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Running With Scissors

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Everything posted by Running With Scissors

  1. I think John Mccain made a great choice when he desided to make Sarah Palin his vice president. One reason is she is young and it goes well with John Maccain experience. Another reason to like Sarah Palin is that she is pro-life. Lastly she was raised with good morals and isn't afraid of what others think of her. She doesn't act a certain way to get votes and she doesn't do things because she thinks it will get her elected. She does things because thats what she believes in and isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes is right.
  2. I love baked macaroni and cheese. I might just have to try your recipe Evolke except no onions (I hate onions). Have you ever tried PizzaHuts new baked bacon macaroni and cheese? For a place that makes pizza it sure is good.
  3. Every time your myCent goes beyond 100 it will (maybe not right away) subtract 100 from your myCent and add 1 dollar to your earned column. This earned column is the money that you can spend at Xisto - Support. You cann't spend your myCent, at least not until you turn it into your earnings.
  4. I would see a dentist. If it is some gum disease the sooner you go in the better. When was the last time you went to the dentist? Also maybe try getting tooth paste that has gum disease fighting stuff.
  5. Are you kidding? If you really are only eight you write very well for your age. Welcome to Xisto. If I was you I would use the old hosting. I would wait until they iron out the new system and use it. Eirther way you have to post to host. Here at Xisto as long as you have good posts and stay active they give you free hosting. If you have any questions just ask.
  6. Yes! I now have myCENT on Xisto. You were right pyost you need at least five posts before the system allows you to have myCENT.
  7. Oh that maybe it. This will be my 5th post on Xisto so after this post I'll stop posting for 4-5 hours to see if you're correct.
  8. Trap17 great. I still haven't got the hang of the new credit system though which is the reason I post on Xisto as well as Xisto now. I'm not the most technical person in the world lol. Do you train for those 5ks or do you just show up and do them for fun?
  9. I have a account on Xisto and it has the new mycent thing next to my name and it works fine and I thoght now since it goes off of email if I made a account with the same email the mycent thing would show up here as well but it isn't. Is this some thing on my end or what?
  10. Call of Duty 4 is one of the best (if not the best) war games you can buy him in my opinion. Its looks good and the single player is amazing. I have never really played any flight simulators because they look really boring and are pricey so instead I play flighter aviation games like Ace Combat 5 and stuff like that which is less real looking but a lot more fun.
  11. Hello everyone. I have a account on Xisto but I thought I give trap 17 a try as well since there seems to be no major difference. Now I guess I should say a little bit about me. I'm 18yr old guy. I run cross country and track. I also am planing on doing triathons this spring/summer.
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