will see that Xisto. Is the best of all
  16. liod


    I usually read book before go to sleep.This is work fine with me.Try it bro.
  17. Why don`t you try to play soccer or badminton?It`s easy, fun, and healthy.
  18. Can we add dropdown list or button with this class?
  19. Yea,They payed me 100$ in cheque.Whenever i want to make the cheque to money, my bank account charged me 20$. :)
  20. As far as i know, adsense is CPC.But adsense might has changed it.I dunno
  21. This host is many like and many hate.Some said that this site is terminated their account for no reason.I`v never used it.
  22. How about Fedora? Is it a good Linux distro?
  23. Can we recover file from USB flash disk which has already formatted?
  24. Hey, i like your AJAX. I can create ligin and PM script but i dunno about combining with ajax.Thank you.
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